Saturday, June 30, 2012 0 b*tchin

Cycle of life

Dear bloggie,

I have tis belief tat our life's journey goes in a circle... We will ultimately end at the start...

I signed up for Pilates reformer class last week... My 1st class will be tis Sunday, and it seems "cyclic", my instructor is my 1st Pilates instructor... Been almost 1 year since I last attended his class (which was cancel due to inconsistent no. of students)...
Thursday, June 28, 2012 0 b*tchin

My fault

Dear bloggie,

I ponder, If I just blindly do a task by following the specified instructions... When the instructions are wrong... Izt the people who issue the instruction or my blind approach at fault?

It seems to keep happening to me. I won't deny, I have some fault in it due to my blind follow instruction approach... but the latest one... I emailed my question on the instruction to everyone and everyone even got the reply email on the issue... Yet in the end of the day, I'm singled out and blamed for blindly following the instruction...

I just can't take it anymore, I don't want to take it anymore... Why am I adding acceptance criteria for the user story as comments when it's the PO's job to do this in the first place. Why is my auto generation code blamed due to duplicate name object created when it's stated in the acceptance criteria validation checking is ommited and it's prerequisite for the user to setup a "clean" folder for this auto generation. Why am I dumped a last minute enhancement to change the wizard successful page into a status page when it's stated in the acceptance criteria, the wizard is to remain as it is? Why am I blamed for producing the output specified by the PO, even though the PO's output is wrong?
Tuesday, June 26, 2012 0 b*tchin

2 Medal

Dear bloggie,

My 2 medals...

SCKLM 10K finisher on the left and my company's rapid chess runner up on the right
0 b*tchin

SCKLM 2012 Results

Dear bloggie,

My SCKL2012 Results:

RankBIB No.Name & CategoryChip TimeSplit 5K
497K1-14081K** Y** H**

I understand there are around 14K runners for the 10K category... so 497, is not so shabby...
Sunday, June 24, 2012 0 b*tchin

SCKLM 2012

Dear bloggie,

I know I quite long no update, so here's a lazy update just for update sake....

Ran the SCKLM 2012 10K today morning... Managed to get 1 hour 2 minute time. Better than last year by 3 minutes but still far from my goal of 50 minute. Actually, my ran was hampered by my left knee, dunno why got a muscle there feel weak after running for around 30 minutes. Had this problem since last year Penang Marathon but took a break and it vanish... Mana tau, now reappear... Yea, lousy update... :(
Friday, June 8, 2012 0 b*tchin


Dear bloggie,

Today, I was inspire to actually improve my programming skills... Quite sometime since someone was able to make me want have the willpower to open and read sh*t on programming...

Wished I actually can turn back time a few years and train under this guy... But what is gone, is gone...