Thursday, May 8, 2008

Tribute to beloved readers

I always treated tis blog as a spanking site for me to spam whenever I feel down or watever so imagine my utter suprise finding out some ppl is actually reading my "spamkings".

Here my tribute response to my beloved readers...
  1. bunbungirl - Hey bunbungirl, Are u a bunny gal from Japan? Are u still single ar? Are you even a girl ar? Why ur nick is bunbun one? You sell "bun" ar? Wahahaha.... Ok, jokes aside, Macross Frontier good or not, answer depends on wat u want to see. If ur a sucker for fighter planes dog fight like me, u probably gonna love it... The music is ok with the deja vu feel from the original grandfather Macross anime. Anyway it's obvious that we two share a common interest in Japanse stuff... Maybe we can meet up and share a thing or two on Japanese stuff... I happen to be an expert on one Japanese stuff all Japanese male in Japan is expert in one... Wahahahaa
  2. GPS - Wow, cool site u have there... Oh noes, the GPS run on Windows CE!? Then this GPS Sux, and so do u GPS. Now get LOST punk! No f*cker spammers on my personal spam site!!! And no hug... I onli hug pretty gals one...
  3. Lou Yea - Got meeting remember call me lar...
  4. Spelly - Pussy Kor? Nah... Already decided on a english name... Ty... So kowtow and call me by my new Enlish name Ty Kor, u stupid puss (For noob ppl who dunno hokkien Taikoh means Big Brother)

1 b*tchin:

LouYea said...

ROFLMAO Me myself long time didn't meeting la.