Saturday, August 4, 2007

Programming Standards? Throw It Out The Goddamn Drain La

I'm writing tis blog entry to remind myself to NEVER get involve with other programmers that have a knack to ignore programming standards. I have myself to blame for not giving my former junior the rap for keep ignoring our programming team standards despite my advice for him to do so. Now I stuck to dealt with this mess in his code. For me, his hard coding of 30 sales item products makes me wonder... For a 2 year experience programmer, have he even considered using a goddamn loop instead of using the "copy and past" approach? Now that the mofo have resigned and I have been assigned to add another row for each sales item. Imagine doing the same work 30 times EVERYTIME I need to modify the damn code. Next time remember "Give the damn f*cker that ignore programming standards the damn rappping!"

0 b*tchin: