Producers: GONZO
Genre: Action + Drama
Episodes: 26
Behind the amazingly CGI rendered airship battles that is wage upon the misty skies, this anime foretells the tale on a group of people who flies among the skies for dream, revenge, love, duty, freedom, friendship, pride, survival and power.
War rages upon the heaven skies as two countries divided by the Grand Stream, Anatoure and Deusis wage a war under the manipulation of the mysterious Guild. A pair of vanship pilot and navi has been assigned with the dangerous task of delivering a peace declaration from Anatoure to Deusis. The peace however was not meant to be as both of them died in their attempt to cross the ever violent Grand Stream.
Claus Valka and Ravey Hedde are a pair of vanship pilot and navi that dream is to one day cross the Grand Stream. By the twist of fate, Claus and Ravey finds themselves from delivering messages using their vanship to being enlisted as crews of the battleship Silvana, which is under the command of Alex Rou. Upon the Silvana, Claus and Ravey meets and befriends a huge cast of character each which chooses to fly upon the skies for all sort of different reasons.
- A great cast of characters and great airship battles.
- Medicore animation quality on some episode, probably budget issue.
- The ending was bitter-sweet but left alot of loose end untied.
- A must watch anime for those who enjoy airship battles. A recommended watch meanwhile for those who don't.
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