Monday, May 19, 2008


"How often do you find the right person? Once..."

Just watch this movie at Midvalley yesterday...

Often in a movie, it's the case the main driving point is the storyline with the theme songs existing to enhance the story telling process... But to me, it feels as the main driving point in this movie are the theme songs themselves with the storyline working as a backdrop to these songs. As if telling the story for these songs...

While this movie fell abit discorded in terms of storyline, the music is top notch. I could really feel the emotions Glen Hansard conjure, whenever he sings especially the song "Say it to Me Now".

Hard to imagine this movie was filmed with just a budget of 100K on a Sony Digicam... Just proves you don't need $$$ or f*ckin big Hollywood superstars to produce a awesome movie.

Verdict: F*ckin Rapid!

1 b*tchin:

chris said...

ONCE again i rekomen u great time i rekomen u film, u shud treat me