Monday, February 28, 2011

Zigtech Treadmill Challenge

Dear bloggie,

Burnt some calories today for the Reebok Treadmill Zigtech Challenge...

824 calories to be exact...

After run, ate a pasta I estimate to be 500+ calories and nite time ate buffet steamboat, another 500 calories... So plus and minus, I gained 200+ calories... -_-'

Ran a negative split ran. Started 6.4kmph, slowly ram up to 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11 and 12... A bit surprised I can sustain the ram up with not too much difficulty. And to think a few months back (6 months) I had trouble maintaining 10kmph pace on the treadmill. Miscalculated the ram up rate, I think should have ram up faster as by the end of the challenge, still got gas left...

Anyway, alot freebies... But the main thing I want aka "Reebok Bag" not entitled since they kick me to the afternoon time slot coz too many people. *Sigh*

0 b*tchin: