Friday, September 16, 2011

Oren Charity Run 2011

Dear bloggie,

About 2 years ago, when I ran Centro run 2009, I clocked a 33 min for my 6K. Today I ran a awesome (Yea, yea, yea... Syok sendiri) 7K in 34 min 28 sec. Woohooo... Can you calculate the my improvement... Holy shit 34 - 33 = 1 min! Tat means, I ran the extra 1K in 1 min... Wahahaha... Anyway, jokes aside... I probably managed to improve my average pace to 5 min per km pace which I hope to be able to maintain for a 10K.

Overall, a rather flat route run. From wat the organizers said, got around 2200+ runners. Didn't see any familiar faces, most likely coz they run last week Run4It de.

For tis run, my actual target was 6 min perkm pace hence a 42 minutes finish time goal. With my shin pain resurfacing and with a recent shaky knee (Thx to my new addiction to Body Step), I didn't expect to be able to run a my max speed. Lucky tis time around, onli my shin sorta bother me, no shaky knee (Especially since I last nite stupidly gatal go join Body Step class some more).

My main goal for this race is to gauge my ability to maintain a fast pace in a short run. In tat aspect, I failed as I had to take 3 stops (around 1 min per stop) as I was unable to sustain tat pace. I started quite slow as a lot of traffic but I decided at around my 2nd Km, to turbo up instead of after the water station (Which is at the 1/2 way point). I ran like da wind... I dun think I ever ran so fast in a long distance run before... And nothing unexpected ran outta gas around the 3K+ mark. My ran went to holland after tat, my body already taking the toll of running the fast 2K, even running at my normal pace was difficult. I somehow still managed to complete the run with a f*cked up stamina. And when I stop my stopwatch, I was delighted to see I managed 34 mins. So happy... :)

My bubble however burst when the winners medal ceremony, the fastest runner time was a f*ckin fast 23 mins!!! That's like 11 minutes faster... And for onli a 7K race. By th gods of Maths, tat's a 23 / 7 = 3.3 min per km pace!!!! While I'm rather bummed at the CLEAR difference in ability, it's sorta makes me more committed to train harder.

As for organizer for this run, I can't say I seen nor have any complains I wanna b*tch about. No problem from start to end. Kudos...

Till the next run... Run on!!!

#Update: Discovered tat tis run is onli 6.3K... Sigh...

0 b*tchin: