Monday, October 31, 2011


Dear bloggie,

It's time to stir the pot a bit. I initially wanted to build muscle till my weight hits 70kg, but I decided to change my goal from a muscular body to an athletic body instead.

Training wise, will probably have a more balance schedule for weights, cardio and Pilates/Yoga. I aim to reduce my weight from my current 66kg to 65kg... Meaning shedding more fat and maybe gain a bit of muscle if possible. This means, I need to start bucking up my eating habits.

I will move my focus in weight training to mainly 3 body weights exercises: pushup, chinup and squat (fitball). Then add more core focused compound exercises. Need to discipline myself to at least do cardio 3 times a week. No changes to my regular pilates and yoga sessions.

Why I decided to change my goal. Mainly cause I think I sort of loss myself during my quest to up my physical for my running hobby. I think it's better to have a all round body rather then the incredible hulk body. I also have concern on my healthy due to my rather high cholesterol level. I wan to be healthy, not just look healthy... And my intuition says the best way to get there is via the "Middle Path"...

0 b*tchin: