Sunday, April 20, 2014

1000+ Calories in 1 hours

Dear Emma,

I had this sudden urge to eat... and within an hour raked up 1K+ calories...

My snack:
2 Croissants, 1 Maggi Mee, 6 Jacob Cream Cracker

This gluttony snacking of mine easily cancel out my 2 hours hard sweat effort in the gym this afternoon (heck, put me in the negative as well in terms of calories deficit). Guess the saying diet is usually the hardest part of a fat loss programme.

Need to modify my diet to cater for my lifestyle to shed some pounds as I now officially weight a f*ckin 68kg! Not sure if I'm getting more buff or izt more fat at my tummy, but I do feel my tummy getting bigger, so maybe my metabolism is slowing down...

0 b*tchin: