Dear bloggie,
Went for a monk meditation session at Chillout, Subang Parade.
Only 2 monks (Spelly and Suke) went along with me to checkout this hangout. Located at Subang Parade, near the Parkson exit infront of the Empire Gallery. I have to say, my feeling when we first walked into this bistro was very positive... Especially with the leng lui's beer promoters standing at the bar counter. Fulamak anak bapak... Think I fartin? See tis or tis for urself (Smokin hot, especially the 1st pix center one)...
Anyway, the ambiance is not bad. We sit at the outdoor area (smoking area), coz we wanna see the live band. The beer promoter chick come but we didn't order any beer (Guiness Stout), but instead order cocktails coz got promotion for cocktail tat nite. Me and Spelly ordered Long Island Tea while Suke ordered a Blue Lagoon. We also ordered a rather delicious Margarita Pizza. As for booze, the long island was quite heavy for me... Spelly onli managed to drink 1/3 while according to Suke, his cocktail was nice and not too heavy. Suke wanted to go for round 2, but the beer promoters all balik de, so didn't ordered... :(
Also got live music, dunno wat name the band but get a thumbs up from me. Seems like foreigners to me, maybe Philippines but they even sang "Hijau" by Zainal Abidin. Sang quite alot of songs through the nite. As for crowd, sadly not much chinese leng lui. Mostly we saw foreigners lui. We left quite early (around 11.30) coz Spelly was already yearning for his Zzz due to his 1/3 booze? Maybe next week will go again coz Sunday got 50% of food and cocktail promotion.
Dear bloggie,
I need a kit kat...
Feel worn out, like my very soul is dissolving into molecules. Took a jog at Taman Rakyat Andalas tis evening. Been almost 1/2 year since I last jog there. So fast time past... I still recall the days when I used to jog regularly there during my freelance era. Unlike back then, I felt heavy on my heart. I thought I couldn't get anymore confuse about life, but it seems things just get more and more confusing...
What, Where, Why, Who, How? I seem to have forgotten these question that used to haunt my thoughts... Asking myself these question, over the years... I built my own fortress of logic, philosophy, faith, ideals, feelings... Yet I realize they crumble and falter upon the great maze of contradiction of reality. It's feels as if I can't even take for granted simple thing such as what is white and black color anymore? What is black anyway? Color code #FFFFF? In the end, is the black I'm talking about here the same as the black you are thinking off when you read this? Things I feel, only exists when we create it in our mind. When we pour our emotion to someone, we give birth to "love". When we think of who created us, we give birth to "god". When we try to define what we know and don't know, we give birth to "reality". And here I was about to make my definition of reality "Reality is nothing but an illusion we conjure up in our mind" only to realize this statement is also applies to itself and ironic shoot itself on it's foot... Perhaps there is truth in the teaching of "Zen", which sorta goes "If you can explain Zen in words, then that is not Zen".
I feel like I need to hide away as a hermit away from all this madness. I just feel like swept away by the torrent around me. Being toss up and down by the waves till nothing really matters anymore. Feel so helpless, yet again so "void" from perhaps unnecessary thoughts. Even if this whole world is to end tomolo... I fear I would still feel apathetic towards it, and to certain degree perhaps welcome it...
I need a time out, a short break to realign myself to my center of gravity before my mind and soul really fly out of the orbit of being a human...
I need a kit kat...
Feel worn out, like my very soul is dissolving into molecules. Took a jog at Taman Rakyat Andalas tis evening. Been almost 1/2 year since I last jog there. So fast time past... I still recall the days when I used to jog regularly there during my freelance era. Unlike back then, I felt heavy on my heart. I thought I couldn't get anymore confuse about life, but it seems things just get more and more confusing...
What, Where, Why, Who, How? I seem to have forgotten these question that used to haunt my thoughts... Asking myself these question, over the years... I built my own fortress of logic, philosophy, faith, ideals, feelings... Yet I realize they crumble and falter upon the great maze of contradiction of reality. It's feels as if I can't even take for granted simple thing such as what is white and black color anymore? What is black anyway? Color code #FFFFF? In the end, is the black I'm talking about here the same as the black you are thinking off when you read this? Things I feel, only exists when we create it in our mind. When we pour our emotion to someone, we give birth to "love". When we think of who created us, we give birth to "god". When we try to define what we know and don't know, we give birth to "reality". And here I was about to make my definition of reality "Reality is nothing but an illusion we conjure up in our mind" only to realize this statement is also applies to itself and ironic shoot itself on it's foot... Perhaps there is truth in the teaching of "Zen", which sorta goes "If you can explain Zen in words, then that is not Zen".
I feel like I need to hide away as a hermit away from all this madness. I just feel like swept away by the torrent around me. Being toss up and down by the waves till nothing really matters anymore. Feel so helpless, yet again so "void" from perhaps unnecessary thoughts. Even if this whole world is to end tomolo... I fear I would still feel apathetic towards it, and to certain degree perhaps welcome it...
I need a time out, a short break to realign myself to my center of gravity before my mind and soul really fly out of the orbit of being a human...
Dear bowling ball,
Dogdammit!! Why dun u spin one!? Niaseng...
Been trying to pickup the spinner bowling technique aka Helicopter/UFO ball. So far, still epic failure to throw this kinda ball. Actually wanted to learn hook ball one, but since in house bowling ball very hard to hook one and I no $$$ to buy one bowling ball, so I decided to learn spinning instead since they say normal in house ball can use for this technique.
The difference of spinning and normal straight shot is well, the bowling ball will spin horizontally in spinning lor. This shot unlike hook or straight shot which best aim is the 1-2 or 1-3 pocket, works best when strike the 1st pin directly. The spinning motion will have different domino effect on the pins when hit the 1st pin. However this technique from what I heard, has higher injury risk as the finger motion to spin the ball is quite taxing on the fingers compared to a straight or hook shot. It's suppose to be like throwing a dice finger motion, the fingers will end up in a high five finishing position after throwing the ball. This technique is quite popular in asia countries (especially taiwan) coz this technique was developed to counter the rather harsh lane condition (not properly oiled lanes = hard to hook) here. A strong point of this technique is due to the less contact of the ball with the lane, it's not so influence by lane condition.
So far I still struggling to use this technique. I still can't find a compromise between the power of spin and targeting. If my ball is straight, the spin is not powerful enuff, if my ball spin is gud, the ball target eat corner... I also have to downgrade my ball weight to 10 pounds one from my normal 13-14 pounds one, as spinners usually use 10-12 pounds balls coz it's harder to put a strong spin if the ball is too heavy. I have seen some people bowl using this technique and is in awe at the power of this shot. While it may lack the elegance of a hook shot, but the spinning ball hit the pin is like watching a tornado cross a town...
Dogdammit!! Why dun u spin one!? Niaseng...
Been trying to pickup the spinner bowling technique aka Helicopter/UFO ball. So far, still epic failure to throw this kinda ball. Actually wanted to learn hook ball one, but since in house bowling ball very hard to hook one and I no $$$ to buy one bowling ball, so I decided to learn spinning instead since they say normal in house ball can use for this technique.
The difference of spinning and normal straight shot is well, the bowling ball will spin horizontally in spinning lor. This shot unlike hook or straight shot which best aim is the 1-2 or 1-3 pocket, works best when strike the 1st pin directly. The spinning motion will have different domino effect on the pins when hit the 1st pin. However this technique from what I heard, has higher injury risk as the finger motion to spin the ball is quite taxing on the fingers compared to a straight or hook shot. It's suppose to be like throwing a dice finger motion, the fingers will end up in a high five finishing position after throwing the ball. This technique is quite popular in asia countries (especially taiwan) coz this technique was developed to counter the rather harsh lane condition (not properly oiled lanes = hard to hook) here. A strong point of this technique is due to the less contact of the ball with the lane, it's not so influence by lane condition.
So far I still struggling to use this technique. I still can't find a compromise between the power of spin and targeting. If my ball is straight, the spin is not powerful enuff, if my ball spin is gud, the ball target eat corner... I also have to downgrade my ball weight to 10 pounds one from my normal 13-14 pounds one, as spinners usually use 10-12 pounds balls coz it's harder to put a strong spin if the ball is too heavy. I have seen some people bowl using this technique and is in awe at the power of this shot. While it may lack the elegance of a hook shot, but the spinning ball hit the pin is like watching a tornado cross a town...
Dear bloggie,
Yea, joined my 3rd Orange Run at the curve tis morning. Time... A pathetic 1 hour 4 minutes... Same as last year... Sad case...
Comments on this year's Larian Jingga? A lot more runners, I feel. Tis is good and bad... Good, more chicks to kap, bad more uncivilized "Malaysians" during collection of goodies...
Same route as last year, I think I too slow 1st half, caused my time to SUX. Anyway, experimenting with smaller steps running style, have to say a rather slower pace, but with this change, managed to tank the whole 11K without stopping (with exception to drink at water station).
Goodies bag, ok la... RM 5 registration, wat can one expect wor. One change this year is no 100 plus, instead Gatorado sponsor. Complains, only one... I think the placement of the goodies bag, food and drink collection near the small route near Fitness First and The Laundry is a bad decision. Cause alot of jam when the runners all come to collect this things. Quite tulan at the "sakai" at the goodies collection place... I hope this doesn't become a custom at running events. Grab the things, then throw behind to distribute as if like war time. Just sad la... Just queue up to collect the thing la, no need be sakai go push till table also can collapse... Really WTF!?
Overall, like the prev editions, a good run + event. Kudos... Look forward for next year's one.
Yea, joined my 3rd Orange Run at the curve tis morning. Time... A pathetic 1 hour 4 minutes... Same as last year... Sad case...
Comments on this year's Larian Jingga? A lot more runners, I feel. Tis is good and bad... Good, more chicks to kap, bad more uncivilized "Malaysians" during collection of goodies...
Same route as last year, I think I too slow 1st half, caused my time to SUX. Anyway, experimenting with smaller steps running style, have to say a rather slower pace, but with this change, managed to tank the whole 11K without stopping (with exception to drink at water station).
Goodies bag, ok la... RM 5 registration, wat can one expect wor. One change this year is no 100 plus, instead Gatorado sponsor. Complains, only one... I think the placement of the goodies bag, food and drink collection near the small route near Fitness First and The Laundry is a bad decision. Cause alot of jam when the runners all come to collect this things. Quite tulan at the "sakai" at the goodies collection place... I hope this doesn't become a custom at running events. Grab the things, then throw behind to distribute as if like war time. Just sad la... Just queue up to collect the thing la, no need be sakai go push till table also can collapse... Really WTF!?
Overall, like the prev editions, a good run + event. Kudos... Look forward for next year's one.
They say that we are actually looking at this world from a tiny keyhole... Having said that, I always pondered is these such thing as "the truth" or are they something that differs to people to people?
Got into a really "heated" argument with MFR on my political stance. I don't believe in any political gimmick, which also applies to democracy. I didn't vote during the previous election even though I was registered. I won't deny I have doubts if my actions is correct or not but I'm quite certain, I will repeat the same action if I was to go back in time in a time machine to the election day again.
If I had to justified my action, I probably can't. I can only say that is the way I feel. No math equation, no hard facts, just my gut feeling telling me to do so. Some may think it's silly to trust our whole life on gut feeling, but for me... If you can't trust ur gut feeling, what else can you trust? The best I can probably think of to describe why I'm a rather nihilist in political stuff is to ask you to read Animal Farm... you would probably see a close resemblance of me to "Benjamin the donkey" in the story.
I feel helpless for my lack of knowledge, for not being able to define what is right nor wrong. The definition in my mind now is "right and wrong" are merely something that exists inside of our mind. Everyone has their own right and wrong. Even those suicide bombers... To us, they nothing are crazy nutcases that is killing innocent lifes... but to them, they are fighting for "God". And can we really blame them? Based on their knowledge level and upbringing, dare one say they won't do the same if they were in their shoes? What I mean here is, if you were view them from their eye in terms of what they know, what they been brainwash to believe is right and wrong, and exclude what you think is right and wrong... What is more controversial perhaps is a dangerous thought that hit my mind, if what they doing is really wrong then why god didn't stop them? We all have our rationale for our action, yet the same thing could be said for these suicide bombers. I feel it's rather arrogant for us to think our action is more "correct" than these people action without even considering that angle of thought... I however have the same shortcoming...
So I b*tched about "right and wrong", what about "Justice", "Human Right", "Law", blablabla... Once my senior was driving his car in the parking lot and went against the one way street there. My junior "tegur" him say it's the "Law" of the road to not go against the one way road. I still remembered what his reply was... "Law can change one, coz it's defined by man". These big words... "God", "Justice", etc... doesn't the same apply to them? Are not these words, abstract ideas that meaning differ from people to people? Yet again isn't everything words the same to being with?
Life is contradicting... I'm bitter perhaps at my own lacking, perhaps too at the lacking of mankind... Which is why I'm so apathetic in life. Apathy is dead, they say... Perhaps I'm already dead... I don't want to think about it, and but I still do... And that depresses me...
Forget it....
Dear bloggie,
I woke up today, feeling like this is gonna be one of those mixed fortune days...
Went to office, she was back from her vacation. Just seeing her... mixed feeling...
Cleared 1 of my user story. Feel better, but then my collegue told me I code got bug... Amkhan feel.
Lunch was no better, alone eat. Go eat chat fan, a bit late so not many dishes left. My morale was super low. Went to tau keh soh to pay, she ask me wat drink I want. I see the table nearby where put soup one... no soup on it. Usually I would just take the chinese teh and end of story, but I just feel damn moody like I deserve a better day then this, so I ask if there is any more soup. The tau keh soh went back of the shop and pickup a rather big bowl of sup for me... Lesson learnt, ask for what you want.
Near 4pm, my team leader told us, we can depart for midvalley for team lunch de. She say she will phone to inform if she could make it for the predinner bowling game. My senior and his QA buddy left. My other team member still glue to their chair. I feel like "WTF? Get to cabut 4pm from work to have fun also dun wan...?" I dun care, just walk out of office.
Reach MV and went to the bowling alley. My senior was about to start the game, but I was just in time. My bowling form was at a all time worst during the last session, (hitting only 36 points due to change of bowling approach). And as indicator of the disaster that was to come, one my first throw... I landed to strong on my left leg and slip and fell on my approach. Very slippery the floor... Senior was laughing. Was hitting a rather stable 8-9 pins perframe score. Then she arrived with another of my collegue. Near the halfway of the game, form changed starting with a strike at the 5th frame. A double strike and a spare gave me the lead... Already won the game before I throw my final frame. Then the most amazing form I ever had, 2 strikes at the final 10th frame followed by a 7 pin. Total score, a high 158!!! Getting tis score is awesome feeling, but getting it infront of her... Priceless... Game 2, she also play but different lane. My form onli so-so got 108 points, my senior won with 118 points.
After the game, we went to Chilis where we were suppose to have our team dinner. A bit of chaos as the big people in our team wanted to combine tables so can sit the team (12 peoples) can sit together but the Chilis manager won't allow it. So we change venue instead to Tony Roma. A very "kenyang" dinner, I think I already quite full before my main entree was served. Sadly, she was sitting quite far from me. So a very mixed luck day for me... Has it's ups and downs like a roller coaster... But I think I will never forget tis day for quite awhile...
I woke up today, feeling like this is gonna be one of those mixed fortune days...
Went to office, she was back from her vacation. Just seeing her... mixed feeling...
Cleared 1 of my user story. Feel better, but then my collegue told me I code got bug... Amkhan feel.
Lunch was no better, alone eat. Go eat chat fan, a bit late so not many dishes left. My morale was super low. Went to tau keh soh to pay, she ask me wat drink I want. I see the table nearby where put soup one... no soup on it. Usually I would just take the chinese teh and end of story, but I just feel damn moody like I deserve a better day then this, so I ask if there is any more soup. The tau keh soh went back of the shop and pickup a rather big bowl of sup for me... Lesson learnt, ask for what you want.
Near 4pm, my team leader told us, we can depart for midvalley for team lunch de. She say she will phone to inform if she could make it for the predinner bowling game. My senior and his QA buddy left. My other team member still glue to their chair. I feel like "WTF? Get to cabut 4pm from work to have fun also dun wan...?" I dun care, just walk out of office.
Reach MV and went to the bowling alley. My senior was about to start the game, but I was just in time. My bowling form was at a all time worst during the last session, (hitting only 36 points due to change of bowling approach). And as indicator of the disaster that was to come, one my first throw... I landed to strong on my left leg and slip and fell on my approach. Very slippery the floor... Senior was laughing. Was hitting a rather stable 8-9 pins perframe score. Then she arrived with another of my collegue. Near the halfway of the game, form changed starting with a strike at the 5th frame. A double strike and a spare gave me the lead... Already won the game before I throw my final frame. Then the most amazing form I ever had, 2 strikes at the final 10th frame followed by a 7 pin. Total score, a high 158!!! Getting tis score is awesome feeling, but getting it infront of her... Priceless... Game 2, she also play but different lane. My form onli so-so got 108 points, my senior won with 118 points.
After the game, we went to Chilis where we were suppose to have our team dinner. A bit of chaos as the big people in our team wanted to combine tables so can sit the team (12 peoples) can sit together but the Chilis manager won't allow it. So we change venue instead to Tony Roma. A very "kenyang" dinner, I think I already quite full before my main entree was served. Sadly, she was sitting quite far from me. So a very mixed luck day for me... Has it's ups and downs like a roller coaster... But I think I will never forget tis day for quite awhile...
Dear bloggie,
Sometimes, I just wondered why can't this country just split itself into 2 so it can end this senseless fighting... Like a husband and wife keep f*ghting... Just divorce la... Then I realize if every time also split 2 when got difference, they won't be any thing left in the end.
I ponder upon the meaning of country, race, religion and humanity...
What is right and what is wrong? Perhaps only the wise or a fool dare answer...
Sometimes, I just wondered why can't this country just split itself into 2 so it can end this senseless fighting... Like a husband and wife keep f*ghting... Just divorce la... Then I realize if every time also split 2 when got difference, they won't be any thing left in the end.
I ponder upon the meaning of country, race, religion and humanity...
What is right and what is wrong? Perhaps only the wise or a fool dare answer...
Dear bloggie,
I was inspired to pickup a book and "actually" read it...
Anyway here's the book I read:

My thoughts on this book... I personally LOVE the amount of running information that has been jam packed into this 287 pages book. However I have to agree with some critics that the book could use a better editor. I find the flow of the story very unstructured... Sometimes it would break from the main story and go into a long sub story related to a character in the main plot, only to break into another sub plot. When the subplot is finished and the author continues with the main plot, I get the feeling like I been teleported from Earth to Mars then to Venus, before being teleported back to Mars and Earth again... It's ok for the first few times, but becomes rather annoying to read after it keep repeating itself in this way.
Enough of the bad points, moving onto the good points... I learn tons of things bout running that I never knew. There's alot of nutcases runner out there, and you'll be amaze by what these nutcases do to improve their run. As for the story of this book, it focuses on the author's long quest to find out are we human's "Born to run", which lead him into the remotes Copper Valley, Mexico to seek a hidden tribe of running people (Tamahumara). One things leads to another, the tale take a spins with the author participating in a race pitting the Tamahumara and a bunch of elite ultra marathoners. I'm not so sure if the story is a fiction or non fiction but from google, the characters and the running people are the real deal.
Overall an ok book, could have been better if it was structured better. A recommended read especially if ur into running.
I was inspired to pickup a book and "actually" read it...
Anyway here's the book I read:

My thoughts on this book... I personally LOVE the amount of running information that has been jam packed into this 287 pages book. However I have to agree with some critics that the book could use a better editor. I find the flow of the story very unstructured... Sometimes it would break from the main story and go into a long sub story related to a character in the main plot, only to break into another sub plot. When the subplot is finished and the author continues with the main plot, I get the feeling like I been teleported from Earth to Mars then to Venus, before being teleported back to Mars and Earth again... It's ok for the first few times, but becomes rather annoying to read after it keep repeating itself in this way.
Enough of the bad points, moving onto the good points... I learn tons of things bout running that I never knew. There's alot of nutcases runner out there, and you'll be amaze by what these nutcases do to improve their run. As for the story of this book, it focuses on the author's long quest to find out are we human's "Born to run", which lead him into the remotes Copper Valley, Mexico to seek a hidden tribe of running people (Tamahumara). One things leads to another, the tale take a spins with the author participating in a race pitting the Tamahumara and a bunch of elite ultra marathoners. I'm not so sure if the story is a fiction or non fiction but from google, the characters and the running people are the real deal.
Overall an ok book, could have been better if it was structured better. A recommended read especially if ur into running.
Dear bloggie,
The next Kamen Rider revealed...
Tada... Kamen RiderDICKHEAD JARHEAD...
OMG, The Riders motif is really getting further and further away from the original "Belalang" design. I seen alot of variations (Knight, Beetle, Peach, Spade, Hawk, etc), but Rocket Head!? And I thought 000's rider suit is f*ckin satu (or tiga) macam...
Well, atleast "Kamen Rider Fouze" cast seems to have alot of chicks.
The next Kamen Rider revealed...
Tada... Kamen Rider
OMG, The Riders motif is really getting further and further away from the original "Belalang" design. I seen alot of variations (Knight, Beetle, Peach, Spade, Hawk, etc), but Rocket Head!? And I thought 000's rider suit is f*ckin satu (or tiga) macam...
Well, atleast "Kamen Rider Fouze" cast seems to have alot of chicks.
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