Pterodactyl! Tricetops! Tyrannosaurus Rex!
Pu To Tyra
Pu To To, To To Tyra...
Final form for Kamen Rider OOO... *Sigh* Dunno why all the final form the design really cacat one... Best final form design so far, I have to say is Blade final form (aka King Form). Well, atleast this form is not so disfigured like Den-O's final form (Yuck!!!)...
According to rumors, this "Big Barney" (Dammit Purple Dinogay @ Putotyra) Form is a special form that can't mix with other forms of OOO's. Also when OOO takes this form, it's will enter a berserk mode sorta like Kamen Rider Joker Fang. It's has wings to fly (Ptero), has a tail to bash (T-rex) and got 2 horns on it's shoulder to impale it's foe (Tricetop)... Talk about overpower... It's weapon, the Medagaburyuu is a portable axe cum bazooka. It's scanning charge, the "I Luv U, U luv me, we are happy family" attack (Just jokin, if got tis attack, really walau liao)...

So far OOO already showed his all his possible combo forms which are Tajadorou, Shauta, Sagohzo, Latoratar & Gatakiriba. While Tajadorou is the strongest form, my favourite design form is Latoratar. The head design my very likely like.

Tis is it for tis entry... Till next farked up entry
Sayonara! Tata! Byebye!
Sa Ta Bye
Sa Ta Ta, Ta Ta Bye...
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