Saturday, September 25, 2010


Dear bloggie,

Very emo post... Skip if u dun wanna read a self pity loser b*tchin on how depressing his life can sometimes be...

It's rather "FUNNY", now that I think about it. How could I not see this coming... Doing the same mistake, time after time after time again. Never learn do I. Perhaps I was blinded by my new found positive energy gained from gymin.

Depressingly really, how sometimes I feel like I could change, I could be different, and then reality comes like a ton of brick behind my shoulders...

Forgot to see myself in the mirror like most hardcore gymers do after their workout, looking for the smallest spec of change in their physical. If I had, I could have realized the fact...

People can't change, they can pretend/think/imagine they changed but they can never change their inner self.

I'm a rock... Always have been, always will be...

0 b*tchin: