Thursday, February 27, 2014 0 b*tchin

Khalid inks water deal with Kangkong Inc

Dear Emma,

In a rather amusing move by Kangkong Inc, our dear state MB Khalid signed a deal with the federal government to finally take over the water "rights" from SYABAS. Alot of people are raging in the Internet about the implication of this deal considering the bloody pictures in the signing which our Mr Kangkong and his Sidekick smiling hand in hand with Khalid, plus the "I'm in the dark on this matter" comment from PKR.

My personal view is what the heck is the other "OMGWTF u doing Khalid!?" peoples should either

a. Shut the f*ck up when water ratio hit their home
b. Shut the f*ck up on Khalid doing what he done

Common people, wtf u expecting? Selangor Govt goin in gun blazing ala Rambo Chuck Norris style in Putrajaya to demand our water "rights" from the Najib and getting away with it? Think a bit la, u seriously really think Kangkong Inc and his cronies will let Selangor Govt take over their ace card in Selangor without any perks ah?

Now, I dunno wat outcome tis signing will lead to... Maybe Selangor will be screwed by Federal via the signing loopholes at later stage, maybe Khalid might screw Selangor (with the amoung of politiking happening lately can't blame me for suspecting Khalid) or etc, but I do know at this point of time, I support Khalid's action.

Water is a necessity, heck it's one of the basic human needs (from Alam dan Manusia okay). While I'm not happy with Syabas getting at huge pay cheque, I do look forward what Selangor Govt could do with this water "rights". The best way Selangor Govt can do is not play the blame game with Syabas but rather get these "rights" back from these lazy cronies hands and show how to properly managed water in Selangor. By showing that the Selangor Govt can managed the water better than Syabas, they can justify that Syabas indeed is f*cking around with the Selangor's water. That would not only increase Selangor's people confidence in their State Govt but also possibility solved the water crisis we that has plague our state from some time now. That I think will be the better win-win rather than playing this zero sum game with Syabas. Let's face the reality on this matter, no way in hell is Selangor gonna win back the water "rights" via force without support from Federal Govt. Spare me the crap on people power, blablabla... as long Malaysians are incline to complain, moan and b*tch rather than take real action, nothing will be resolved...

Ask Malaysians to pick up arms to guling this country, give shit excuse "we don't believe in violence", "that is not democratic way" or "I'm scared la".
Ask Malaysians to stop working till government give in to demand, give shit excuse "No work, no $$$, how to drink Starbucks la" or "I got my bills to pay leh"
Ask Malaysians to go to free Psy show by Kangkong Inc, will say "Go see free show onli la, election won't vote for them"

How to expect integrity leader is citizen already all no integrity leh?

As MFR often said to me...
"You just sitting there and take no action and effort to find gal, you expect gal drop from heaven onto your lap meh"

U seriously think Selangor Govt do nothing but talk wan to takeover water "rights", water will fall from heaven into your tap meh Syabas will let their cash cow go meh? We voted for Khalid last election so let's trust him on this... 
Saturday, February 15, 2014 0 b*tchin

Balding self

Dear Emma,

Across the past 5 years, my hair is dropping like... ugh like... leng luis annoyingly looking the other way when they catch me staring at em...

Yes Emma, I know I look handsome with or without my hair but losing your "mane" does put a dent in one's self confidence. Never have I thought I would lose my golden mane at the twilight of my years (Remember, dun laugh at people with balding problems coz karma is a b*tch, trust me on this)... Spelly asked me the other day if I was interested in going for a hair transplant with him (he starting to form a Vegeta M hairline). I told him I view the hair as a superficial part of appearance and I have already accepted the fact I rather go bald then spend a buck load of $$$ to regrow/replant em. Spelly however disagree and claims having a nice bunch of hair contributes to self confidence, which I agree to certain degree.

I remember hearing the tale of how Indians would go cut off all their hair at a river as sort of tribute to their gods. They believe that their hair is their "ego" and by cutting them away, they are removing all their negative parts and devoting that now empty part of them to their god instead.

Do I want to be born bald? Of course no... F*CK, I never had the opportunity to grow a heavy metal hairstyle but fate (my gens) already decided it time for me to learn to remove me ego. Across the past 3-4 years, the crown of me head started to "balder" making my head look like someone nuked a hole the the center of my head. My front hairline also started to declined and hair growth started to slow down. Trips to the barber seem to most of the time end up with barber using the clippers 80-90% and scissors 10-20% ratio. And since my hairstyle tend to be the short, I need to visit the barber more regularly to keep my hair in check due to the uneven growth of my hair (front and crown slower than other part).

I have for some time play around the idea of shaving me entire head bald and save me the $$$ and shame of having a nuke hole at my head but I often back down at the "tell the barber what haircut I want" stage. Anyway today Emma, inspired by some youtube videos and to show my "middle finger" to valentine days, I decided to cut my hair myself... So, drum rolls...



Shortest haircut EVER...
Monday, February 10, 2014 0 b*tchin

True Detective Ep 4


Those were my thought at the end of episode 4 of True Detective... Another long 1 week wait to see who da f*ck gonna get high again to solve the murder...

True Detective is a flagship of possibility a collection of mini series. The 1st season entails the investigation of 2 4 detectives chasing a serial murder across 3 timeline. The story is told from the current timeline 2012, where 2 detectives calls in the 2 detectives Cohle and Marty whom is in charge of a serial murder for questioning on some holes in their case report. Cohle is a obsessive, pessimistic and detached as a human being while Marty is the more stereotype family guy detective with some "pussy" problem and f*ckin hyprocrite.

The story flips back and forth between 2012 where the 2 detectives ask Cohle and Marty to walk them through their side of the story, and 1995 where Cohle and Marty encounter the murder case. The dynamic of the partnership of Cohle and Marty is nothing short but stellar, from script writing to acting. Besides the dynamic of whodunnit in the murder case, the series also makes us wonder wtf happend between Cohle and Marty to end up as who they are now in the 2012 timeline due to the noticeable difference they were in 1995 vs 2012. All sort of others elements such as religions, drugs, relationship, right & wrong are brought up and we are treated to 2 totally polar opposite takes on these matters. The serial murder case itself which seems to hint on some satanic elements also adds suspense to the overall series. We know that Cohle and Marty have managed to solved the case early in episode 1, but it was revealed there has been another murder with the exact same MO (Method of Operation) hence raising all sort of questions... Is this a copy cat crime? Did they catch the right murderer in 1995? Are they (Cohle or/and Marty) related to the murder in 2012?

My 2012 murder suspect list: Cohle, Marty, Marty's wife or someone random. Yes, the main characters are in my suspect list cause the story manages to hint on the darkness on each of these characters. On Marty's wife however I put in my suspect list as I feel a sudden twist with her being the murder would be a really big "WTF" moment. I do hope I am proven wrong with my guess and hope for a less predictable twist.

Btw, I do predict we will be seeing a "monster" of some sort at the ending. It's just seem like poetic justice to have a "monster" at the end.
0 b*tchin

Valetines Day

Dear Emma,

It's just Feb, and I already hate 2014. Why you ask, darling? Well, just consider the last 1.5 months time period. Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year and now Valentine Day? Sith Spit... The jolly, review success, family interrogation and the "I'm still single so laugh at me" holiday... Normally I would feel depressed on these days and move on since I endured these shit days for decades already, but the short time span in which these holidays are distanced among each other annoys me. Just when I was over my depression on how empty 2013 turn out for me during New Year in just 1 month, I have to re review 2013 in Chinese New Year. And just 1 weeks later, chap goh mei and this...

Valentine Day
1. Celebration of spring fertility (spring is only really happening around the same latitude as Southern Italy, where this holiday was technically invented, but whatever) as celebrated by the Romans. Later overlapped with the feast of St. Valentine, and was accordingly Christianized in a way that made little to no sense (assuming that St. Valentine was not the patron Saint of getting it on).
2. Some damn Hallmark holiday that was designed to make men, no matter what their situation (dating, married, single, playa, whatever) miserable. 

1. Let's all celebrate the emerging sexual urges of animals in church. Thank you Valentine's Day!  
2. Single men are depressed, dating men are stressed, and married men are teetering on the brink of suicide. Yup, its Valentine's Day.

~I'm single and I know it...

How can I not know it, when every year on this f*ckin day, the world would tell you it's a day for couples to show their love to each other and single people should mourn alone at home, watching the movie "Home Alone" while munching away over a mountain of chocolates.

I quite lazy to repeat the "f*ck you couples for rubbing it into our faces on valentines" banter I have repeated yearly in here so I will try something new this year...

"What ever"

A month off facebook, I managed to realign myself as the center of my universe. I re realize the reality that things are always a ying and yang. Being single sucks, we don't have someone of the opposite sex to share our life with, cuddle at night, mate with, spend our $$$ on presents for days like valentines, etc... but I recall the reality that being a couple ain't a sunshine everyday thing either. Imagine being bound to someone for the rest of your life? Want to go watch an action flick drama but she wants to watch Twilight... Want to eat something cheap but she wants to eat something pricey...Want to spend the weekend at home but she want to go shopping... The expectation and stress of having to fork out $$$ to buy things to show our affection to the other party on days like valentines... The compromises that comes with being a couple.

Yes Emma, it comes with a price.... I guess I was a blinded due to my over addiction to facebook. Constant posts of "Look at me! I'm happy" photos people post in their facebook account I was led to believe every coupled "friend" of mine is happy and riding into the sunset when the reality is no one posts sad photos of themselves in facebook (heck, no one even takes sad photos of themselves). Single people should realize in reality couples have to deal with shit like we do, it's just the shit they deal with is different type of shit. We single deal with our own shit, couples need to work together to deal with their combined shit (Think 2 different color shits in a ice cream shaped swirl).

So to close this blog entry on valentines which I somehow managed to linked to shit, I offer some words of wisdom...

For singles:
Go do something that couples can't do on valentines: booze pass midnight, dota the whole night, watch a movie you like, etc... Stop mourning every single valentine, we should celebrate it too, not as a day we shower our affection to our soul mate (since we don't have one) but rather to shower our affection to our life...
"It's not the love of one other person that's matter. It's the love of life" - Patrick, Before Midnight.
For couples:
F*ck you!