Sunday, September 25, 2005 1 b*tchin

Vacation at Genting Highland

Well, tis is the first ever vacation I ever taken with my amigos. The orignal plan was for us, the Five Amigos (ie: Me, Smelly, Eidur, Suke and Acapan) to take a one night vacation at Genting. Unfortunately, Eidur for some reason had to pass out on this vacation so we had to become the Four Amigos instead.

The journey to Genting was a very tiring one as we had to take a LRT to Sentral before taking a bus to Genting Skyway and finally taking a cable car to Genting. Once reaching Genting at around 12.00, we had to walk a very long walk to First World Hotel to checkin. On our way to First World hotel, we bumped into one of the Stupid Malaysian Idol Judges(the amoh kuai). To our dismay, instead of being able to checkin quickly in our room to rest our tired legs, we had to get a turn ticket and wait for our turn. Since there area practically 100 ppls infront, we decided to take our lunch first in the Indoor Theme Park. There we realiazed that things here in Genting are f*cking expensive. At first we wanted to eat at Burgers King but after a quick glance at the price, we headed to KFC instead. The price at KFC was also quite the same (expensive), but since we're tired and hungry, we settled for a special combo meal for 3-4 that had a price tag of Rm 35. None of us were full though...

After lunch, we returned to the hotel only to find out our turn has passed so we contacted the help counter and was instructed queue to checkin instead in at a particular counter. Lucky for us the queue was not long and we're able to checkin quite fast. We were assigned to room 825 at floor 20 in Tower B. To our dismay, our Deluxe room was one small room with two beds that was "serba-kurang". Guess that is wat one should expected for a Rm165 room.

After dumping our baggage into our room and taking a brief rest, we were up and ready to party. We decided to enjoy ourself at the outdoor theme park but like usual Acapan had to ruin the mood by saying he wanted to stay in the hotel room (his excuse was he wanted to use the entrance fee money to the ourdoor theme park at the casione instead), sheesh... So Suke, Smelly and I went ahead and left Acapan at the hotel to enjoy ourself at the outdoor theme park.

At the outdoor theme park, we had quite some fun at some of the attraction which includes:
  1. Roller Coaster - Nothing fancy by look but gave me and the amigos a shock when it dip down-up and right-left.
  2. Cockscrew - This roller coaster ride involves a 360 turn with a speed which almost sent my glasses flying. Smelly and Suke very at the most front seat so they had the best view... :-)
  3. Gold Cart - Ended up last among the amigos thanks to my lousy gold cart and a moron that decided it was fun to drive slowly in the middle of the lane. Wish my gold cart had more speed so I can bump the driver outta the way.
  4. Boat Ride - Boring boat ride in Dino Park which really LAME Taken some very hilarious photo pix at the Dino Park though.
  5. Flying See-Saw - Took me some time to gather some guts before I decided to took this one up. Had some tense moments while I was pratically being swing around in mid-air in a circle at high velocity.
  6. ??? -
  7. Pirate Ghost Ride - Nothing special bout this ride, very short ride with some lame haunted house gags.
  8. Sea ??? Boat - Nothing special bout this one cept for a segment with mirrors which made it quite hard to find ur way out.
  9. Antique Car - Rode on antique cars which took us around the theme park. Kept banging into the car infront of us and getting banged from the car behind us since the cars are control by the station.
We however missed two main attractions that were the Mono-rail ride which was already closed when we entered the park and the Space-shot which I didn't dare ride. While we were having fun at the outdoor theme park, it seems Acapan was busy lepaking around Genting.

It was around 6.30 when we returned from the outdoor theme park. We decided to have dinner at a chinese restaurant Acapan found while lepaking around in Genting. Had to walk a long way to get to the restaurant. Quite frankly, while the food in this restaurant is cheaper than most food-stalls in Genting, the food ain't great. Rm 6 for a normal Pan Mee really puts a hole in my purse.

We retreated back to out room after dinner and watch Malaysian Idol (which was held at the indoor theme park) from our room. After watching Malaysian crown another singer that ain't that good at singing, we geared up for the main event... Casino...

We started out at the new first world casino. Smelly was the only one among us whom was asked to show his IC. None of us were quite ready to gamble our $ in the tables yet so we settled at watching the game which we wanted to gamble on later. I initially wanted to play at the roulette and bacarrat but after watching all that play roulette play , I decided to skip roulette. Suke and Acapan meanwhile were more intrested in Mini-Dice and Casino War. We decided we wanted to checkout Casino De Genting before gambling. On the middle of our way to Casino De Genting, Acapan called for time out and we rested outside in a "pondok". Out in the cold night Acapan, Suke and Smelly tried improving their odds at getting cancer.

At Casino De Genting, again Smelly was asked to show his IC... LOL... We discovered all the games offered here were alike yet none of us is yet willing to start gambling. We took a free coffee break inside there but still none was yet willing to start gambling. I wanted to play bakarrat but the minimum wager was big Rm 50 which really doens't sit well with me. Acapan claims he saw a bakarrat table with min wager of Rm 10 at new world casino so we ended up going back there.

Going back to new world casino, this time Smelly, Suke and Acapan was asked to show their IC, LOL. After walking around the new world casino, I discovered that the minumum wager for bakarrat is also Rm 50. The other amigos were still unwilling to start gambling so I got fed up and became the first one to gamble. I started up with a model of Rm 100 (only 2 chips), and placed my first bet of Rm 50. Won the first bet but only won 50% return (Rm 25). I waited a while before placing my 2nd bet, and I lost the bet losing Rm 50. At this point, Acapan and Suke went to the mini-dice table to start gambling. With only another Rm50 chip left, I waited a while before placing another bet. This time I won and got 1-1 return. I fought a brief struggle with my passive self before placing another bet. Won again and have Rm 175 chip in my hand. Another brief struggle, this time my passive self won and I decided to look for another game with less min wage.

Suke was gambling in a game of mini-dice. Acapan was just standing behind him watching the game. Suke won quite alot of times but since he's playing small (Rm10+), he only made a positive Rm 80. After a few more games, Suke began losing and his profit was slice down to Rm 65. The table closed at 2.30 am so Suke went on to play Casino War. With a minumum wager of Rm 25, Suke won 1 game but lost 3 games. Hence his winning spoilts only accumulate to Rm 15. Suke declared he was done gambling and I, considering made a small Rm 75 profit also decided to call it a night. Acapan and Smelly decided not to gamble (Acapan, wtf!?) and we all went back to our room for some shut eyes.

Most of us were wasted and I was the first one up at 8.30am (my routine working day wake up time). At around 9.30 am, everyone was up but suffering from red eyes. None of us wanted to go for another round in the casino so we ended up walking around Genting and taking some photo shots. We return back to our room at about 11.30am and started packing. We checkout and started a long and exhausting journey home.

My feeling now is this vacation to Genting is as lame as it can get. None of us really gamble big at the casino and Acapan is the jackass of the vacation as he not only didn't entered the outdoor theme park but also didn't gamble one dime in the casino. So wtf is he coming with us to Genting for? Anyway, I recommend u stay away from New World's Deluxe Room which really sucks...
Saturday, August 27, 2005 0 b*tchin

[K-Ani-Me] Anime Review

Anime Title: Last Exile
Producers: GONZO
Genre: Action + Drama
Episodes: 26

Behind the amazingly CGI rendered airship battles that is wage upon the misty skies, this anime foretells the tale on a group of people who flies among the skies for dream, revenge, love, duty, freedom, friendship, pride, survival and power.

War rages upon the heaven skies as two countries divided by the Grand Stream, Anatoure and Deusis wage a war under the manipulation of the mysterious Guild. A pair of vanship pilot and navi has been assigned with the dangerous task of delivering a peace declaration from Anatoure to Deusis. The peace however was not meant to be as both of them died in their attempt to cross the ever violent Grand Stream.

Claus Valka and Ravey Hedde are a pair of vanship pilot and navi that dream is to one day cross the Grand Stream. By the twist of fate, Claus and Ravey finds themselves from delivering messages using their vanship to being enlisted as crews of the battleship Silvana, which is under the command of Alex Rou. Upon the Silvana, Claus and Ravey meets and befriends a huge cast of character each which chooses to fly upon the skies for all sort of different reasons.

  • A great cast of characters and great airship battles.

  • Medicore animation quality on some episode, probably budget issue.
  • The ending was bitter-sweet but left alot of loose end untied.

  • A must watch anime for those who enjoy airship battles. A recommended watch meanwhile for those who don't.
(Note: Will upload screen-caps once I got time to do so)
Monday, August 15, 2005 0 b*tchin

Birthday Wish Top Ten

August Top Ten

Ever thought of wtf u'll wish for when u get to make a wish that will come true? Well, considering today's my birthday, here is a list of birthday wishes that crossed my mind today...

Topic: Top Ten of My possible birthday wish
  1. I wish I had another 2 more wishes... Duh! I wish all the wishes I made from now on come true.
  2. I wish I had enough savings invested in a winning portfolio so I can can gain financial freedom for the rest of my life
  3. I wish I had a chicken that could lay golden egg... Ergh... make it titanium egg since titanium is worth more than gold nowdays.
  4. I wish I could turn back time so I could go back to the past not to correct the mistakes I done, but to redo them.
  5. I wish I could retire from IT field despite only working in it for a good 1+ month.
  6. I wish I had a PS2.
  7. I wish that humanity would do the inevitable and destroy themselves.
  8. I wish I was the smartest person on earth so I'm not stupid enough to waste this wish to wish to be smart.
  9. I wish I had better ideas for what to wish for instead of writing this lame stupid wish.
  10. I wish I didn't wasted 15 minutes of my bloody life to write this stupid blog entry.
Tuesday, August 2, 2005 1 b*tchin

Swingy Life

Ok, almost been working at my new co. for 2 weeks+ liao, know all the ppl in the co. liao... Wat can I say, I count myself very lucky to be employeed by this co. Too bad I can't speak cantonese else everything will be just perfect.

Anyway been assigned my first module to bang my head on and it involves swing and jdbc. Initially I was to do the module using either swing or swt but getting advice from another collegue with experience in swt and swing, I was advice to use swing. Anyway been cracking my head on the module already as it mainly involves mapping data from UI widgets to a object before mapping again to database columns... T_T. Learn a few new things in UI programming most notable is the mediator design pattern.

Doubt as if I'm up to it to be a programmer has grown in my mind due to seeing my collegue(same age some more) that are good in programming while I even have problem with writting a simple swing+jdbc application. Maybe it's just my pessimistic self again but I really wonder if I can manage to do what my college can do should I be given time... (A word of advice for college students like Eidur that are studying, sacrifice some time to learn up some skill instead of wasting time watching shit shows like Alias so u won't be so underskilled like me when u work). I sometimes even wonder if I can last till the end of my probation?

Okay after almost 1 month of working, I beginning to understand why my father enjoys to go lepak at shopping complex already. I also went to Tesco instead of going straight home as I really need a change from the normal work routine: wake up, goto work, lunch, continue work, go home, sleep, wake up, goto work... Gotten used to driving up and down to work, know which lane to go and which lane to avoid already but still not so familiar with KL roads yet. I plan on trying out the roads near my office every night after work to learn the area.

Today, we celebrated two of my collegue birthday at the office. Funny that these two collegue birthday is so ngam one day apart, one today and another tomolo. Just a few weeks ago, two boss birthday now again double birthday celebration... Bizzare indeed... Anyway time for my routine "sleep" liao... ciao...
Monday, July 25, 2005 0 b*tchin

Lost and not found yet

Dunno why, but i just get the feeling I'm lost in life... No goal, drifting aimlessly, living for the sake of just living... At times like this I often ask myself, "Why am I so different from others?". I sometimes envy those that live life to the fullest, but for me I just find that so impossible to do... Why? Maybe it's cause of I'm what people call "essentric".

Often I find myself unable to enjoy what other people would enjoy doing. I never could find a goal in life as I dunno wtf I even want in life to begin with? Money? Knowledge? Wisdom? A pretty babe? Though I'm not a Buddhist, I believe in alot of their teachings especially their teaching on "Suffering". We suffer because we crave for something. I often find myself lost and confused because I know craving leads to suffering but yet despite knowing it I still crave for things. It's like I know that if I take another step forward I would fall off the cliff, but my inner self still yearns to take another step despite knowing I would then fall to my doom.

I often have the desire to live my life like a wanderer. Wandering from one place to another, leaving new friends and memories that I just had at a place I just visited with the odds I would never see them again. I always felt that I was always a wanderer by nature, valueing the journey itself rather than the final destination. Am I essentric? Yes I believe I am but as I long ago learned, once a word is spoken, it losses it's meaning (That is y I dun enjoy to talk anymore than I need to).
Sunday, July 24, 2005 0 b*tchin

Me, Malaysia's Biggest Loserz

After one week of working at my new company, I decided to label myself as Malaysia biggest loser. Why I call myself Malaysia's biggest loser? Simple, cause I'm one.

Imagine having ur father driving with u to work and then coming back from work with u (Meaning 4 trips up and down to my office). I'm indeed utterly useless. When I suggest I go solo since I already know the road to office, my father claims my driving skill is not up to mark, blablabla (Believe me, no one stands a chance to be considered up to mark by my father)... Today, I just sort of spoiled my boss birthday party at a KTV because of this reason. I asked my father to gimme drive the car to my office as I know tis party will end very very late but my father insisted on going with me and said he would wait at my relative house at Bangsar. The boss party was held in Kepong which was pretty far from my office. Atlast, a senior worker had to drive me to Bangsar where my father was waiting... I dunno wtf my co-workers thinks of me anymore considering I'm so useless till need my father drive me up to work and back from work....

Besides that, I also had to suffered a stab through my ego. I always thought my Java skill were good, but after working for just a week in my new company, I realized just how much skill I was lacking. I knew my skills nothing at international level but to be lacking that much even at local level, it really puts a hole through my self confidence.

Putting my ego self aside, my new co. is definitely one good co. The environment is great and most importantly the collegues are friendly. I however have doubt if someone so useless as me is worth being in such good co. Most of my collegue are same age but are way ahead of me in programming skills and definitely more independant. But if u think I gonna call it quits, think again. Despite my parents advice for me to quit this job and find a job near Klang or "any area where driving to there is easy", I'm very determined to prove to my parents that their opinion on how I should live my life is not always right.

How can I drive better solo if I'm not allowed to struggle by driving solo to work to begin with? How can I become better at programming if I dun accept the I got points where I need to work one? How can I be independant if I was to always let my parent dictate how I should live my life? I'm considering renting a room at my aunties house at Bangsar so I can goto work easier (cut cost of toll also) but mainly so I can start living independant without my parents ordering me how I should eat, drink, work, sleep, exercise, play and most importantly live my life. I know I owe my parents alot for raising me, but I can let they live my life for me anymore...
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 0 b*tchin

Graduation Ceremony

The ceremony was held last Sunday. My father, mother, sister and grandfather all came for the ceremony (and paid a hefty $ for it). The whole ceremony had a photoshot session, certificate passing session and a cocktail session. For my course, only got around 7-9 people... Dunno wtf happened to the others.

Ya, I was like usual the lone ranger at the ceremony cause the other 7-9 people I hardly know them. Funny thing was one of them called ??? came to shake hand with me (dunno his name also), my mother then call for me to take a photoshot together with ???... If best friend, take photo together at graduation okay lar, but dunno who the f*ck the guy name is also take photo for graduation is DAMN LAME! Imagine putting this photo on ur table and every time u see that photo, u will be asking urself "Why the f*ck did I take photo with a guy I hardly know in the graduation ceremony in the first place for?".

The certificate passing ceremony was damn bo-ring. I have to dress up in a robe(dun mind wearing robe if it was stylish like Jedi robes) and wear a stupid hat just to come on stage when they call ur name and take a cert for the chancellor.

The cocktail was more like a buffet, nothing much to eat though. Wat a rip off, especially when the hotel is supposingly a 5 star hotel (Nikko Hotel). When home worn out... Didn't felt like a graduation ceremony to me, heck didn't get to throw our hat... Lame...
Wednesday, July 13, 2005 0 b*tchin

Movie Reviews

Okay, I watch quite an amount of old and new movies recently and here are my review on them:

Ocean Eleven
Witty and funny script, great acting from the star studded cast and no silly and senseless action scene. The movie is abit old but quality wise, gets my thumbs up. If only all Hollywood movie have such quality.

Howl's Moving Castle
Directed by the same dude who directed "Spirited Away". Got some scenes that bears similarity to "Spirited Away" but overall a different storyline. Enjoyable movie but not as good as "Spirited Away" though.

Batman Begins
Okay, this is a pretty strong movie but suffers from the lack of a proper villain department. Quite frankly, I think Batman is far more menacing than the villains especially in the car chase scene in the Bat Mobile where he caused major damage to the city and cops who were chasing him.

The Machinist
Thriller movie but felt the pace of the movie was too slow. Not everyone will find this movie their cup of tea. Moral of the movie: "Even when other people harm you, you can still sleep peacefully at night. However do harm on others, you no longer can sleep peacefully at night".

War of the Worlds
Like wat Eidur commented, this movie was pretty exciting at the start. However when the story reached the part where Tom Cruise meets the looney dude, the movie went straight downhill.

National Treasure
Hollywood should have just left this movie hidden, unfound and burried.

Plain old boring animated Hollywood movie.

Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy
Jam packed with silly slapstick jokes that are so silly it ain't funny anymore. If you're expecting this movie to be entertaining like "Galaxy Quest", you gonna go home dissapointed.
0 b*tchin

July Top Ten

Topic: Top Ten effective but untried ways to advertised yourself for a job
  1. Advertise yourself in the newspaper, "Fresh grad willing to slave for below market price".
  2. Make random phone calls asking/begging whoever at the other end for a job.
  3. Hack into Malaysia's Govt Homepage a popular Malaysia porn site and post your resume there.
  4. Pay a small fee to pirated VCD/DVD providers to include your resume as a 1 minute ad in these pirated VCDs/DVDs.
  5. Instead of a paper resume, prepare a audio resume where you sing out your resume details ala Michael Hung style.
  6. Paste photocopies of your resume all around your car and go rounding in KL with it.
  7. Pay a small fee to toilet paper manufacturers to print out your resume on toilet rolls.
  8. Distribute your photocopies of your resume at random gathering functions like wedding, funeral and etc.
  9. Pay some hookers to help distribute your resume to their clients.
  10. Distribute your resume via p2p channels by putting your resume filename as "Harry Potter - The Half Blood Prince".
Tuesday, July 12, 2005 0 b*tchin

Hibernate Maddness

Ya, spend the whole day today learning Hibernate. Finally managed to get the simple "Hello World" program to run with Hibernate. I initially decided to setup the "Hello World" program by modifying an existing Ant build file to do my dirty business(mkdir, compile, jar and run) but was driven into maddness thanks to classpath problem. Syit!

Got feedup and decided to use the old way to do things, good ol' compile via console. Bad decision :-( ... The damn Hibernate uses alot of other jar files which need to be added to classpath to get the damn jvm to run the program. Later on had problem with the Hibernate configuration xml files as it's damn picky like hell, complains even when u dun include the damn DOCTYPE tag crap into the xml file.

Was pissed like hell, as I added more and more jar files to the classpath (Got around 30+ jar files). Had enough and decided to spend time writing another ant build file from scratch and included all the damn jar files into classpath with just a few ant statements. Did abit of reading online on Hibernate properties file and finally did managed configure it properly to get the damn "Hello World" program to run! ARGH!
Monday, July 11, 2005 0 b*tchin


Yupe, just quit my job just now... The boss accepted my resignation profesionally. He asked why I decided to call it quits, I just told him I couldn't cope with the pressure and is afraid I can't deliver. He eventually told me, he purposely assigned people to give me alot of pressure and gave me a low salary to see how I cope with it (Ha... Ha... Ha...). Anyway I sticked to the "I can't handle the pressure and is worried I can't deliver" line. We come to a mutual agreement "I don't owe u and u dun owe me" and I no need to serve extra 7 days in the co. I surrendered every paper/document that the company gave to me and I left my former office with a feeling of guilt but knew it's better feel guilty now than sorry later.

I'm now infront of my house PC eating Instant Cup Noddle while bloggin feeling quite dissapointed about myself for quitting after only 5 days. Must try to shake my bad experience with my former co. now out of my mind and focus on my new co. Learned quite alot from the former co. (mostly about office politics) but I definitely dun want to spent 3 years of my life there. Just hope the new co. dun turned out to be similar like my former one.
Friday, July 8, 2005 1 b*tchin

Reset button for my career?

Damn, I got screwed again at my office today. I was on "unpaid" leave today but decided still to go to office since Mr Kumar and Mr Tah setup a meeting to discuss about the new product at 10am. Imagine my disgust when I approach Mr Kumar only to be inform the meeting is at 2pm. Mr Kumar however said he would repeat the product information on next week for me. Killed my initial doubts about staying at the co.

Went to the co. for the 2nd interview, my father drove me there since my sister was using the car. Noticed my father using the Highway from Banting instead of the Federal Highway, didn't mention it to him since he is the type who likes to experiment with roads to use when going to KL. It wasn't till we reached a third toll where I sensed something was admist, he was driving to Technology Park Malaysia to APIIT!!! I warn him and he got into his normal ego mood, blaming me (Advice: Shut up and suck it up when u get into these kinda situation)... Got to pass through a bunch of tolls to turn into Cheras area.

Reached the office and got another suprised. The boss inform me that this appointment was not for an interview but to inform me that I got the job offer. I inform him I already am employ but is willing to quit my current job for this job. He went on to explain the terms and condition, and I got the shock of my life when he stated my salary is Rm X.X K!! Almost 40% more compared to my current one and more than the salary I asked for in my resume! He went on and stated I would be placed under probation for 3 months and if I perform up to mark, I may get another 10-20% increase!!! Besides that, no work on Saturday and any T-shirt with collar will do for work attire!!! WTF!? I however asked if any travelling is required and got the reply, he would only send experienced ones and won't sent wet feets like me (My current co. wants to send me to Manila for one freaking month, alone to setup a product there in Sept!!!).

I wanted to seal the deal right there but decided to ask for some time to sign the contact cause I'm still bound to my current co. contract, never know if I may get sued for signing a new contract without terminating the old one first... I got around 10 days to reply... Best part is I'm gonna start off doing Java programming at familiar terrain (JSP, scriplets somemore...). I was also encouraged to take up Hibernate which he also ask if I knew what it is. Off course I know wtf it is! OR (Object - Relational) Mapping Solution (Not sure if solution is the right word). Thought I dun know how to use it... yet... :-)

Anyway the whole deal was far more casual and friendly manner (compared to me current co. one) which goes well with me. Now I gotta make a decision, stay or move... I would be missing a chance of a lifetime to study under a 35 years experience programmer if I leave but my morale at my current company is very low, as my friend at my current co. would say it "Everyone here take care of their own self only"...
Thursday, July 7, 2005 0 b*tchin

Choices, choices...

Hmm... Another co. recently contacted me and want to conduct a 2nd interview so I'm currently have two choices, stay at my current co. or jump ship...

Choice 1: Stay at current co.
  • Get to learn from a 35 years experience programmer
  • Future prospect of rising up the career ladder is good if I can cope
  • Expense saving since work place is near
  • Office politics
  • Demanding boss
  • Stress and pressure to deliver may result in getting all my hair white
Choice 2: Jump ship to other co.
  • More understanding boss (A programmer himself)
  • Less strict dressing code
  • Local chinese programmers, easier to communicate
  • Expense will skyrocket due to petrol, parking and toll
Staying at my current co. seems like the more harder task but the reward looks far greater. Hard choice indeed considering I like to learn from an experience programmer but I also like a less stressfully work environment. Too bad can't have both... :-(
0 b*tchin

Trip To Melaka

Okay, today I went on a business trip together with Mr Kumar and Mr Tah to Melaka. Well, the trip was not bad (beats sitting in my office doing nothing) but most of the time in the car, I kept quiet since I'm unable to engage on the conversations that Mr Tah and Mr Kumar were having (family, sons, cars, working exp). Mr Tah indeed impressed me with his broad knowlegde which enables him to conversate quite alot of things with Mr Kumar. Anyway, the journey to Melaka tooks about long 3 hours and quite frankly I wasn't aware of why I was sent together with Mr Tah and Mr Kumar in this trip (Heck, I dun even know wtf where we were heading to in Melaka).

Atlast we reach our destination and since this project is quite confidential, u bet I won't run my rants about it here. Anyway at our destination, we were greated by two businessmans which dun look like normal businessmans (Ever seen a normal businessman wears polo T-shirt and short pants?). I was cracking my arse when one of the businessman received a h/p call from his h/p and reply the call by saying "No ur not my banker, ur not my agent and ur not my ???, pls dun call me again!" before exclaiming to us "Damn, these telemarketing people hah, thesssh! How the hell they get my h/p no. one...". The other businessman reply by saying "They sell it to them one mah, those housing, car and etc agent". LOL

Then the two businessman treated us to lunch at a chicken rice shop, driving us there in the Mercs. I'm betting my shoes these two guys are definitely big shots by the way they talk. During lunch, I got questioned by one of them whom asked me about how many programming languages I knew. I said I only knew one ie Java. Then he asked Mr Kumar how many he knew, Mr Kumar said he knew about 70+ languages from Assembly (Note: Mr Kumar been in IT field for over 35 years).

The trip back was more quiet as we were already tired so not so many conversation. After we reached the office block, Mr Kumar and Mr Tah asked me to join them for coffee... I eagerly joined them for coffee (Hehehe, during office hour). There I learned a fact that puts my so-called coffee addiction to shame. Mr Kumar claims during his younger days he used to whallop around 11 cups of coffee a day! Shit, my personal record for coffee is atmost 5 cups a day... Malu betul... Anyway Mr Kumar told me more about his experience in this field, he claimed he often slept for a short 4 hours a day. Mr Tah then claimed he been smoking since 13, and at times he whack 5 packets a day! Talk about extreme... They indeed earned my respect... LOL

Mr Kumar then left us at the coffee shop to go home (As chief of R&D, he have a flexible timetable). Mr Tah told me to learn as much as I can from Mr Kumar cause Mr Kumar has more than 35 years of experience (worth gold if u ask me). Mr Tah asked me to asked whatever I'm not sure of in the project to Mr Kumar cause I'm actually expected to take over the project once Mr Kumar leaves us (Note: Mr Kumar is from India) in 6 more months. Quite a large task for someone so small like me ya, but Mr Tah motivation speech indeed inspired me to try (told u, he was a great talker).
Tuesday, July 5, 2005 0 b*tchin

Work = Boredom

I been working at my current company for a good 2 weeks, and I'm bored to dead there... As a Junior Programmer, I have yet to touch or see any Java code... The nearest code like thing I touch was html...

So wtf have I been doing on this 2 long weeks there then? Well, Lets see... I have been doing data entry job for the operation dept. (domain training, it's so called), writting a bloody replica of a form into html and typing my CEO's emails from his notes (damn, and I thought my writting is damn hard to read) into his Outlook.

My spirit is beginning to demoralized as I spend most of my time at work doing absolutely "nothing". The programmer I'm assign under often comes to the office for a brief period before vanishing and I'm stuck with no task in hand as there ain't a IT Manager to delegate task to me. When I ask for task from other programmers, I get the "Ugh... I dunno wtf is ur task, so go bother someone else since I got alot of task in hand now" treatment. To top it all off, the operation manager had a fond habit of draggin me into her dept. to do data entry since her dept. is understaff. Sheesh...

Not all is bad though, I meet some new people at work most notable one is Mr Tah. Why I find him intresting? Well for someone who lacks communication skills, I find Mr Tah's communication skill indeed amazing. He is fluent in Chinese, Malay, English and Tamil. I seen him sweet talk others effortless. And best thing of all, he have some understanding of the IT unlike most ppl working in the co.
0 b*tchin

I'm Back...

Argh... needed somewhere to unwind all my excess surpressed emotions... So, I'm back bloggin again...