Saturday, April 23, 2011 0 b*tchin


Dear bloggie,

Just receive this month's salary. Sad figure for raise. Up by 5% 2.5% onli. Can't even cover inflation cost. Last time say my skill not up to mark, haggle my salary down... now I deliver every piece of sh*t on time... Can't even gimme the price I put in last year!? My price already very low from market price de, still can't even gimme my 10%!? Is tis damn 10% too much to ask!? I just need a sense of I'm moving forward... If my skill so char and my price too high, then just use my salary to hire someone better la!

I maybe a loser... but I'm not a beggar!
Friday, April 22, 2011 0 b*tchin

1 Minute of fame?

Hard to imagine I ran 1 hour for tis 1 minutes of fame... Can u spot the monkz?
Saturday, April 16, 2011 0 b*tchin

LOL Story

Dear bloggie,

The title of tis blog entry is self explanatory. Let me tell u pretty LOL story so u can have a good LOL moment tis weekend.

Well, today I went to GYM pumped up to prove MFR wrong, that's I'm won't KCKL. Sadly, Gymui (GYM + Mui = Gymui) was MIA for yoga class today. So I do yoga lor like normal. Then after class do my resistance training, blast my shoulder and leg. My confidence was at a all time high thx to my success to do a machine leg press of 160kg. So I walked into my Bodypump class a hour later. Saw her coming out from the Bodycombat class. Aiikss... So fast vanish into locker again. [Insert Dota "Godlike" sound here] EPIC FAIL again...

So I did my weekly ritual of light resistance, high reps training in Bodypump. After class, I walk to the sofa to take a break... While drinking, suddenly spotted her walking pass from the cardio area. She gave me the "odd" look again that she been giving me the last few times. Then she vanish into locker again. So I went to my locker and took a quick bath. After bath, I fought a brief struggle to either wait for her or just forget it and bla. Since MFR would probably call me a KCKL again if I bla, I decided to slack at the sofa to wait for "chance". After around 20 minutes of waiting, I thought she already bla, so I also decided to bla. Mana tau she appear from the locker and walked to the exit to return the towel. Thinking she was blaing, I mah pura pura wanna bla also lor. Sadly, when I walked to the exit, she make u turn back to sofa area -_-". We walked pass each other, and we both said "Hi" at the same time... Since I already walking out, I can't make u turn de, so walked out lor. Out side the gym, a brief struggle ensue, to wait like a stalker or call it a day. Since I'm a man and man = hunter, so I decided must stalk my prey one.

A few minutes later she appeared... with a batang... >_<

I was standing in the center but before I could run with my tail behind my back, she saw me. She gave a smile n nod. I try to remain composure and selamba gave a nod back and walked away.

Amkhan betul... Well, quite a LOL story (at my ego expense)... Learnt a few lessons:

1. I sux at this kau lui game
2. NEVER be a stalker, coz now the Gymui will probably tag me "Creepy Sohai Stalker"
3. Always take a chance, while u might fail, it's better to fail then to ponder "maybe"
4. Actually wtf was I thinking when I was stalking her outside the gym? If I do meet her alone, what was I gonna say? "Hi, it's ur frenly gym stalker again"

Hope u enjoy this LOL story... Now it's time I drown my sohainess with work...
Friday, April 15, 2011 0 b*tchin

How to stop ur belly from being a 1 pack

Dear bloggie,

MFR (Incase u dunno, it's Mother F*cker Rocker) today pop me the question

"wat exercise for abs?"

The basic of every workout is to have a goal. Gain muscle? burn fat? Gain strength? Gain flexibility? Tone ur muscle? So I ask wat kinda abs he wanted, the super slim marathoner one or the hulk one, where u can take people head and slam, can crack their head. He say just wanted to keep his perut buncit less buncit... >_<

So in short, Mother F*cker Rocker was turning into Monkish Fat@$$ Rock. I can understand the feel of looking at ur round potted belly and pondering was how+when in chihuahua did it got so big!? Anyway, here is my answer for reducing ur perut buncit problem.

Sadly, there is no abs exercise for perut buncit problem. There is no such thing as spot removal. What this means in laymen term is, say I use my "brother" below everyday to "exercise", the fat around my "brother" won't go away. To fuel our body when we exercise, our body will burn first carbs... If no more carbs, it will burn fat, followed by protein, last of all if no more protein to burn we die. So that's why we need to exercise more than a period of time (Some claim 20 min), before our body runs outta carbs and onli starts to burn fat. However, here's the most important thing, the fat our body burn... It's not the exercise that determine fat from where get burnt but rather it's our body that determine it. In 10 words or less, we can't control where the fat we burn comes from. Typically, the body have a higher tendency to burn fat from our belly last. That's why it's hard to trim down on the spare tire.

Ok, so wat abs exercise is best then? You see, abs exercises typically will strengthen the core and amp up the muscle there. To unbuncit ur perut however, u need to BURN FAT BABY! Hence the answer is no abs exercise, but rather do cardio. Wat is cardio? Cardio is any activity that evaluates ur heart to the zone where ur body starts burning carbs and fat. If u wan more details on cardio, Here is a GREAT source.

While cardio should be the core of one's workout, one should also consider throwing in a few resistance training to bulk up. The reason is that muscle will ramp up one's metabolism. Higher metabolism = Burn carbs + fat. The main goal here is to have enuff muscle, so even when ur slacking at the sofa, ur burning fat!

Last of all, I think I come to the most important part of this topic. Nutrition! People think u exercise, burn fat, end of story. Well, sad to say... greatest myth of all. The best way to lose fat, is to eat less fatty sh*tz. Take for instance McDonald Big Mac has a whooping 576 calories (50% of em from fat), which takes around 40-50 minutes of jogging to burn!

So that's my take on pot belly's question above... Do note, it's based on what I read since I started "gyming"...
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 0 b*tchin


Dear bloggie,

I just feel like resigning today...

Maybe it's time...
Sunday, April 10, 2011 0 b*tchin


Dear bloggie,

Pterodactyl! Tricetops! Tyrannosaurus Rex!
Pu To Tyra
Pu To To, To To Tyra...

Final form for Kamen Rider OOO... *Sigh* Dunno why all the final form the design really cacat one... Best final form design so far, I have to say is Blade final form (aka King Form). Well, atleast this form is not so disfigured like Den-O's final form (Yuck!!!)...

According to rumors, this "Big Barney" (Dammit Purple Dinogay @ Putotyra) Form is a special form that can't mix with other forms of OOO's. Also when OOO takes this form, it's will enter a berserk mode sorta like Kamen Rider Joker Fang. It's has wings to fly (Ptero), has a tail to bash (T-rex) and got 2 horns on it's shoulder to impale it's foe (Tricetop)... Talk about overpower... It's weapon, the Medagaburyuu is a portable axe cum bazooka. It's scanning charge, the "I Luv U, U luv me, we are happy family" attack (Just jokin, if got tis attack, really walau liao)...

So far OOO already showed his all his possible combo forms which are Tajadorou, Shauta, Sagohzo, Latoratar & Gatakiriba. While Tajadorou is the strongest form, my favourite design form is Latoratar. The head design my very likely like.

Tis is it for tis entry... Till next farked up entry

Sayonara! Tata! Byebye!
Sa Ta Bye
Sa Ta Ta, Ta Ta Bye...
Saturday, April 9, 2011 0 b*tchin

Slack Wars: Return of the monk

Dear bloggie,

I'm feel like I'm slowly reverting back to my monk mode. It been a tough process, but I'm starting to get the "deattached" feel again de. Not easy to regain it as every day, the wound will reopen abit coz I need to see her. Keep bumping into her, before work at car park, during lunch, even after work... Worst is during stand up, since team reshuffle, stand up change location to just behind my seat. She also decided to change standing place, has high preference to stand beside me. Probably this way she dun have to look at me. So close, yet so far from me, a place where for me, has no distance....

As for running, I'm still resting my leg. I hope I can heal 100% before I resume any active racing, and have allocated a hiatus till May before doing even practice running. I'm thinking of modifying my running resolution this year as I think it's better to cut down a bit on these run for this year considering my injury. Focus more on the Penang, Setia Alam and KL event.

Work wise, my work rate again is dropping with every passing sprint. Last sprint took up only 29 story points, yet struggle to finish on time. Barely managed to meet the timeline, no thanks to the lack of acceptance criteria in my user story, my 2 days clear leave holiday and my lame@$$ programming skill. Lucky I decline a 40 points story that my team leader wanted to assign to me, else sure unable to complete in time one.

Last of all, for the 1st time EVER (2 years + de)... A gal actually came up to strike a conversation with me in the gym today. Stunned me a bit, coz we actually been going to quite alot of the same yoga/pilates classes de for quite sometime but never spoke to each other before. Guess I sorta trigger tis event when I stared at her at the sofa area after class a week ago. I was actually resting at the sofa set, when she and her frens sat opposite me. So I look at her, she caught me staring and I release a bit of eletrik (LOL, just joking, no eletrik just my sex fiend stare). Today at class, after class when we cross path to put our mat back, she gave me a funny look one, I KCKL coz not sure if green or red light so I just walk out. Mana tau, on the way to sofa area, she suddenly appear on my side and asked me if I was joining bodycombat. I was like stunned, and answer no. Sohai betul punya answer... But I also not so sure if I'm ready to try again after my epic failure recently.
Sunday, April 3, 2011 0 b*tchin

Fishing in the gym

Dear bloggie,

I'm still reeling from my disastrous 1st attempt to make human contact with the other species (aka female). Anyway after a long bullsh*t chat with MFR which can be summarized in a few simple words which are "move on, girl see u as creep".

Anyway, MFR noted a great place for me to get back into the horse riding game is a place I frequent visit, the gym. So tada... this lame blog entry.

Now, my personal observation... Yes, there are chicks in the gym. I mean, common... how do hot chick with killer body get their body to begin with? They sweat it out and work their cute @$$ to obtain it, of course.

Summary of my observation on spotting of chick will likely to occur in gym:

a) Yoga oriented. Mind relaxation & stretching out their "tight" corners. Aim for the class instructors, that way atleast got 1 chick to see in class.
b) Para, para, sakura. Dance & jiggle chicky... Body Jam, Line dancing, belly dancing, karma sutra dancing...
c) Involve working out their leg or glutes (aka @$$). Bodystep, Stepmaster, Wavemaster (Yes, I also luv to run behind the treadmill behind this machine when got chick using it!!!)
d) Fit ball. It's round, it's bouncy and it's hard to balance on. Nice to hug, nice to lie ontop, nice to ********. No, just making a lame joke. Not much chick like to attend fit ball (atleast for my gym la).

Beware however, all these "hot chicks" spots also happens to be "cold aunties" spots as well. Ever seen a granny doing the wave master!? *Puke blood*

On the side note, most of these chicks often got a skinny dude or 200+ pound gorrilaz de one. Beware if you want to ogle on the later, if you get caught... kena tangkap lor...

So the moment u all been waiting for... Wat are my pointers on fishing in the gym? I got none buddy... Why? Coz I already got the tag "Cool Lone Ranger Guy, Shoo! Shoo!" label on my back. I fall under the category of people that will focus more on workout then whoever around me. I mean, after all I come to gym to workout, if I wanna f*ck a girl with my eye I can watch a p0rn movie on my lappy right? No need so susah go all the way to gym mah. Besides, who the hell want to befriend a arrogant bastard face person like me (According to MFR), excluding the 3B guy of course. My buddy "Suke the Sucker" however have better luck then me, girl approach him (not chick though). I never understand why, maybe gals like his perverted look he gives when he ogles at these gals "assets"... Who knows...

Since u endure my garbage crap till here, I will not be so cruel as to call u a noob sex fiend coz u think I will put some pointers on fishing in gym...


However here is a rather good article on "fishing" in the gym...

I do however find this pickup line amusing:
"Do I look gay?", then when the gal ask why u asking this question, u can say u got hit by a man in the looker. >_<