Seeing tis MV sorta makes me wanna go on a final Final Fantasy marathon... Yea, FF12 is one of those RPG games I have yet to finish, which really is a shame coz the game is really good cept the combat system (either u love it or u f*ckin hate it). We got a steady characters of 1 lala teen male, 1 lala kid male, 1 lala mid-age male pirate, 1 frenchie princess, 1 lapdancer & 1 bunny gal (Everyone luvs bunny gals, Period!).
My remarks based on playing 1/2 way FF12 is the game very Star Wars like... Alot of ke ke kwai kwai races (with exception of bunny gal race). Common, who can't say Van is a Luke Skywalker ripoff. As for Basch & Bunny Gal, they're practically Han Solo &
Storywise, I find their approach to focus more outside Van, very refreshing. It really portraits Van as the just a dude that yearns for adventure that got mix in the whole pile of mondo crap dilemma of the other characters. Most FF series tend to focus more on the main character (FF4 to FF10, with exception of FF6) with a typical major plotline quest/story for the NPC.
Maybe I will dig up my PS2 and attempt to complete FF12. It been quite awhile since I really gamed any game. Missed those wild college days, where I can game whole f*ckin night through and sleep in the morning... I wonder why we game less and less as we age... Izt cause we sorta kena brainwash by "Reality" or izt coz we change our game to other type of "game".
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