Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sore Loser

Dear bloggie,

As u already know, I bought a chinup bar from Kettler and sadly it failed the "Rockawan Test" having failed to support my weight of 61kg (no screw it). Sadly, this chinup bar wasn't the only thing that failed the "Rockawan Test".

Yesterday went to Taman Rakyat todo some pull ups on the rusty pull up bar there. Was drizzling a bit when I reached there, perfect weather(for me) for an exercise session. Warm up by jogging to the pull up bar, then tested out my new lifting straps on the bar.

My lats... I put their name to the test.

After only performing 1 pull up, my hands and lats totally gone karput...

My lats... they fail the "Rockawan's Test". And a man who fancies himself a godlike monk feels a very human chill/sore crawl up his spine...

So what did I do, I resorted to negative pull ups instead. Since there wasn't any thing there I could use to help me evaluate myself to the bar, I did a slow jump to get myself up and slowly with control come down. Really feel the effects on my lats and biceps. Managed 3 x 8 before my whole back and hand totally lost strength then jog 2 laps for cardio and cooldown.

On way back, while driving my left hand lost strength even to grip the steering wheel, had to use right hand to control. Today woke up with sore forearm, biceps and lats. Now still damn sore, hopefully will recover by tomolo. Want to challenge the pull up bar again tomolo.

0 b*tchin: