Tuesday, February 5, 2008

English Name

Thinking of a english name since alot of ppl call me by my lastname no the c00l factor... Here's a list of some of the english name MFR Chris and I thought off while MFR Chris was slacking chatting with me via MSN during office hours...

Howard Kor
Handsome Kor
Lamer Kor
Loser Kor
Ty Kor
Lennon Kor
No. 1 Kor
#1 Kor
Monk Kor
Raymond Kor
Zen Kor
Zahlen Kor
George Kor
John Kor
Sylar Kor
Hiro Kor
Peter Kor
Matt Kor
Dicky Kor
Jesse Kor
Neo Kor
Frodo Kor
Rick Kor
Chewbaca Kor
Obi Wan Kor
Yoda Kor
Sith Kor
Darth Kor
Hart Kor
Gimli Kor
Aragon Kor
Sam Kor
Saruman Kor
Gandalf Kor
Gollum Kor
Ryan Kor
Donald Kor
Trump Kor
Bart Kor
Homer Kor
Vince Kor
Austin Kor
Rock Kor
Zinedine Kor
Alessandro Kor

1 b*tchin:

LouYea said...

perhaps..... Argo Kor?!?!