How times flies... I already been enslaved for a good +1.5 month. Things been progressing rather "interestingly" at work with the introduction of my team local team lead from US, which happens to be a female (and cutey) from US... It's super RARE to see a Javammer that's female + cute + wears dress... Thank you God and God bless America!
Anyway, work wise things been a tad slow in terms of progress... mainly cause we have quite an array of new techs... Overall however I think we did okay. Managed to slay a sh*tty task last Friday which sorta lift up the team's mood, since we been stuck trying to setup a local version of US stuffs for development.
My taste bud has been push to the limit as well. Already bored with the food choices in Bangsar South... Sampled almost every restaurant within walking distance and the food are VERY pricey, some taste okay while other taste like crab crap. Planning to suggest we take car to Midvalley (heck I willing to even volunteer my car) for a change in lunch options. I do however find it odd that most people in my office tend to tah pau from the expensive "Mixed Rice" and dine in the office pantry. Sure finding a seat is hard in the food court but surely after spending 8 hours everyday x 5 times a week, one must be eager spend time outside their work area whenever possible? Yet again maybe it's just me that is messed up (or don't love my work enuff to eat at my workplace)...
My US trip has been set on the 17th of May, and have applied the Visa and etc. Will be going to the interview with the US embassy on 5th of May, got some concern on how fast will the VISA application be approved. We're be going to the land of virgins aka Virginia. Will be bunked up with a junior in my team. As for activities, from what we are told so far, the nearest tourist attraction is Washington DC which is famous for their museum and political landmarks (Whitehouse, Lincoln Memorial & Reflection Pool)... *Yawn* Behind our US manager's back, we been talking about utilizing our weekends to do more *interesting* things like visiting the great Niagara Falls or even
The trip to these 2 places however will take atleast a LONG 6-7 hours and we got only 3 weekends and most likely we gotta deduct 1-2 weekends for team building events the US guys plan for us. We have more wild ideas like Grand Canyon, San Francisco or even Magic Mountain but these location is just too far from Virginia.
My personal checklist when I get to US:
- New Balance Minimus Shoe
- Times Square @ New York
- Statue of Liberty @ New York
- Letterman and Hello Deli @ Broadway
- Visit Pilates old home @ New York
- Hotdog @ New York
- Pizza @ New York
- Central Park @ New York
- Maid of the Mist @ Niagara
- Virginia Beach @ Virginia
- Buffalo Wings
- Demolish an American Cheese Burger
- Eat at Taco Bell
- Twinkies
- Visit Trader Joe's, Costco, Walmart
- Smoke Marijuana
Coming back to reality, nothing much outside my new work to b*tch about this 1 month... Well, there's the stim boat buffet Monk Inc dinner I attended last week, which I ended up with severe cirit birit (diarrhea)...
Also notable 2 occurrence where I meet with some old colleges at Midvalley which tend to be my favorite haunts after work to waste time (to avoid wasting time enduring the peak hour jam). One was with my 1st company senior at Burger King. I was queuing when I thought I saw him. I had to short internal debate if I should greet him or not since he showed no signs he noticed/recognized me. I finally decided to greet him since why shouldn't I greet him? If I recognize wrong guy a simple "sorry" would suffice. It was indeed my senior and we had a short catch up session. Apparently, he was buying some dinner for his wife + childs. It's sometimes hard to noticed the passage of time within yourself till when you suddenly noticed that time has slipped pass your grasp... My senior is now doing his own business at Midvalley. Somehow the conversation ended up with my relationship status, which is btw is still single and available but not hot. My senior gave me a few advices to change my status but did point out on the loss of his personal time when children came into the picture. Some make me feel good things which he said was that I change quite alot, I no longer looked like a Geeky Bookworm I looked 6-7 years ago. LOL, I evolved into a BAD (Balding Antisocial
Another meeting was with my former colleges nearby the Bowling Alley. This one is a bit bittersweet for me cause among the colleges was the college I stupidly tried to gave my heart to. Apparently only one of these colleges saw me and say hi to me while the rest walk pass me as if I was just another random guy in the mall. And somehow I felt like being a "invisible man"... Maybe I am... But seeing her smiling, happy and etc among other colleges does bring some degree of happiness inside of me. Somehow I feel a part of me still haven't really forgotten the feelings I had for her yet again I think I will never forgot those feelings... And having move on, I think I should cherish those feelings I had for her once... They're prove that I'm not so apathetic in life like I think I am...
A long winded blog entry, hopeful the next blog entry won't be in another 1 month time.
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