Saturday, October 15, 2011


Dear bloggie,

My latest favourite yoga pose when it comes to working out the hand and core strength... WTF is a Tolasana btw ur askin? I also dunno wat Tolasana means in sanskrit...

Anyway, I can give a long winding b*tchin about Tolasana but being the lazy f*ck I'm... Here's a pix of me doing it to summarize it...

Ur legs is position in a full lotus position then u try to compact the lotus as small as possible. Me above, have tight thighs so u can see my lotus is as big as the moon. Then placing ur hands on the floor just beside ur hips, u lift urself off the ground using ur hands. U then need to suck ur belly button (Pls dun suck ur...) into the spine to activate ur core and walah... "OMG WTF, I can do a Tolasana!!!"

0 b*tchin: