Saturday, February 24, 2007

Runaway Train, Time Express

How time flies indeed... Meet an old classmate of mine while "yum cha" with the loser Chris at 1st Station behind Klang Parade yesterday. Tis encounter kinda gimme stirs up the feeling of under achievement that have haunted me since primary school.

While my peers are scaling their way up to the peak of the mountain, I'm practically still idle at the base of the mountain. Heck some even have conquered the peak and now are enjoying the beautiful sunset and vista view from the top.

Quoting a phrase from Takemoto (Honey & Clover anime), "It's not the case where I lack the skill but rather it's the case where I lack a destination" Or maybe it's the case where I lack both skill + destination.

In terms of "talent", I used to believe myself to be superior to many during my teenager era. Looking back, I guess I was a pretty god damn arrogant naive bastard back then. I used to tag myself as a Math Genius (Truth be told, I considered myself as a Math God back then) back at my high school days, now look at me... I can't even do basic arithmetic properly anymore now. Those whom I considered as inferior to me back then, now have all surpass me in live, living their dreams...

At moments like tis I just feel like taking a runaway train to a far far away land, to a place where I dun need to compare myself to others in term of achievement but just be myself, Shed away tis mask I been wearing in front of so many people for so long...

Well, enuff grunts on my loseristic life, my CNY break is almost over... Back to work tis monday. *Sigh*.

1 b*tchin:

chris said...

cibais!! wat loser? knn!!