Sunday, February 24, 2013 0 b*tchin

Top Ten Gym Hate Things

Dear bloggie,

Here is my top ten things I hate the most at my gym...

10. Flashy attention grabbers in group yoga/pilates class. Ranging from moaning when stretching to loud "YESH!" when they manage to perform an exercise with terrible form.
9. F*ckin farters in group classes. Imagine the instructor keep saying "breath, breath" in such scenario.
8. Skirt chasers chasing pussy cat across the gym. I know, i know... nothing wrong bout skirt chasing in gym, it's just I prefer them to do their "business" at the sofa area instead.
7. Skinny runt doing a heavy bicep curl with their hips.
6. Nudity in male locker room. I draw the line at underwear as I think showing off one's penis to the same sex is uncool!
5. Egomaniacs that enjoy to after performing some abs exercises, pull their shirt up and reveal their abs so they (and anyone within their vicinity) can see their prized 1 pack (okok, occasionally got 6 pack) at the mirror.
4. Man boobs in locker room... I almost puke blood...
3. Pussies chit chatin at the squat rack/bench press/etc when they are not using it. Common, there's like a sofa area when u can chat as long as u like bout "How long ur d*cks are"
2. Gym chicks preference at who they point their assets at.
1. Gym bah kut teh preference at who they point their assets at.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013 0 b*tchin

Captain America Vs The Hulk

Dear bloggie,

Why do I enjoy resistance? Well, besides the adrenaline rush that my brain get a dosage of, it's because it's like playing a RPG. Tinkering stats or abilities your want for your RPG characters, except that character is you.

In resistance training, there's several types of build... ie: bodybuilder, strength, marathoner, crossfit and etc... Tis entry I would like to blog about the body builder and strength built. What is the difference? Well, here's a great pix that I found that roughly explain both built in a nutshell:

I been training the body builder routine for 2-3 years, with some results... but recently decided to try out the later routine as my progress seem to have plateau. Since I don't really envision myself to be strong like a gorilla, I opt for the Wendler variation that has some body builder elements hence giving me a jack of all trade but master of none result. My current workout:

Workout A
Main Lift: Bench Press
Secondary Lift: DB Chest Press, DB Fly, Skull Crusher

Workout B
Main Lift: Squat
Secondary Lift: Leg Press, Weighted Step Up, Calf Raises

Workout C
Main Lift: Overhead Press
Secondary Lift: DB Shoulder Press, DB Lateral Raises, Cable Reverse Fly

Workout D
Main Lift: Deadlift
Secondary Lift: Good Morning, DB Rows, Pullup, Bicep Curl

A week 3 times, rotating from workout A to D. Hence week 1 will be A, B and C while week 2 continue D, A, B. The rotating will continue will each workout is done for a number of 4 waves (times) each. Each wave, we're supposed to increase the weight and reduce the reps for the main lift, going at 5 reps x 3 sets for the 1st wave, 3 reps for 3 sets for the 2nd wave and 5-3-1 reps for the 3rd wave. The 4th wave is suppose to be a de loading stage where we lift at a slightly lighter weight for 5 reps x 3 sets so we don't over fried our CNS (Central Nervous System) and muscles. Every secondary exercise will be done according to the state of the body at that workout. If one is feeling "godlike", may do more sets or reps but if feeling the opposite, can't even opt to skip the whole secondary exercises (though not recommended). The main goal is the main lift, hence we're not suppose to overexert oneself to do the secondary exercises as they serve to improve the main lift only. My secondary lifts are not so targeted to increase the main lift but more of promoting balanced growth of aesthetic (good looking) muscles. Cardio meanwhile should be limited to 15-20 minutes so my body is not over stress so my muscle and CNS will not be negatively affected in the next session.