Ok, almost been working at my new co. for 2 weeks+ liao, know all the ppl in the co. liao... Wat can I say, I count myself very lucky to be employeed by this co. Too bad I can't speak cantonese else everything will be just perfect.
Anyway been assigned my first module to bang my head on and it involves swing and jdbc. Initially I was to do the module using either swing or swt but getting advice from another collegue with experience in swt and swing, I was advice to use swing. Anyway been cracking my head on the module already as it mainly involves mapping data from UI widgets to a object before mapping again to database columns... T_T. Learn a few new things in UI programming most notable is the mediator design pattern.
Doubt as if I'm up to it to be a programmer has grown in my mind due to seeing my collegue(same age some more) that are good in programming while I even have problem with writting a simple swing+jdbc application. Maybe it's just my pessimistic self again but I really wonder if I can manage to do what my college can do should I be given time... (A word of advice for college students like Eidur that are studying, sacrifice some time to learn up some skill instead of wasting time watching shit shows like Alias so u won't be so underskilled like me when u work). I sometimes even wonder if I can last till the end of my probation?
Okay after almost 1 month of working, I beginning to understand why my father enjoys to go lepak at shopping complex already. I also went to Tesco instead of going straight home as I really need a change from the normal work routine: wake up, goto work, lunch, continue work, go home, sleep, wake up, goto work... Gotten used to driving up and down to work, know which lane to go and which lane to avoid already but still not so familiar with KL roads yet. I plan on trying out the roads near my office every night after work to learn the area.
Today, we celebrated two of my collegue birthday at the office. Funny that these two collegue birthday is so ngam one day apart, one today and another tomolo. Just a few weeks ago, two boss birthday now again double birthday celebration... Bizzare indeed... Anyway time for my routine "sleep" liao... ciao...
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1 b*tchin:
knn...alias rocks...programming sucks
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