Dear bloggie,
I experienced the longest 1K in my entire running career... Mcjesus...
Overall, a well organized event with one major complain/mistake... The organizer screwed up as they distribute 42K finisher tshirt to non 42K runners. I got one also despite running 21K onli. I expect alot of 42 finisher to be b*cthin soon in facebook coz most likely not enuff t-shirt for them. I'm not sure if it's the organizer fault, coz I think the people distributing it are volunteers tat aren't from the organizer side. Other complains or constructive criticism is perhaps
1. The lack of a proper goodie bag.
2. Rather far distance marker in the route, each water station is 3K from each other. Rather hard for ppl like me tat dun have cool iphone gps to calculate pacing.
3. No pain spray at water stations. I think quite alot people will cramp at around the last 2 water station, so I think make sense to have tis.
4. Paper bib. Well, lucky today no rain... else I dun think the bib will endure it.
Ok, I b*tched the bad, now the good...
1. Water station every 3K, Awesome
2. Cheering team, Having people cheer u one is a very motivating
3. Water, 100 Plus, Watermelon, Banana. I have to say the kudos at the variety of refreshment they prepared at the water stations.
4. Spiderman, The Hulk, Batman, Superman. These superhero were perhaps a surprise along the route. Cheering and giving high 5 to the runner.
5. Small hifi placed at certain quite quiet part of the route, char khan loud songs gives u perhaps a temporary distraction from the pain.
6. Water sprinkler. A dude dressed in a clown outfit was firing water at the runners to cool em down using what looks like to me like a odd looking water gun.
7. One of the organizer boss, Anand aka Orange Man standing in the middle of the route at around 500m from the finish line giving high 5 and encouraging the runner, says a lot on the organizer of this event.
8. Running with the majestic views of the buildings in Putrajaya is perhaps a experience I won't forget.
Moving on to my personal running experience, the 21K route reminds me of my nightmare KOTOR 2008 run. Damn a lot of hilly route. For this run, my plan was to experiment a few things like 7 min perK pacing, carbo loading, pre run hydration, and running strategy. My plan was to run the first 10K at a 7 min perK pace non stop before taking a 5 minute break, then continue the 7-8 K at the same pace before taking another 5 minute break before dashing the last remaining K. I sadly f*cked up big time... I managed onli a 9K non stop at a hour timing. Like in the sunway run a few weeks ago, I ran outta gas at the 15K mark. I had to dig hard to tank the remaining 6K. My forefoot was hurting for every step I take after the 15K. I had to change my running style to my old one which have a longer stride. The 3K to the last water station seem to take forever. After the 18K mark, I had to again change my running plan as my forefoot was really hurting. I had to do quick dashes for 4-5 minutes before taking a 1 minute walking break. Repeat and rinse. I think I cut quite a lot of people at the final 3K as a lot of people also habis minyak de and was walking. When I saw the 1K left sign, I was like "Thank god!". But as I dig out every remaining glycogen left in my body to finish the 1K, the finish line was no where in sight. I was thinking, WTF? Why does running tis last 1K feel longer than running the 3K at the start? Then when the route make a sharp right turn, I finally saw the finish line... OMG!? It tat really 500-600m? I saw Anand and he gave me a high five. I could taste the finish line... Then I felt it... My left calf cramped up. F*CK! Lucky for me, I still could run, but just couldn't open my stride long. Had to take small steps again. Every step, send a sensation to my forefoot. It felt like everything was running on slow motion... One step at a time, I neared the finish line. When I crossed the line, I was really worn out... Didn't even energy to raise my hand in triumph for the cameras. Probably will have 1/2 death pix of me... :(
Carbo loading and hydration strategy was okay but I need to tweak my eating schedule couple of hour pre marathon, as I fell hungry during the run. I recon a full marathon
which will last longer will make me feel even hungrier. Probably need take a small snack to eat before the run to curb this problem.
My time? 2 hour 24 minutes... 9 minute out of my goal time of 2 hour 15 minute. But a 6 minute improvement from my last 1/2 marathon run. Am I happy on my time? Frankly speaking, a bit happy coz I think the route is more tough compared to Penang Marathon which is less hilly. Things however dun look very encouraging for my 42K tat I will be doing in 1 month + time. I need to go back to the drawing board and figure out a more suitable pacing + running strategy for my full marathon...