Monday, December 28, 2009

65kg Fat@$$ Pushup

Dear bloggie,

In my attempts to break my plateau in the no. of pushups I can do, I attempted this 70kg fat@$$ pushups. It been quite sometime already being stuck at 8 reps pushups. So I decided to ram up the workout today. I grab x2 5kg dumbbells and threw them into my backpack and do pushup while wearing this backpack. Struggled to even complete 6 reps... Had to throw away 1 dumbbell to reach the ideal weight for me to do 8 reps. Felt an extra soreness in my chest.

Yes, yes... I finally decided it's time to change my workout from the workout every body part x3 a week to workout 2 muscle group a day, 3 times a week schedule. Monday is my breast chest & triceps day, Wed my lats & biceps day and finally Fri my legs & shoulders day. The new workout shown some promising soreness especially for my biceps and shoulders. Triceps workout still lacking the post workout soreness I yearn for.

As for weight, my weight drop back to 60-61kg. T_T Still skinny runt...

Got thought of increasing my steroids protein powder intake but decided against it as I don't want to have too heavy dependency on it.

Anyway, MFR was b*tchin to me on MSN on how many his company colleague was throwing the letter to da man. Oddly, it sorta reminds me of my own experience on such matter. Sometimes it feels like having a part of yourself getting chipped off, especially when it's a close colleague. Once they are gone, who knows how many year before you can see them again. If things doesn't go right, you might never see them again.

Guess work colleagues are just like friends, a parcel in life. Quoting a Buddhism phrase "Every meeting is destined to have a parting".

0 b*tchin: