Monday, February 2, 2009

Feb Monday Blues

Dear bloggie,

Feel depressed today,

maybe it's coz it's a monday,
maybe it's coz my CNY holiday is over,
maybe it's coz I have to go back to work,
maybe it's coz I spent to much time in facebook lately,
maybe it's coz I haven't had alcohol in my system for quite some time,
maybe it's coz I'm 26 years 5 months 18 days today,
maybe it's coz I got nothing to look forward to tomolo, and the next day after tomolo, and the next next day after tomolo...

Just wish there's a goddamn reset button for my life I can slam my fist on. Start from day 1 again. Yet again, would there be any difference? It's gonna be the same depressing storyline again... Y bother?

0 b*tchin: