Thursday, July 24, 2008

Update on me: Still alive

Ok, Been trying todo a integration module for our portal with these 2 APIs.

Problem that is giving me a headache: Do you choose a pair of expensive office shoes to wear while wandering outside in the wild?

The more I do this project, the more mismatch I feel on the technology being used. From the first module I done till the current module I'm doing, I been wondering... Do we bend technology to match our requirements, or do we choose technology based on our requirements? Personally I believe in the latter concept. I mean, trying to mine data outta these 2 social networking site API (which was meant for making drag and drop applications in their website) really makes me feel like I'm hunting for rabbits using a fishing rod. And the SSO (Single Sign On) requirement is really cracking my head. How do you make a autologin to these 2 sides, when these 2 sides obviously designed their entry point to their damn API so you can't do so?

On other matters, just receive the call I been waiting for since almost 1 whole week. My daydream continues, for now. More hope, more heartbreak later... I'm hoping more and more... Goin to be a rough crash and burn later... *Sigh*... Why can't I deattach from giving hope into this matter...

0 b*tchin: