Dear bloggie,
Do you believe in the phrase "predetermine"? Do you ever get the feeling sometimes in life, no matter wat we do, we are meant/forced/shoved/watever to walk down a path destined for us by a greater goddamn force/being/watever.
Today I had that feeling. You see, Spelly and I went to had my CNY haircut behind Klang Parade. There are quite a number of hair saloons at that area. And by the great hands of the Gods of Luck and Chance (F*ck, y i never get a great hands from em when I buy 4 ekor one!?), I happened to walked into a hair saloon that belonged to my old classmate. I knew from MFR, he had a hair saloon at that area but didn't exactly knew where it was and out of random choice, I walked into his saloon (After walking out of another hair saloon due to too much people).
While waiting almost 1 1/2 hours (f*ckin alot of ppl) to have my hair cut a long hair hair stylist came to ask if I wanted to cut hair only. Despite his long hair, I could recognize his face and voice. I silently walked to the seat and when he asked what hair style I wanted, I muttered "Tiu, Beh kee wah liao meh... Nia Seng..." (Hokkien cum Cantonse Translater: F*ck, Forget me already meh... Mother XXXXXX). He apologized and said he still can't recognize me, so I told him my name and college and high school. Then of course, he remembered... Well, he so claimed I looked VERY different (Looks old wor. Tiu!) from how I look 6 years ago.
So while he was cutting my hair, we traded some information on our current self well being. Anyway, he freaked me out when he told me, I'm already starting to lose hair. Blablabla... He adviced me to sleep more and have a more stable sleeping time and eat more stable (Hahaha, right on the spot). During our conversation, one thing I can still remember him muttering is a phrase that goes something like
"If you want to be something, might as well be the best"
To me, there something hidden inside this phrase that just makes me ponder what a f*ckup mess I currently am. For someone to quit his IT degree course halfway and pursue his really passion with the mindset of being the best, I can only say one word "bravo". I wished I had his tenacity, his drive, his courage...
However I think it's ironic quite frankly, for me to be able to see these qualities in other ppl but not being able to have them myself.
Note: He said he styled me a hair style that would hide my balding spot... Zzz..