Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The silly things we do

Dear bloggie,

Almost 2 years ago, after I puked myself silly on the Bachelor Xmas Booze Feast... I made a vow to quit/reduce this destructive hobby of mine. Having chanced upon the way of the dumbbell, I reinforce my resolve to stop boozing.

I managed to keep myself sober for almost 1 year. I recall the 1st time I broke my boozing vow during World Cup festival, for a fellow brother sake. That brother was heartbroken due to getting (pseudo) dump by his gal. Back then I ponder why the heck is he so wussing about on getting dump by a single gal. Dump mah dump la, so many fish in the ocean... I return to my vow to be sober since.

Only recently did I broke my vow. Not once, but thrice. 1st was about 1 1/2 months ago when I booze alone as MFR was away in Africa. 2nd was with MFR and Suke. Third was yesterday night. It's pathetic really, that I need to rely on inflicting such pain to numb another pain. Anyway, here I stand (or rather sit) with a clear mind and resolve... to never booze again for such silly thing...

As for the cause itself, I decided to let what ever happen, happen. I'm after all a believer of fatalism. We are all fate's puppet (or b*tch)...

There's a saying:

"Our lives are 99% fate, while the remaining 1% is based on our actions."

Hence knowing that fact, do we surrender totally to fate or do we try our best in everything we do, cause we never know when will it be that 1% when what we do will affect our live."

0 b*tchin: