Tuesday, December 28, 2010 0 b*tchin

New Year 2011 Resolution

Dear bloggie,

My 2011 New Year Resolution Evolution List
  1. Run 3 10K

  2. Clock 10K in < 55 minutes

  3. Run 2 half marathon

  4. Run a full marathon - 20.11.2011, PBIM Here I come again.

  5. Up my weight to 66.5kg while maintaining my current fat level

  6. SCJP - Need it to get a pay raise T_T

  7. Tryout 3 new hobbies, Yeah I know I NATOed on this alot of time de

  8. Learn to socialize better

  9. Reinvent my clothing style?

  10. Ask "her" out

Monday, December 27, 2010 0 b*tchin

A year in retrospective

Dear bloggie,

Yea, since I got too much time on my hand (On 1 week leave)... Decided to blog on my 2010 resolutions status...

So without further delay, here they are...

1. Gain around 2.5kg of muscle
Not very productive year in terms of muscle gain. Weight around a fluctuating 63-65kg.

2. Improve hamstring and hip flexibility
Epic failure. Less yoga and balance = less flexibility. Actually lost flexibility instead of gaining it, since when one ramp up on muscle, the muscle tend to get shorter and less flexible.

3. Run a half marathon
Highlight of the year no doubt for me. Ran the PBIM 2010 1/2 marathon and survived the elements to finish the run. WOHOO!

4. Run x5 10K
Larian Bandar Diraja Klang, Centro Run, Orange Run, New Balance Setia Alam Run, Run4It, Emkay Green Run

5. Try to clock a 10K under 1 hour
Cracked tis during my New Balance Setia Alam Run, where I was probably at my physical best. Clocked a 56 min 13 sec time.

6. Try out atleast 3 new hobbies and don't go NATO on one of it
Went totally NATO on tis one. With work in the equation, I hardly have time to even do my current gymin hobby.

7. Revive Penang Annual Trip
Rojak tis trip with PBIM 2010

8. Sort out my career path
Still a massive pretzel

9. Break into the 1600 rating in chess.com
Yea, broke into the 1600 rating quite early on tis year.

10. Read complete a book I had not finish reading since college

11. Try land a date

12. Blog less, do more
Blog less, do less also... -_-'

2010 in short can be said as a year of mostly failures for me (Nothing new there). Screw up so many things, it's a miracle I can can go on. Some small achievement, mostly on running. Probably spend the next hour thinking on my next entry, which will be on my 2011 resolution. Till then, ciao...
Friday, December 24, 2010 0 b*tchin

Merry Xmas & Happy New Year

Dear bloggie,

Won't be updating this site for a while... Anyway merry xmas and happy new year in advance...

Sunday, December 19, 2010 0 b*tchin

Xmas Eve Mission

Dear bloggie,

Yea, finally have everything I need for this Thurday's do AND die mission. Had to rope in a few advisers to ask on the practically of this mission. Some say too early stage to do such as stunt, while others say it's a usable approach as long the gift is not overpriced. With 2 bullets already missing the mark by a long mile, I was told 3 times is the max one would usually disgrace themselves before gracefully backing off, so this is third rejection would make my failure complete.

Managed to con get a gal ex work colleague to help me pick the Xmas present. Lucky got gal aid, else I would have bought a soft toy or something "uniquely odd" de. Entered all those shop I usually would avoid like the plague, gal perfume shop, gal clothes boutique, etc... -_-' Would feel definitely out of place if I wandering in alone but got gal don't feel so odd. Bought a safe buy, a small pouch (Other stuff considered was a Xmas decoration doll (useless and doesn't really doesn't express my intentions) & perfume (too pricey) )... Too bad had to settle for a less preffered design as the preferred design ran out of stock (Seen 2 preferred designs pouch but didn't buy to check out out other shops and when returned got sold out >_<). Really SUX as really got difference is the design (and price tag as well)...

I still trying to preparing myself for failure outcomes, as another monk brother has pointed out possibles failure scenarios that could really hurt my ego. Consider for instance, getting a return exchange present from her as sign of friendship. Or worst, coming to office on Friday morning and discovering my gift returned on my desk...

Most worrying for me however is can I keep myself in check and walk away gracefully after getting hit again by the train. As my ex colleague advise, the chances of success maybe slim, but it's better to confirm rather than just let if hang in doubt. Being a monk that have been drunk in depression for god damn knows how many years, I tend to say "Sometimes some things are best left unconfirmed, at least you can have happy thoughts of what good things might happen if", "No gain, no pain", "Ignorance is bliss", etc... Still somehow, I have this uncontrollable urge to throw myself at the mercy of another and experience a 3rd rejection, a urge I can't control with any of my farked up logic. Perhaps this is wat people call as desire, lust or maybe desperation?

Now still trying to plan the last few logistic details for this mission. I can wait her till she balik then ambush her then or I can simply message her to wait for me when she balik then approach her then. Both approach are flawed, the former risk having missed her when she balik and is sort of stalkerish (like suke's Valentine 1 layu rose stunt) while the later loses the element of "hey, I just "randomly" bump into u", might also put her in alert mode since I suddenly message her asking her such odd request and also she might reject my request to message me back when she balik, risking failure to the mission before it even started -_-" (This will REALLY hurt my ego!)...

Maybe I'm over analyzing things like MFR say, I tend to do that when I outta my "Zen" state of mind (Or rather "Slacker" state of mind, or when I actually got utilize my brain to think). KISS is what I'm trying to do here. Not kiss her, but rather find a "Keep It Simple Stupid" approach that works. As my 2nd failure taught me, sometimes just need to lose all the corny opening lines and be direct. Need a nice customized blend to meet the customer's taste bud... Too corny and indirect, might farked up the message, too direct might put her on alarm mode. Sadly this has no formula that I can use like e = mc^2 and one have to depends on one's instinct, feelings and just be brave to drive the ship blindly home...

Finally, some would wonder why am I blogging about this pre disaster planning here? I'm doing this so I can remember it clearly. The effort, the emotion, the sohainess of one that fallen to their desire. Desire is the root of suffering, so I want to etched how my suffering started with a simple give a xmas gift thing. Yea, also bloggin about it cause I got nothing better to blog about lately and it serves as a pretty good depressing + lonely + sohai Xmas entry for this blog, noes?

Besides, a pretty good setup post for the annual XMas song I'm gonna repost here on Xmas noes?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 0 b*tchin
Dear bloggie,

Another rainy day today...

Stomp 2 bugs, one involve adding a small hack to update some image file from the common framework image bundle as I can't directly replace some images coz other people is using that framework image bundle as well, so I added sorta a filter that update the customized images for this particular application to use. 2nd bug, an unreported bug that seem to pop up today. No idea what was going one behind the tons of framework coding, but thanks to the "Force", managed to guess where to put the proper breakpoints that ultimately lead me to the cause of the bug. Fixing the bug after finding out the cause was like eating peanuts with my eyes closed.

Also got ignored when I message that someone. Seems like she very busy... I very very blur on what is going one de. I always thought it's either a yes or no but seem as MFR teach me, not so one. I really dunno she got interest or not. One day can chat like close frens, next day can totally ignored me. Yes, yes, yes, I understand she got work, but is a courtesy "Sori, too busy to chat now" too much to ask? I know I would at least do that even to a work college that not so close.

Another bad news is my left shin seems to hurt when I jog. I suspect there maybe stress fracture on my shin bone. Hence I decided to take 4-6 weeks off running, which means I'll skip the Klang new year run. With no running, I'm yet again deprived from another activity that can provide me with my dosage of endorphin. Gonna be a really depressing 2 months atleast.

Last news, seems after my long Xmas till New year holiday, there will be a reshuffling for teams in my company. From what my team lead has hinted, 1-2 members of my team will kena transfer to other team. I think I'm quite high on the list for 2 reason:

1. Outta the other 5 team members, my skill rates last
2. 3 other members are quite core members of the team, I dun see my team lead allowing them to be transferred. Another member is joined later than me but is female and since most team has at least 1 girl, I quite sure I'm on the chopping board.

Somehow, a part of me (the monk side) actually welcomes this shift. Getting away from the that someone is perhaps a blessing in disguise. Yet another side that already found the zen zone working in this team so hard to let go.
Sunday, December 12, 2010 0 b*tchin

The power of music...

Dear bloggie,

~Where the streets have no name...

~I still haven't found what I'm looking for...

~With or without you...
0 b*tchin


Dear bloggie,

Almost 1/2+ year ago... My gun were like tis...


Shoulder looks abit more rounded, but biceps and triceps still looks like covered in fat de... Sad, 1/2 year hard work and tis is the shitty results...

Anyway, yar... Before I forget, tis is my hairdo for my Penang 1/2 Marathon 2010

Definitely more progress than my guns...
Thursday, December 9, 2010 0 b*tchin

Without limits

Dear bloggie,

"I don't want to win unless I know I've done my best, and the only way I know how to do that is to run out front, flat out until I have nothing left. Winning any other way is chicken-shit."

"The real purpose of running isn't to win a race. It's to test to the limits of the human heart."

"Running, one might say, is basically an absurd past-time upon which to be exhausting ourselves. But if you can find meaning, in the kind of running you have to do to stay on this team, chances are you will be able to find meaning in another absurd past-time: Life. "
0 b*tchin

Xmas countdown: 16 days

Dear bloggie

To celebrate yet another to be lonely XMas... I'll be spamming depressing lonely xmas songs to end of this year... Enjoy :(

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 0 b*tchin

The silly things we do

Dear bloggie,

Almost 2 years ago, after I puked myself silly on the Bachelor Xmas Booze Feast... I made a vow to quit/reduce this destructive hobby of mine. Having chanced upon the way of the dumbbell, I reinforce my resolve to stop boozing.

I managed to keep myself sober for almost 1 year. I recall the 1st time I broke my boozing vow during World Cup festival, for a fellow brother sake. That brother was heartbroken due to getting (pseudo) dump by his gal. Back then I ponder why the heck is he so wussing about on getting dump by a single gal. Dump mah dump la, so many fish in the ocean... I return to my vow to be sober since.

Only recently did I broke my vow. Not once, but thrice. 1st was about 1 1/2 months ago when I booze alone as MFR was away in Africa. 2nd was with MFR and Suke. Third was yesterday night. It's pathetic really, that I need to rely on inflicting such pain to numb another pain. Anyway, here I stand (or rather sit) with a clear mind and resolve... to never booze again for such silly thing...

As for the cause itself, I decided to let what ever happen, happen. I'm after all a believer of fatalism. We are all fate's puppet (or b*tch)...

There's a saying:

"Our lives are 99% fate, while the remaining 1% is based on our actions."

Hence knowing that fact, do we surrender totally to fate or do we try our best in everything we do, cause we never know when will it be that 1% when what we do will affect our live."
Monday, December 6, 2010 0 b*tchin

Bottomless pit

Dear bloggie,

It's quite funny actually, how I fail to see this coming... I'm still at lost on what I did wrong to screw up a simple request for msn. No excuses this time, just no response... Won't be seeing each other for 1 week, I dunno how I can proceed this time...
Sunday, December 5, 2010 0 b*tchin

A picture of me...

Dear bloggie,

I'm never a photo kind of person. Like the gambling king, no like my pix taken one. Why? Coz every time take picture with my face, the photo will look like a scene from a comedy sketch one...

[Pix tribute from Rukawa]

But I really like tis photo of me. Why? Very very me... Reflects who I am quite nicely, ie: Introvert, Loner, Lonely, Goalless, Slacker, Like to look blankly into the empty & wide blue skies type of person...
Saturday, December 4, 2010 2 b*tchin

Japanese Star Trek

Dear bloggie,

"JMovie: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Space Battleship Yamato. It's an otaku mission: to explore strange live actions, to seek out new crazy japanese ideas and new money making movies, to boldly go where no man japanese has gone before."

Friday, December 3, 2010 0 b*tchin


Dear bloggie,

Some would tag this as romantic while other sohai...

Marriage Proposal on Penang Marathon 2010

Being a runner myself, I have to say I think it's a creative + romantic marriage proposal. I say this, coz I have yet to hear anyone pulling tis stunt before and the couple share a common interest/passion, hence wat could be more romantic than proposing at this common ground?

What kind of proposal would u envision urself doing? A shotgun proposal? A exotic proposal? A unexpected proposal? A planned proposal? Different people have different ideas on how they wan to do tis...
0 b*tchin

Me Tarzan

Dear bloggie,

Today is probably the less depressed (okok more exact, most "happy") I feel for quite sometime. Maybe it's all in my imagination and my mind...

I dunno how far tis Tarzan can go also, and not sure if I'm better of walking away or risk another rejection... Anyway, with MFR tips, I manage to do a PB (Personal Best) intel gathering. At the midst of the moment, almost Tarzan again... But managed to recall where my 1st gungho attempt lead to so I restrain myself to take things slowly and easy.

Monday, plan to do bolder move, try get msn. Hopefully Tarzan successful...