Sunday, July 26, 2009

MFR = Monker F*cker Rocker

Dear bloggie,

Today, I have taken my first step in my quest to transcend the godlike monk.

I have performed the "botaking" (Ok, almost botak) ritual, like those pilgrims do in Tirupati, shaving their head bald as a sign of discarding one's ego and vanity infront of their god.

Wat u think bout my new look? Looks Monker F*cker Rocker don't ya agree...? Wait till I get my ears pierced and grow a goatee to finish of tis new look...

Note: While I went blank, Spelly maintain a 99.9% similar hair style while Suke went Super Saiyan (to hide his white hair)...

2 b*tchin:

LouYea said...

this is awesome!!!

Kyuzo said...

Yoyo, long time no see/chat/watever...

Kong hei, kong hei on ur 2nd one... Hahaha... Need me help do those sami blessing ar not? I charge 50% off, cantek?