Sunday, January 17, 2010


Dear bloggie,

It's sometimes frightening, the evil we humans are capable of doing. We boost to be the most intellectual being in this planet yet we sometimes can act worst than animals. Where did this evil came from? Were we born with such evil in us?

My friend became a victim of a snatch thief recently. He was mug at Klang bus station at around 8.30pm. The snatch thief grab his bag from behind and he got hurled to the ground. He fainted and was lucky to only ended up with some minor injuries to his hands and legs.

Being a twisted farked, I have to say I can understand why such crime exists. Some people are really pushed by circumstances (family, debt, society, upbringing, etc) to do such a thing. But what I can't comprehend is why the need to injured others in the process. The numbers of these snatch crimes have been getting really serious these few years. Imagine the impact from getting rip from behind by someone on a motorbike. Any shit can happen, you head might hit a hard thing and BAM! You can ended up dead! And there are such cases already...

Why can these people do such a thing, knowing they could end up killing someone? Is the situation so desperate they need to resort to killing someone for money? I personally think most of these people simply don't care. Don't care if what they are doing is wrong, don't care if maybe their victim need the $ more than them, don't care if they hurt someone, don't care if they kill someone, don't care if they kill someone's son, don't care if they kill someone's mother, etc... When I see in the papers where got public beat the crap outta these snatch thieves, I will say "Kudos", "Well done", "Good job" (Note: Only if these snatch thieves are really snatch thieves). Why should we care about what happens to these thieves when they don't care what happens to us? I understand that everyone deserves to a descent proper trial but I just feel "Why do they deserve mercy when their victims were given none?"

It's evil to deliver your own justice upon such people they say, but if you apply the same logic, isn't it just as evil to do inaction? How many of us would just stand at one corner to "see show" if someone screams for help when they get nab by a snatch thief? How many of us risk our life to chase and apprehend these snatch thief? How many more are willing to dirty their hands to deliver fury upon these snatch thief?

0 b*tchin: