I still remember back in 2008 when I first open my facebook account. "WTF is facebook?" I asked MFR. MFR who was more hip compared to me back then explained to me it's another social network ciplak of Friendster. I wasn't really a fan of social networking since I wasn't really a fan of any form of networking to begin with. However, I was back then involved in a work related project that required me to have a facebook account so I write a facebook message spammer application for that project (IBM Websphere Portal project, Sith Spit! The memories of using that technology alone is enuff to make me shiver).
5 year fast forward, facebook has become tightly coupled into my life. From simple tasks of getting the latest fads, news, rumors, keeping updated with the latest happening of my friends, classmates, contacts... And not to forget the greatest stalking tool in the internet at the moment (Their security policies, search function, graph search is f*ckin fucked up)...
Anyway, yesterday at around 12.30am I decided to deactivated my facebook account. While I always have been trying to slowly ween out facebooking from my daily routine, I often find myself automatically typing in "facebook.com" into my browser's address url whenever I open my browser. A muscle memory thingy that sorta showcase my addiction to facebook...
The tipping factor that make me take this drastic action however was from the movie "Secret Life of Mitty Walter"... There was a scene at the beginning where Walter wanted to send a "Wink" (eHarmony dating website) to a gal he was interested in. Before he could press the keyboard button to confirm the send wink action, he was in a internal struggle to take the leap of faith. That moment, while some people in the cinema was laughing that scene actually reminded me of myself... Yes, I been there and done that before. At that moment, something inside me just told me "Once I come back home, I'm gonna close my facebook account".
To be honest, I think my facebook account never had any interesting post or exciting photo that worthy of
While it's great to have a stream of information at the tip of your fingers in facebook, but sometimes it just annoy me how retarded + shitty some post are, ranging for stupid senseless rants, political rants, stress releasing rants, lame@$$ so called funny pictures, etc (I admit I'm guilty of this as well, since this blog itself is my emotional b*tcin pillow, but atleast no one is forced to read it noes?)...
My biggest problem with facebook however lies at how it make me feel when I use it. Seeing most people posting "happy" photos, comments, etc makes me feel more f*ckin depressed then I already am. As if I'm a epic failure in my life or I don't have the "happiness" gene in me... I just f*ckin hate this feeling. I know well enuff "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows." but these portrayals of their life is as if "...and they rode into the sunset and lived happily ever after...". Envy is a very accurate way to express my emotion when I see other people facebook profile...
People get marry and have child, congrats... but why do I need follow this norm?
People appears as bigshot in newspapers, poster, seminars... Clap, clap, clap... but why do I need to feel compel to compete against their success?
People buy big house, big car... rich f*ck! but why do I need to slave like a slave so I can "afford" these things to obtain "social status"?
People go holiday at Euro, Japan, etc... Wow! but why holiday there when I always valued the real local colors over dyed tourist attraction thing?
Maybe it's just me, but I don't need these shit... Never needed em, until I felt I need them thanks to facebook. Looking at the positive side of things, by closing my facebook I now got more time to dedicate to this shitty blog and not to mention maybe trying something real in my life....
I'm closing my facebook account so I can detached myself from the society views on how they live their life and think for myself how I want and ought to live my life.
Life is a merry-go-round, ups and downs, ying and yang, real and fake, happy and sad, success and failure, good and bad... It's the journey not the destination that matters... This marks the end of my journey in facebook... For all the sadness you brought to me, there's an equal amount of joy you brought to me, and for that I thank you and ending this blog entry with the same way I started this blog entry with
"Bye bye facebook"
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