Dear bloggie,
Went to watch Daybreakers with MFR awhile ago so since I haven't watch any movie at the cinema for quite a long time, I decided to blog about it. Well, there's also the I wanted to write something into this stupid blog and I had no topic to blog about factor too.
Anyway, back to Daybreakers... Story in short, vampire overthrown the human civilization and human have been degenerated into a cattles (well sort of). Staring the star of "Before Sunset", Ethan Hawke... Ethan however this time around isn't playing the role of a f*cked up romantic perverted writer that meet a French babe. Ethan plays Edward, an creature of the dark (ie: Vampire) that works (Yea, even Vampires have to work) as a blood researcher. The whole vampire community is on the brink of collapse as human is on the verge of extinction, hence no more human blood. No more human blood = No more food for vampires. Edward has been trying to develop as artificial human blood to solve the crisis but haven't been able to found one that doesn't blow a vampire up. To deepen the plot, Edward actually pity the human and detest being a vampire. So by chance, Edward got
called up by Morpheus to be told he is the chosen one and can fulfill the prophecy mixed up with a gang of human resistance. Seem there is a human that actually turned from a vampire and managed somehow to revert back into a human. The humans want Edward to find the reason behind this. Hence a begins a race between the 2 sides, the vampire to capture the humans and the humans to find the cure for vampirism.
The movie plot has quite a lot of ironic touch to it. Take for instance the concept of being a vampire that is immortal but having to still slave to the
man vampire. Also the struggle between both side, vampire and human looked more like a genocide in my book. Was the central issue really about vampire and human? I personally think it's a issue between those on top that want to remain in power rather than a war between 2 kinds of species. The scene near the end is in my opinion a testament that the monster were never the vampires, but rather the greedy, manipulative, sob inside of all of us... Also on the movie raises a quite interesting topic on immortality. I read a almost similar essay on "What if we all were immortals" quite some time back (15+ years ago), which instead of giving a b*tching story on the stupid f*ckin wonderful thing we human can do with no limit to out lifespan, tackles the problem of in balance caused by this. The world resources today alone is already running in the -vef (consume more than replenish). Imagine if we are all immortals, can't die. How much faster would the resources run out? What happens when the resources can't support us any longer? Imagine a food ration on our food. And imagine the food getting less and less everyday as newborns come into this world coupled with no deaths due to immortality. The end? I imagine we would have a riot in our hands, humans turning against human to survive...
0 b*tchin:
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