Wednesday, July 2, 2008

BOND != 007

Yea, yea... just need to b*tch to release STRESS...!!! Been assigned Facebook + Friendster integration module a couple of weeks ago. Rnd tis stuff and making utilities package to access data from these two sides. Problem is their API ain't meant for 3rd party like us to abuse. Simple example is we need the user's friend mail coz our application need to spam em. Unfortunately, or rather lucky for these social networking users, the brains behind these API are smart enuff not to exposed the emails field. My observation is that these API is more meant for those application that can be drag and drop inside ur profile rather a 3rd party that pool data from them to do crap (That's us, bravo, bravo...). Anyway 4 new collegues today, 3 in our team. Since not enuff space de our table, had to move 2 of them to other group table. Sort of missed my old cubicle compared to this open table seating. Common, with a ctv practically behind my back, I'm screwed. Can't do many illegal stuff while work. Sienz jor lor...

Meanwhile my attempts to Prison Break meanwhile is in the loop. Been one messy procedure. HR informed me my contract is a 1 year contractual one. I was under the impression contractual means, I got a job for 1 year. After 1 year, they may or maybe not renew my contract. I mean apart of that fact, it never occured to me, I would lose my common rights as a normal employee like resigning. Never thought contractual means "BOND". If I knew, I would done wat I done to the Sunway offer. Reject it on the spot. Never like the concept of "BOND", Not that tis current company is not good but maybe cause Bond sounds like Bondage. Now waiting HR to discuss with Big Boss on my contract. Have a very bad feeling bout this crap. Ironic part is I ain't even confirmed. Means no crap like allowance, pocket money, Mercedes Benz...

So lesson learned, Contractual = Bond. These thing exists for a good reason. I mean employer need to protect themselves. Common... We live in the era of capitalism, we're investments in the eye of our employers. Truth be told, I just prefer to stay in a company because I love it there rather than stay there because my contract says so.

0 b*tchin: