Saturday, February 15, 2014

Balding self

Dear Emma,

Across the past 5 years, my hair is dropping like... ugh like... leng luis annoyingly looking the other way when they catch me staring at em...

Yes Emma, I know I look handsome with or without my hair but losing your "mane" does put a dent in one's self confidence. Never have I thought I would lose my golden mane at the twilight of my years (Remember, dun laugh at people with balding problems coz karma is a b*tch, trust me on this)... Spelly asked me the other day if I was interested in going for a hair transplant with him (he starting to form a Vegeta M hairline). I told him I view the hair as a superficial part of appearance and I have already accepted the fact I rather go bald then spend a buck load of $$$ to regrow/replant em. Spelly however disagree and claims having a nice bunch of hair contributes to self confidence, which I agree to certain degree.

I remember hearing the tale of how Indians would go cut off all their hair at a river as sort of tribute to their gods. They believe that their hair is their "ego" and by cutting them away, they are removing all their negative parts and devoting that now empty part of them to their god instead.

Do I want to be born bald? Of course no... F*CK, I never had the opportunity to grow a heavy metal hairstyle but fate (my gens) already decided it time for me to learn to remove me ego. Across the past 3-4 years, the crown of me head started to "balder" making my head look like someone nuked a hole the the center of my head. My front hairline also started to declined and hair growth started to slow down. Trips to the barber seem to most of the time end up with barber using the clippers 80-90% and scissors 10-20% ratio. And since my hairstyle tend to be the short, I need to visit the barber more regularly to keep my hair in check due to the uneven growth of my hair (front and crown slower than other part).

I have for some time play around the idea of shaving me entire head bald and save me the $$$ and shame of having a nuke hole at my head but I often back down at the "tell the barber what haircut I want" stage. Anyway today Emma, inspired by some youtube videos and to show my "middle finger" to valentine days, I decided to cut my hair myself... So, drum rolls...



Shortest haircut EVER...

0 b*tchin: