You know how much I missed saying the words "Dear bloggie"?
Anyway, been quite sometime since I last blog (Okok, it been almost 1 month +). Having the uninteresting, dull and boring life I have, a few small things occur during this small time period. Let's see...
Ended another chapter in "The
- The Road goes ever on and on
- Down from the door where it began.
- Now far ahead the Road has gone,
- And I must follow, if I can,
- Pursuing it with eager feet,
- Until it joins some larger way
- Where many paths and errands meet.
- And whither then? I cannot say.
Lost of apple my eye
What can I say... with my "charisma" and "bright" personality, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out. I try to forget it, but a part of me refuses to do so... Stupid, immature, retarded? Lead me down the dark side of the force, it has... Maybe contributed to the above event... Or maybe prolonged the inevitable end of the chapter... I imagine it's like losing an eye. Hurts and you will always be reminded of the missing eye... It's up to one really how chooses to moan, grunt and agonize upon the lost eye or use the other eye to look forward.
Crouching swan, hidden rocker
Bad analogy I know, so sue me... Yes! Finally so much confusion on which "chew pai" (style/school/etc) I wanna waste my $$$ on, I finally settled on
Running blues
My last run was the Centro run, which I had drag myself 1/2 way to the finish line. With the knee injury, have been taking a LONG break from running. Still run on the treadmill but for light cardio only, around 10-15 minutes only. Probably lost all my accumulated stamina... Not joining any runs this year anymore. Planning to return to running? Unsure... With all the weights and pilates training I been doing lately, I find it hard to slot in these runs without burning myself down. Probably start small with a 5K run which puts less stress on my leg and require less time in training.
Hulk up
I finally lifted my ban on 2 exercises that most deemed as "king of exercise", the deadlift n squats... I done body weight squat before but never deadlift but I avoid these 2 barbell version of these exercises cause I deem them too dangerous to do without a spotter. I understand these 2 exercises are GREAT exercises but only if done with correct form. Do wrongly and SNAP ur gonna break something... Anyway, I find barbell back squat pretty intense. I find myself quite "chuan" (exerted) after doing only 3 sets of these. And for deadlift, my 1st few sessions of deadlift reveal my weakness in lower back as it would round when performing this exercise (due to insufficient lower back strength and technique). So I drop the deadlift for a few session to focus on lower back exercises like back extension and good morning for technique. To my amazement, I was able to perform a decent light weight deadlift after that... Still a long way before I can really start piling up the weights for these 2 exercises.
So that's all I have to grunt about for this entry... Hopefully it won't be another 1 month+ for the next entry...
0 b*tchin:
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