Sunday, May 1, 2011

Zero to Ero

Dear bloggie,

Joined the KL marathon's Zero to Hero running clinic tis morning.

Today's clinic (or rather circuit) is held at Metropolitan Park Kepong. Imagine the agony of waking up at 5.30am and driving like a madman to get the venue (Suppose to start at 6.30am, but I think around 7am onli really start). This is the 4 week in their training regime, so I sorta missed alot of tips by the kwai lou trainer.

Today's session kicked off with the kwai lou ranting about nutrient. Alot I know already one since bodybuilding also use one. Things like:
  • Carbs got 2 types, complex and simple. Simple easier absorb, complex will absorb slower. We go for complex, as it will fuel our body more consistently unlike simple which will give us a surge of energy before dipping.

  • Protein, build + repair muscle after microfiber tears.

  • Fat, 2 types of fat, Unsaturated and saturated. Unsaturated good, saturated bad.

Also talked about hydration. Need to constantly hydrate oneself. If pee is yellowish lemon color, ok. Else dehydrated. Drinking during the race, won't prevent hydration coz it takes a couple of hours for the water to go down to our body, so we need to hydrate ourself BEFORE the race.

Other wonderful tip:
  • Drink soup before running as the soup is salty and will promote u to drink when running

  • Female during menstrual need iron. Eat red meat or dark poutry. Dun drink coffee or tea with meals but instead drink drinks with high vitamin C.

After all the talk, we move on to warm up by doing some stretching and light jogging. Finally, we line up according to our category. I was in the 10K category. To my amazement, the clinic even had some officials from FDA (I think) to measure the route and fire the pistol at the start of the run.

Coming back from a 1 month + layoff from running, I already knew tis won't be an easy run. My stamina tat could survive a 21K is gone, my pacing sense is hay wired, my quads muscle lost their endurance, my mental strength to push through the pain is terrible... Really zero. 1st 3.4K lap clock a pretty good 16+ minutes. 2nd lap, my body went to holland, struggle to maintain pace and managed onli to finish the lap at 40+ minutes. I thought after completing the 2nd lap, end of story run, mana tau the guy at the line ask me to continue running till 45 minutes as the training is based on time and not distance. The clock strike 45 minutes even before I reach 1/4 of my 3rd lap. I decided to sweat it out and try to finish my 3rd lap within the hour mark. Painful run I can tell u. I missed my hour mark by 5 minutes+ !?. In summary, I finished a 11.2K (3.4K x 3) in 1 hour 5 minutes, really really slow considering I wan to dip into the 10K in 50 minutes time. Sad...

After the run, got a free power bar. Also NB (New Balance) was holding a small booth there and was offering to test what foot type ur feet is for free. Since free, I go lor. Anyway here is where, the "Zero" become "Ero"... There was tis NB gal promoter tat was wearing a spaghetti strap tank top, walau eh... She was bending when she go test people foot. Alot of batang was standing near the shoe display, pura-pura seeing the shoe but actually enjoying the "other" display. Got a guy, so mesmerized when she was testing his foot, after the test, he almost tripped from the test area... -_-'. I actually ended up being tested my foot by her, wah... Really hard to concentrate on wat she talking with her slightly bend over, showing her "assets" at me. Managed onli to capture 1/2 of wat she saying, the other half of my attention was focus on her 1/2... Did the wet foot test, my foot is normal arch type. She also gave me test a new shoe from NB.

I also signup for the KL marathon here, as they were offering a special "early bird" rate if one signup there. I paid 50 bucks instead of the normal 60 buckaroos for my 10K category. I also selected a rather interesting name instead of my real name to put in my bib... Hehehe...

After that entertainment, I went to a group of runner that was surrounding the kwai lou trainer. They where shooting question on running at the kwai lou. Here, I have to really take my hats off to the kwai lou. Not only is the answers provided by the kwai lou very informative, but it was very easy to understand and delivered in a rather entertaining manner. The kwai lou not only give the answer, but back up the answer with r&d studies, demonstration and funny stories. Here I learn some rather interesting things:
  • Static stretching seems to be a rather useless thing to do. According to the kwai lou, it takes around 20 minutes maintaining a static stretch to show some results. It's better to do some dynamic stretching instead, and do it only after u do some light jogging during ur warm up. The logic here is when u stretch before warming up ur muscle abit, ur muscle is totally unprepared and to suddenly stretch it, can lead to injury.

  • Drinking a power gel can supply one with enuff energy for around 1K

  • Did u knew 100 plus is actually a banned drink in Euro due to it's high content of salt!?

  • Running uphill, one need to raise knee less while maintaining a high cadence. For downhill, one should race down (onli on real race day) the hill with arms swinging across ur body.

  • The most interesting topic however is the topic on foot landing when running. I read alot of articles in the internet and it's a very alot of theory topic. The kwai lou answer however I like coz very blunt. Running with less cushioning in the heel is the best way to go. In other words, barefoot running is the best. Why? Coz with the cushioning in the heel area, it will lead to us depending on this cushion when running. Some of us will land on our heel as the cushion absorb the impact of the landing. Landing on the heel is not so efficient becoz it take more time for the feet to take off again. Imagine ur feet landing on the heel, continuing the flow, the feet slowly row forward from heel, ball and only toe before u can take u feet up again for ur next step. Comparing that to running on the ball of ur feet, u can take off faster, hence energy is more properly utilized. The kwai lou informed us tat it been proven that barefoot runners suffer less injury. Running barefoot however has one drawback, one need to strengthen one's leg before one can do it. Having being spoiled by modern days jogging shoes that have awesome cushioning at the heel, our leg suffers in terms of some muscle around the foot not getting properly developed. So for us to transition to barefoot, we need to do it in a gradual manner. The kwai lou tips is to each time we buy a new shoe, pick one that has slightly less cushioning at the heel than the previous shoe. That way, our leg muscle can slowly adapt to the impact of running. The kwai lou states, it will take around 3-4 years to convert.

After the Q&A session, I went home a happy man, coz I learn something new (Not to mention "see" something new as well). Look forward for the next clinic on the 15th. The kwai lou won't be there, but got another kwai lou runner which tis kwai lou say is even more knowledgeable than him will be there for Q&A on that day. Didn't manage to change to Zero to Hero tis time around, but change to Ero instead... Till next time, adios...

0 b*tchin: