Friday, May 21, 2010


Dear bloggie,

Just finish doing my arms workout... Checkout my guns, dudes...

My water gun... LOL

FYI, guns is term in body building for arms. So when ppl boosting "Checkout my guns, dude!", they're asking u to ogle, envy and drool at their gigantic arms. However mine guns are still like chicken wings, no need ogle , envy and drool... U can just laugh instead at it...

Anyway, here's my thoughts on my progress:

Shoulder: Quite satisfied. Lateral and front part coming quite ok, still need work on balancing the rear part of the shoulder.

Biceps: Strength improve quite a lot but mass not sure

Triceps: Strength and mass improve only a bit only. Surely most lagging muscle part. Since tis part is 2/3 of the arm (Big arms = Train Triceps), is certain the reason why my arm looks small.

Brachialis: Started to pop up de. This is a small piece of bugle muscle in between the biceps and triceps that can be developed via hammers curls. Why izt good to develop this muscle? Because when this bugle get bigger, it will push the biceps and triceps muscle outwards and give the illusion your arm is bigger.

Forearm: No physical changes. Expected since no train this part. Actually got train but indirectly only. Don't want Popeye arms so will no train till biceps and triceps bigger.

So did my arm grew bigger? I not so sure also... I notice more curves la, but maybe it's fat lost instead of muscle growth. Either that, or I'm disillusion on these curves...

3 b*tchin:

LouYea said...

Fulamak, impress wei~~~

chris said...

show this to yogal la

Kyuzo said...

lou yea: Is photo illusion only...

mfr: She already seen tis and "more" lah. But I more want to show my "cobra" pose to someone whose fun and funny, can ar?