Dear bloggie,
Health or Wealth?
Perhaps one question tat we all asked ourself atleast once, noes? Do we want to be healthy or wealthy? My personal observation is most of us (people tat I know) would probably tend to choose to be wealthy rather then healthy... Their logic(I think) is when ur wealthy u can buy health...
Is this logic right or wrong, I think I would stand on the fence on tis one... But I do agree it's hard to be healthy when u dun have $$$... But I do think we dun necessary need to be "too" wealthy in order to be healthy. Mostly to be healthy I think, requires "knowledge" & "discipline".
Knowledge... as they say dun play hard, play smart... Simple things such as eating a more balanced diet can have a tremendous affect on one's healthy... Good sleeping habits... Good hygiene habits... Effective and time efficient exercises... Proper posture... Knowledge is perhaps the best thing one can invest in to get a great healthy...
As for discipline, what is the use of knowing, when we don't practice it? For instance, I may know all best exercises that take just 30 minutes to do, but if I'm too f*ckin lazy to drag my @rse up the sofa to do it, all is for naught noes? What is the use of knowing the best healthy food if we don't eat it? So what if I know drinking just a can of beer a day would result in me gaining 7.5kg of
fat in a year, when I can't resist the temptation to not drink it?
So I say... "Knowledge" & "Discipline", essential to be healthy (also applies to a lot of other things)...
Still, coming back to the the main question... I think the answer to this question can be found in another question which is:
"What do u want from ur life?"
You want to live long? You want to enjoy the riches of the world? It really comes down to each person... No right, no wrong...
As for me however if one was to ask me what I would choose, I would probably say "50-50" (I'm after all a believer of the middle path). After all, why do we want to be healthy and wealthy in the first place? So we can live a happy and fulfilling life noes? How can we enjoy our life when we are rich but always ill? Or vice versa? Hence I think both elements are essentially important... But I have to admit I'm leaning towards healthy more as I believe, we still can be happy when we are healthy but not wealthy... After all, the best things in life are free... Noes?