Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Dear bloggie,

Another rainy day today...

Stomp 2 bugs, one involve adding a small hack to update some image file from the common framework image bundle as I can't directly replace some images coz other people is using that framework image bundle as well, so I added sorta a filter that update the customized images for this particular application to use. 2nd bug, an unreported bug that seem to pop up today. No idea what was going one behind the tons of framework coding, but thanks to the "Force", managed to guess where to put the proper breakpoints that ultimately lead me to the cause of the bug. Fixing the bug after finding out the cause was like eating peanuts with my eyes closed.

Also got ignored when I message that someone. Seems like she very busy... I very very blur on what is going one de. I always thought it's either a yes or no but seem as MFR teach me, not so one. I really dunno she got interest or not. One day can chat like close frens, next day can totally ignored me. Yes, yes, yes, I understand she got work, but is a courtesy "Sori, too busy to chat now" too much to ask? I know I would at least do that even to a work college that not so close.

Another bad news is my left shin seems to hurt when I jog. I suspect there maybe stress fracture on my shin bone. Hence I decided to take 4-6 weeks off running, which means I'll skip the Klang new year run. With no running, I'm yet again deprived from another activity that can provide me with my dosage of endorphin. Gonna be a really depressing 2 months atleast.

Last news, seems after my long Xmas till New year holiday, there will be a reshuffling for teams in my company. From what my team lead has hinted, 1-2 members of my team will kena transfer to other team. I think I'm quite high on the list for 2 reason:

1. Outta the other 5 team members, my skill rates last
2. 3 other members are quite core members of the team, I dun see my team lead allowing them to be transferred. Another member is joined later than me but is female and since most team has at least 1 girl, I quite sure I'm on the chopping board.

Somehow, a part of me (the monk side) actually welcomes this shift. Getting away from the that someone is perhaps a blessing in disguise. Yet another side that already found the zen zone working in this team so hard to let go.

0 b*tchin: