Friday, September 21, 2012 0 b*tchin

Right or Wrong?

Dear bloggie,

"Your task can't be consider complete since there are some gaps to it. Your delay will result in the team schedule to be late and the whole team will susah".

These words make me "snapped" today...

If one's s/w requirement is incomplete or missing some loose ends, whose fault izt when ur final product doesn't include this feature? The developer? The person who defines the requirements? Or the team?

Or maybe it's just me... I dunno anymore... I just don't feel like doing it anymore. No longer know how to do programming anymore. Let me be the 1st to admit my flaws: lone ranger, don't talk much, slacker, not interested in bombastic business flows (why do u even think I go into IT instead of business for?), not interested in geek gadgets, not interested in if Netbean is way better than Eclipse or vice versa. My interest in IT, let me say it straight and plainly, IS DEAD. I doing it as a job to earn my bread and butter, not cause I enjoy doing it. I have long stopped enjoying it...

But I always prided myself as the programmer that can get things done at the promise time, tell me u want input A and output B, I may not be able to give u the best solution but I will come up with a working one within the timeline.... but when ur superior ignores ur effort by saying the whole thing is not working (it's not not working, just need do a workaround to work) because of a gap, I start to ponder... Izt me or the other side that is wrong. A constant problem I been having with my superior is where is the line drawn for a feature? I favor the black and white way cause I think it's the only sane way to draw a line on what should be delivered and what shouldn't. When people use words like "expect u to know", I'm often find it hard to gauge the level of coverage these people "expect u to know". I can write a simple requirement for u to write a webpage that count 2 numbers the user inputted, can I use the word "expect u to know" to justified that the UI should look like a calculator, uses https, be color friendly to color blind people, etc when evaluating the webpage?

Imagine a single working sample of how to generate the content of the table as your acceptance criteria. So who should I go to clarify where goes to where in the table for other scenarios? Is it my responsibilities to document these scenarios? And to think of negative test cases when in fact during planning, all that was discuss was the happy scenarios? And do I have to correct the wrong stated outputs for the scenarios? When I bark, I get shot saying it's a team effort, so why am I so particular about whose responsibilities izt to do these things? Why can't I bark when I'm getting barked at on this to begin with?

The thing that I probably can't tolerate the most is the part "my gap is causing the whole team to fall behind the schedule." A feature that probably takes 2-3 days that was totally missed out by the PO, team lead, programmer (me) and QA is resulting in the whole schedule to fall behind so much? When things like requirement changes to add feature "A" in, removing it after a few sprints later and after another few sprints adding it back again, is happening over and over again makes it hard for me to comprehend. Anyway, isn't scrum an iterative process? ie: Missed something? No worries, next sprint add it. Is that not the reason why scum sprints are short in nature? Cause it recognize one is bound to missed something or have a gap?

Probably the funniest part which I do admit I'm guilty off, is my facebook gaming in office. Yea, I tetris battle during 12-2pm. I know it's my fault, but I find it rather funny and amusing that some people can play wii or pool within the same period and yet have no one complain about it.
Monday, September 17, 2012 0 b*tchin

Fun weekend

Dear bloggie,

Been quite a fun weekend tis week...

Let's see, 1st I had my co. dinner on Friday nite. Was held at Sunway hotel n spa. The dinner was pretty good I have to say. Also the main entertainment for the co. dinner was the stupid gangnam dance. Everyone was invited to dance in front of the dance floor. Was hoping to be lucky the 3rd time, but sadly won nothing at the lucky draw. Said something I shouldn't have said during the dinner also, really regret it now.

Next morning drag my @rse up early morning to go to Bangsar for my pilates class. Another class where I totally felt like a n00b cause the instructor would keep correcting my alignment. I thought I was pretty good but now I dunno if I got what it takes to be a pilates instructor. I mean, really... it's an eye opening experience. I thought as long as u get the exercise to look same as the instructor form consider doing it correct de, but there's so much more to it, the alignment, the muscle firing, which part should remain stagnant, etc...

After the class, went to 1U to catch the japanese film festival by GSC. Sadly the earliest show was at 5pm. I was there at 10am, so damn tiu. Eat subway then bla. Spend the remaining of the day paying my sleep debt and watching the old jdrama "Boss".

Woke up on sunday morning with happy mood since Monday is after all another rest day. Also cause I signup for a free pilates class. Decided to watch my "Boss" marathon till the next thing I knew, already 12.45pm O_O'. The class starts at 1.30pm, so I did an amazing car fly from Klang to Jayaone in under 30 minutes record time! Rush into the studio at 1.35pm, lucky still not yet start coz some student still not yet arrive... Was expecting my prev instructor to teach the class one, mana tau is boss of the studio teach. Sadly I'm the onli male in the class, and sadder is all boh leng lui one. I think since most students are new to pilates, the instructor decided to teach more basics pilates exercises, which was awesome even to someone like me that been practicing pilates for 2-3 years de. I receive quite alot correction from the instructor. In reality it's a good thing to be corrected, as that's the only was you can learn from u mistake (If ur pilates instructor isn't touching n correcting u, consider finding another instructor, with exception for huge group pilates class) but I feel more lacking then ever in terms of ability to be a pilates instructor. My wounded ego aside, I really enjoy this class even thought there isn't any BIG fancy pilates exercise as the instructor did a well job in cueing and correcting the students. Learn alot and have the urge to actually signup for this instructor class already but didn't due to war fund issue. Fitness 1st was already costing me a gud RM180 + RM140 from bangsar pilates studio. :(

Anyway, after the free class went to 1U again to try to catch a japanese film festival movie. Was lucky this time as managed to get it this time (Alot of ppl due to cheap ticket price, RM5 onli). However my seat was 2nd fronts rows seat... Watched the "Good Husband" and got a good soul cleaning. Almost paip bocor twice in the movie. Managed somehow to restrict myself from breaking down in tears. Before u call me a sissy, I heard quite a few guys sniffing too... Overall a good movie, got it's flaw but got some really great emotional scenes. If I haven't seen a bit of the spoiler, quite certain I will break down and cry de. Yea, it's that emotional... Yet again, I'm a sucker when it comes to sad movies...
Saturday, September 15, 2012 0 b*tchin

Truth hurts

Dear bloggie,

Bloody company dinner was one I rather forget. Didn't win anything and sorta regret didn't skipping it.
Sunday, September 9, 2012 0 b*tchin

Heaven under 1 workout

Dear bloggie,

Having endured some resistance workouts such as full body, 3 days split, 5 day split, upper and lower body split, etc... I come to tis point in my gyming career where I have to make a decision on what kinda body built I want to so I can adjust my workout to match my goals. When I started, I just wanted to pack some muscle to my boney body. Fast forward 3 years, I have gained a good 5kg weight gain and reduced my fat % by around 4%. Tis year, my gain plateau (0 gain) so it lead to me to reevaluate my workout. One factor that lead to my plateau I suspect is my social life "distraction". Other possible factor I can think is my no longer usage of protein powder. I might need to go back on my steroids, but we will see. Another possible cause is my training regime.

Quite recently, I been a fan of full body workout. Means, each session I workout my whole body. I would do my big 3 compounds: bench press, chin up and leg press then compliment it with others exercises. I suspect this full body workout doesn't stimulate my body enuff as compared to a split where I would focus on certain muscle group in a workout instead of the full body. So after some reading and thinking, I decided to come up with my own workout that incorporates my knowledge in resistance training. My ultimate goal is a workout that is "Jack of all trades, but master of none". I want to improve my muscle strength, mass and endurance. Now, training for strength, mass and endurance is slightly different in terms of reps we do each set. For strength 1-6 reps, mass 6+ to 12 and endurance 13+. I also hope to created a good ratio between muscles, meaning the opposing muscle are balanced or don't have a overpowering strength difference (ie: like tricep strength = bicep strength). Cardio is another element I hope to include in my workout.

So many elements, yet the question is how I can combine all this things into a workout? Typically, most people just bulk and cut (1 period gain muscle, another period cut fat) but I reject such approach as I'm not a fan of this approach. So, I decided to spend the next 3 months experimenting with my own designed workout to see if such feat is possible. Can I design a workout that gives me the best of 4 worlds? Heck is such thing even possible?
Saturday, September 8, 2012 0 b*tchin

The Gift

Dear bloggie,

Another great one from the amazing Glen Hansard...

Awesome song, but the song lyrics abit too uplifting for me... "Strong enuff", "Don't give up", "Just try to understand"...

Anyway side note, today walked into a pilates class where the students were doing the teaching... Actually these students are preparing for their certification exam, hence the instructor gave them a chance to practice for the exam and I ended up as a guinea pig for them. Gives me a great insight of what to expect if I signup for the certification end of this year as well. Quite a eye opening experience since most of the time I'm used to seeing instructors giving cues in consistent, easy to understand and "almost" perfect manner in classes, I take it for granted it's a easy thing to do... Trust me, it ain't. The order of the cues, the on the spot adjustments, how to present it in a easy to understand manner visually & verbally... I already doubt if I can do it... And to think these batch probably have train for almost a year for this exam, sorta make me feel motivated... I mean, that what mastery of a specific skill is about. Slowly but with unwavering desire to improve one's skill. Some say "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result." yet I argue how is one able to aim for the acme of one's skill if one is no willing to immersed one self in such insanity to begin with?

Work meanwhile is getting harder and harder to do. The moment I step foot into the office, the 1st thing in my mind is the 6 o'clock "sau kong" moment of the day. Even with tasks in my hand, I find it more and more difficult to pass time in my office. Dunno how long I can work in this field anymore... I'm ain't really team lead material, my skill ain't really "great" and my working experience already hit 5+ years landmark... Quite hard to land a job with as code monkey anymore.

As for social life, nothing significant happen cause I choose to. A ex work colleague tried to intro someone to me, but I decided to shun it and shove it away in a rather rude manner. My fren say my qualification so char yet so cheng... At reflection level, I realize what I'm doing is similar to how I was treated... Hence I'm conflicted...

My only sanctuary for comfort is the gym. When I burn, tear and break myself physically till all that occupies my mind is the the thought of how many reps I need to do left. Sorta like getting drunk feeling... Push abit too much I fear, as signs of overuse appearing... Wrists, ankles, shoulders feel like they might actually break into 2 pieces. I ponder wat kinda worst state I would be in if even gym is taken away from me one day... :(
Monday, September 3, 2012 0 b*tchin

Blade Runner

Dear bloggie,

"What does it mean to be human?"

That's the question that plays around my mind after watching tis ancient 80's movie staring Harrison Ford. Tis movie, is directed by the same dude that directed Alien and Prometheus. For a 80's film, the special effect is nothing short but amazing. While u dun get the same feel as Avatar world, but u definitely is transported into an futuristic urban planet earth. The worlds is vibrant, brought to live not by high tech cutting edge CGI but by amazing lightin, props and whacky costumed backdrop actors.

So what's the movie about? Here's the problem... What happens when we humans created another being that looks like us, thinks like us and can feel like us? How do we differentiate between us and them? Would "humanity" be something exclusive to us then?

Deckard(Harrison Ford) is a retired Blade Runner. A Blade runner is sorta of a special policeman that specializes in tracking and retiring Replicants. Replicants are man made robots that have the face of a human, thinking of human but lack the emotions of a human. Deckard been assigned the task to hunt a group of rogue Replicants. But how can one find these rogues replicants when it's so hard to differentiate between one and a normal human? Further complicating things, Deckard finds himself having affection for a pretty chick Replicant. The setting of the movie is noir style... low lighting and unbalanced composition (according to wiki) sorta like old skool detective storytelling style. One ponders about if humanity is about emotions, then should the Replicants that is potrayed throughout the movie with such strong emotions compared to the emotionally cold Deckard, can they considered as human? It is the climax near the near however that steals the show for me... When a Replicant that have killed so many and is about to Deckard but decides to save Deckards instead, if a being is capable to regret his action and attone for his past sin, is that not "humanity"?

The ending ends with a rather controversial note that fueled debates for decades. Is Deckard the Blade Runner that hunts and retire Replicant, a replicant himself? Amazing stuff really... This movie has actually achieved cult status and I'm not surprise really considering the extraordinary plot, awesome special effects, great cast of actors... Phenomenal...
Sunday, September 2, 2012 0 b*tchin

Expendables 2

Dear bloggie,

Tata the Avengers... Hello to Expendables 2...

Went to watch tis movie with da monks. What I think about it?

Back in the days when movie heroes dun need gamma mutation, iron suit, super soldier serum, toy hammer to k*ck @$$... Heck, these "classics" just need "PLOT HOLE".

Trained soldiers armed with sub machine guns missing their aim, rockets keep hitting a few meters from their mark, evil baddies that prefer to rant their mouth on and on and on rather than killing their foes when it's a clear kill scenario, multiple heat shots... Welcome, ol skool action movies.

Actually, if I went to see this with expectation of today's modern action movie, I would probably use words like "Garbage", "WTF!?", "GODLIKE"... but I went in with the mindset of this movie being a parody to the 80/90's action movies. Hence ridiculously GODLIKE scene that if I would bash turn out quite funny as a parody. I mean take for instance the crazy assault scene, when 5-6 ah pek storm into the enemy base in their jeep. They like got invisible shield, coz so many ppl shooting at them yet no shot hit and all their shot head shots...

A nice mixture of action and humor but do note it's 18SG, ALOT of violent scenes... We practically have the whole gang of ah pek: Stallone, Jason Statham, Lundgren (Dunno who is tis classic), Jet Li, CHUCK NORRIS, Arnold, Bruce Willis... and even Van Damme as the baddie. The action scene are really way way ridiculous, like crash landing an airplane into enemy base, but not a scratch on any of the classics... -_-'

Overall a enjoyable movie if u treat it not a serious action movie but rather a tribute to old skool action movie. I however think even if treated as a serious modern action movie, it's still WAY more enjoyable than "Clash of Titan". A recommended watch.
Saturday, September 1, 2012 0 b*tchin

Sueper Bro 69000

Dear bloggie,

Godlike lines:

Yeah. Yeah. No, Yeah!

It' will add 12 inches to ur d*ck. If ur gay, it will make u straight. If ur straight, it will make u into a rapist.

Buy 5, u get 1 Free... And if you buy 1, you get 5 free