Dear bloggie,
I decided to lighten up perhaps my blog post after the rather depressing flavor of my last post. So here's something light and more cherrier...
I seen alot of shit in japo movies... nohkan (Okiburito), train attendant (Railways), teacher (GTO), Grim Reaper (Accuracy of Death), Samurai (7 Samurai, Musashi, Love and Honour), running (Feel the wind), food (Shinya Shokudo, Chef of north pole), monster (Godzilla), ghosts (Ring), students killing each other (Battle Royale), detective (Mr Brain, BOSS, Galileo), mecha (Gundam, Macross), sentai (Kamen Riders, Super Sentai series, Gavan), Go (Hikaru No Go) and the list goes on...
But when I saw tis, I was totally blown away...
A movie on Sushi!!??? WTF!!??? Actually it's a documentary since Jiro and his hidden restaurant actually exists...
Amazing really... Some people dedicating their life to pursue "perfection" in something some simple (in terms of goal, I dun mean sushi making is easy k)... Hungry for some sushi de just by looking at the marinated sushi in vids, looks damn nice the shiny skin of sushi...
Bloggie, bloggie on da web...
Who da heck is tis f*ckin bastard b*tchin in tis blog?
It strike me today, while I was driving home in my car a strange thought... Who really am I?
I ponder about the reality of being a human being living in the 21st century...
I ponder about the mask I have to wear...
I ponder about the real person tat is behind this mask...
It been so long since I forgotten Buddhism 8 path teachings,
Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration... Wow, How I fallen...
1. View
Do I have Xray visionto see behind a clothes? Nope.
Do I have the wisdom of Gandalf the Grey? Nope.
Do I sing like Bilbo Baggins? Nope. Ooppss this probably belong in Speech category
Do I view this world in binary codes like Neo? Nope.
Do I know to view a pretty chick when I see one? Uhhh, yes...
Do I know life is suffering? yes.
Do I know things is impermanent? Yes.
Do I understand life? No...
2. Intention
To rate something, one need to understand wtf is something 1st. So what is good intention?
Resistance to the pull of desire
Resistance to feelings of anger and aversion
Not to think or act cruelly, violently, or aggressively, and to develop compassion.
Hahaha... I guess if bad is the total opposite of good, I'm definitely can be consider to have bad intention.
3. Speech
Do I lie, yes.
Do chiung sui (sing bad @ backstab or gossip) people, yes.
Do I hurt people with words, yes.
Do I talk speak the truth, friendly, warm and gentle only when I'm forced to, yes...
I ponder how someone that prefers to keep my golden mouth shut can fail so miserably here.
4. Action
Sometimes I harm others, sometimes I taken what is not given to me, sometimes I have sexual misconducts (Common, U think I'm gay meh!?)...
Sometimes I have been kind to others, sometimes I respect other belongings, sometimes I keep sexual relationship harmless to others...
Sometimes I wonder what being sometimes in all these things put me in a karma meter?
5. Livelihood
Do I earn my bread and butter by sinning to others? I dunno. Yes and no? Am I bringing misfortune to someone else by writing my sh*tty piece of code? Yes. My MLM freelance job, I can probably be consider as a firearm dealer, providing a means for MLM companies to bring misfortune to someone. But really, who doesn't harm others to survive? A monk? Does a monk need to eat too? True, a monk eat vegetables, but isn't a plant a living being too? Hell, even if it isn't, is not a plant home to other small insects and etc. U harvest the plant, u destroy the home of these living being noes? Bring misfortunes to other noes in a way? I guess it depends on how deep u wanna traverse the cause and effect tree.
6. Effort
Have I done any effort to promote/practice the teaching above? Definitely no.
7. Mindfulness
Is my mind present, open, quiet, and alert, contemplating the present event? No, my f*ckin mind is f*ckin LOST somewhere. In the past? In the future? In the fantasy world? I dunno...
8. Concentration
Can I focus, unified and direct my mind to a single object/objective? No, my train of thoughts is often scattered here and there. Heck, u just need read tis blog entry to know how far my original intention to b*tch bout how f*ckin f*cked up I am which somehow degenerated into a reflection of myself from the angle of 8 Miracle Steps of Buddha.
Amazing really how I forgotten about these Buddhism sh*t due to the passage of time. I mean, it's just been a f*ckin 5 years. 5 years and honestly I can't believe I'm actually way worst off from back then. Sure, I'm no where near good in all 8 paths back then, but I had emptiness and detachment sorta prevents me from doing some of the many sins in the list above. I guess the "distractions" pass these few years have changed me... Maybe not for the better but I'm perhaps happy somehow, I'm not a rock stuck in a river, moving nowhere.
Who da heck is tis f*ckin bastard b*tchin in tis blog?
It strike me today, while I was driving home in my car a strange thought... Who really am I?
I ponder about the reality of being a human being living in the 21st century...
I ponder about the mask I have to wear...
I ponder about the real person tat is behind this mask...
It been so long since I forgotten Buddhism 8 path teachings,
Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration... Wow, How I fallen...
1. View
Do I have Xray vision
Do I have the wisdom of Gandalf the Grey? Nope.
Do I view this world in binary codes like Neo? Nope.
Do I know to view a pretty chick when I see one? Uhhh, yes...
Do I know life is suffering? yes.
Do I know things is impermanent? Yes.
Do I understand life? No...
2. Intention
To rate something, one need to understand wtf is something 1st. So what is good intention?
Resistance to the pull of desire
Resistance to feelings of anger and aversion
Not to think or act cruelly, violently, or aggressively, and to develop compassion.
Hahaha... I guess if bad is the total opposite of good, I'm definitely can be consider to have bad intention.
3. Speech
Do I lie, yes.
Do chiung sui (sing bad @ backstab or gossip) people, yes.
Do I hurt people with words, yes.
Do I talk speak the truth, friendly, warm and gentle only when I'm forced to, yes...
I ponder how someone that prefers to keep my golden mouth shut can fail so miserably here.
4. Action
Sometimes I harm others, sometimes I taken what is not given to me, sometimes I have sexual misconducts (Common, U think I'm gay meh!?)...
Sometimes I have been kind to others, sometimes I respect other belongings, sometimes I keep sexual relationship harmless to others...
Sometimes I wonder what being sometimes in all these things put me in a karma meter?
5. Livelihood
Do I earn my bread and butter by sinning to others? I dunno. Yes and no? Am I bringing misfortune to someone else by writing my sh*tty piece of code? Yes. My MLM freelance job, I can probably be consider as a firearm dealer, providing a means for MLM companies to bring misfortune to someone. But really, who doesn't harm others to survive? A monk? Does a monk need to eat too? True, a monk eat vegetables, but isn't a plant a living being too? Hell, even if it isn't, is not a plant home to other small insects and etc. U harvest the plant, u destroy the home of these living being noes? Bring misfortunes to other noes in a way? I guess it depends on how deep u wanna traverse the cause and effect tree.
6. Effort
Have I done any effort to promote/practice the teaching above? Definitely no.
7. Mindfulness
Is my mind present, open, quiet, and alert, contemplating the present event? No, my f*ckin mind is f*ckin LOST somewhere. In the past? In the future? In the fantasy world? I dunno...
8. Concentration
Can I focus, unified and direct my mind to a single object/objective? No, my train of thoughts is often scattered here and there. Heck, u just need read tis blog entry to know how far my original intention to b*tch bout how f*ckin f*cked up I am which somehow degenerated into a reflection of myself from the angle of 8 Miracle Steps of Buddha.
Amazing really how I forgotten about these Buddhism sh*t due to the passage of time. I mean, it's just been a f*ckin 5 years. 5 years and honestly I can't believe I'm actually way worst off from back then. Sure, I'm no where near good in all 8 paths back then, but I had emptiness and detachment sorta prevents me from doing some of the many sins in the list above. I guess the "distractions" pass these few years have changed me... Maybe not for the better but I'm perhaps happy somehow, I'm not a rock stuck in a river, moving nowhere.
Dear bloggie,
The ending credits for Batman Arkham City, Joker singing "Only You" to Batman. Needless to say, this sick demented creepy version of this song sums up the game entirely... "EPIC"
"Arkham City" is a hybrid action + some RPG elements game. Overall, probably the best game I played in a very very long time. Arkham City takes place after the events of Arkham Asylum. Arkham Asylum having been reduced to a chaotic mess by the Joker leads to the creation of Arkham City, a small confined city within Gotham which serves as a prison for criminals. The story starts with Bruce Wayne holding a press conference to rally his cause to shut down Arkham City. Thing quickly turn into chaos when a Tyger (Sorta like guns for hire that guard Arkham City) squad crash the party and kidnaps Bruce. We then are introduce to the guy in charge of this prison, Dr Hugo Strange. A bit of blackmail, pickpocket and Bruce ends up thrown into Arkham City. We then have this c00l scene where Bruce kick's Penguin + Grunts @$$ before donning the cowl and cape...
Battle system is cool. Batman really have some slick fighting moves, combined that with the array of gadgets that he can utilizes during a fight (Batarang, Batclaw, Freeze bomb, etc...), one has to marvel at the fight scenes. However a problem I feel on the battle system is can feel quite repetitive after some time. Typically, a normal grunts hardly can pose a threat even when they outnumber you 20 to 1. But later in the game, these thugs are powered up by knifes, sub machine guns and sniper guns which can be lethal if you don't take out these weaponized thugs as fast as possible. As for boss fights, most of them can be beaten only by a specific way (take out generator, shoot em using electric gun, etc). The game also has some RPG elements, where when you level up, u can unlock some upgrades for Batman and Catwoman. Things like armour, special gadget moves, special combat moves...
As for playable characters, you actually get to play 2 characters... Batman and Catwoman. U get to play Catwoman in 3-4 stages, which is nice since it provides a short time out from the cliff hanger stage endings. Catwoman playing style is also different from Batman, as she is more agile but has less HP + armour and have a different set of gadgets + skills. To add dimension to the game, Batman has this detective mode that grants you x ray vision to see enemies in the dark and behind walls. This mode is essential especially after the thugs gains powerful weapons upgrades which can be suicidal to try to take em out by brute force. Instead, u have a better chance by doing backstab special moves which take these enemies down with 1 blow and without alerting other enemies of ur presence. This vision also allows you to identify the weopon you enemy is carrying and heart rate (alert level).
The whole city is actually you play area with is quite huge. The feeling of gliding down a building as Batman is awesomely portray in this game. Most of the game's main quest stages take place in specific building but there are some sub quest splatter across the city. Most notable subquest is the Riddler's subquest where this nutcase put "?" trophy across the city and you need to collect enuff of them to receive a riddle which would lead you to some twisted game against the Riddler with the lives of some hostages at stake.
Besides Batman and Catwoman, we also have tons of famous villains like 2 Face, Penguin, Joker, Dr Freeze, Bane, Ivy, Ras Alghul, Deadshot... The dynamics of the characters are also awesome as a struggle of power is going on between 2 Face, Penguin and Joker for turf control in Arkham City. Each fraction is trying to screw the other. The best part of the game is without a doubt the dynamics between Batman and Joker. Unstoppable object collides with unmovable object.
While the Dark Knight movie, Joker is portray as a agent of chaos, the Joker here is portray on a another angle. A criminal maniac that intelligence is between the thin line of genius and insane nutcase. The Joker outsmart and outwit the World's Greatest Detective for most of the game. At a part of the game, Batman gains access of The Joker's contact. From here on, the Joker would send miscalls with some really hilarious + sickening messages like the one on the video above. Batman meanwhile is portray as a character with unbreakable willpower. Serving and taking beating against an array of powerful villains. His costume that at the start of the game was brand new but was in patches really gives u a rough idea of the amount of beating he endured through the game.
The shortcoming of this game is perhaps the relatively short main quest. Also some game stopper bugs which IS REALLY FRUSTRATING. Some fix requires shoving down the game graphic setting to need manually delete from movie files so the game to proceed. I ponder how these bugs got pass their QAs.
Anyway, I'll end this rant with a short and simple ending rant: Great game, get up ur arse n go play it!
The ending credits for Batman Arkham City, Joker singing "Only You" to Batman. Needless to say, this sick demented creepy version of this song sums up the game entirely... "EPIC"
"Arkham City" is a hybrid action + some RPG elements game. Overall, probably the best game I played in a very very long time. Arkham City takes place after the events of Arkham Asylum. Arkham Asylum having been reduced to a chaotic mess by the Joker leads to the creation of Arkham City, a small confined city within Gotham which serves as a prison for criminals. The story starts with Bruce Wayne holding a press conference to rally his cause to shut down Arkham City. Thing quickly turn into chaos when a Tyger (Sorta like guns for hire that guard Arkham City) squad crash the party and kidnaps Bruce. We then are introduce to the guy in charge of this prison, Dr Hugo Strange. A bit of blackmail, pickpocket and Bruce ends up thrown into Arkham City. We then have this c00l scene where Bruce kick's Penguin + Grunts @$$ before donning the cowl and cape...
Battle system is cool. Batman really have some slick fighting moves, combined that with the array of gadgets that he can utilizes during a fight (Batarang, Batclaw, Freeze bomb, etc...), one has to marvel at the fight scenes. However a problem I feel on the battle system is can feel quite repetitive after some time. Typically, a normal grunts hardly can pose a threat even when they outnumber you 20 to 1. But later in the game, these thugs are powered up by knifes, sub machine guns and sniper guns which can be lethal if you don't take out these weaponized thugs as fast as possible. As for boss fights, most of them can be beaten only by a specific way (take out generator, shoot em using electric gun, etc). The game also has some RPG elements, where when you level up, u can unlock some upgrades for Batman and Catwoman. Things like armour, special gadget moves, special combat moves...
As for playable characters, you actually get to play 2 characters... Batman and Catwoman. U get to play Catwoman in 3-4 stages, which is nice since it provides a short time out from the cliff hanger stage endings. Catwoman playing style is also different from Batman, as she is more agile but has less HP + armour and have a different set of gadgets + skills. To add dimension to the game, Batman has this detective mode that grants you x ray vision to see enemies in the dark and behind walls. This mode is essential especially after the thugs gains powerful weapons upgrades which can be suicidal to try to take em out by brute force. Instead, u have a better chance by doing backstab special moves which take these enemies down with 1 blow and without alerting other enemies of ur presence. This vision also allows you to identify the weopon you enemy is carrying and heart rate (alert level).
The whole city is actually you play area with is quite huge. The feeling of gliding down a building as Batman is awesomely portray in this game. Most of the game's main quest stages take place in specific building but there are some sub quest splatter across the city. Most notable subquest is the Riddler's subquest where this nutcase put "?" trophy across the city and you need to collect enuff of them to receive a riddle which would lead you to some twisted game against the Riddler with the lives of some hostages at stake.
Besides Batman and Catwoman, we also have tons of famous villains like 2 Face, Penguin, Joker, Dr Freeze, Bane, Ivy, Ras Alghul, Deadshot... The dynamics of the characters are also awesome as a struggle of power is going on between 2 Face, Penguin and Joker for turf control in Arkham City. Each fraction is trying to screw the other. The best part of the game is without a doubt the dynamics between Batman and Joker. Unstoppable object collides with unmovable object.
While the Dark Knight movie, Joker is portray as a agent of chaos, the Joker here is portray on a another angle. A criminal maniac that intelligence is between the thin line of genius and insane nutcase. The Joker outsmart and outwit the World's Greatest Detective for most of the game. At a part of the game, Batman gains access of The Joker's contact. From here on, the Joker would send miscalls with some really hilarious + sickening messages like the one on the video above. Batman meanwhile is portray as a character with unbreakable willpower. Serving and taking beating against an array of powerful villains. His costume that at the start of the game was brand new but was in patches really gives u a rough idea of the amount of beating he endured through the game.
The shortcoming of this game is perhaps the relatively short main quest. Also some game stopper bugs which IS REALLY FRUSTRATING. Some fix requires shoving down the game graphic setting to need manually delete from movie files so the game to proceed. I ponder how these bugs got pass their QAs.
Anyway, I'll end this rant with a short and simple ending rant: Great game, get up ur arse n go play it!
Dear bloggie,
After some word of wisdom from some of my gym's pilates instructors, I decided do a more proper research. Trying other brands of pilates before committing to one. Of course that means skipping the course next week that I been looking so forward to. I was teetering back and forth on what I should do, skip it and do a proper research or jump in head first. I was so tempted to do the latter, but having done some bad decisions in life because I applied a "tak kisah, cincai la" attitude, I choose the former. Hard decision, especially from all the contradicting advises I got from my frens. Some say to do the nike thingy "Just do it", others say "Try to do the 1st time right". In the end of the day it comes down to "getting a taste of other brands" that lead me to my decision. I don't want to regret of not trying out other brands before committing especially when I have the option to do so. Hence my decision... All the excitement and happy feeling all vanish yesterday, the moment I clicked the "send" button to notify I won't be signing up for the course this time around.
Anyway, today I decided to make good of the time I gained at the expense of all the self-disappointment. Tried out a other brand class at bangsar. After that class, I think I did the right decision. I was fortunate enuff to jumped into a class where the students are instructors in training. So the class is actually a prep class for them to do their exam early next year. Got a nice taste of what to expect if I join their course. My conception of a good instructor is one that utilizes the 3 sense of the students which are see, listen and touch. Verbal(give keyword to activate muscle or etc) and visual(demo exercise) cues are quite commonly use. Today I have a taste of extensive use of touch cue. I struggle at a intermediate basic level class. The instructor had to correct me alot of times to get the alignment correct. Very very picky, won't let me escape with some minor wrong alignments. After class, did the customer relationship thingy, try to give me as much info. on their course. I'm seriously considering their course as a valid option based on their information but will tryout more classes before deciding.
Will continue my hunt for other available brands and get a taste of their flavor. Too long have I been cinca la... Tis 1 time, I will raise from my grave of apathy to do tis one thing...
After some word of wisdom from some of my gym's pilates instructors, I decided do a more proper research. Trying other brands of pilates before committing to one. Of course that means skipping the course next week that I been looking so forward to. I was teetering back and forth on what I should do, skip it and do a proper research or jump in head first. I was so tempted to do the latter, but having done some bad decisions in life because I applied a "tak kisah, cincai la" attitude, I choose the former. Hard decision, especially from all the contradicting advises I got from my frens. Some say to do the nike thingy "Just do it", others say "Try to do the 1st time right". In the end of the day it comes down to "getting a taste of other brands" that lead me to my decision. I don't want to regret of not trying out other brands before committing especially when I have the option to do so. Hence my decision... All the excitement and happy feeling all vanish yesterday, the moment I clicked the "send" button to notify I won't be signing up for the course this time around.
Anyway, today I decided to make good of the time I gained at the expense of all the self-disappointment. Tried out a other brand class at bangsar. After that class, I think I did the right decision. I was fortunate enuff to jumped into a class where the students are instructors in training. So the class is actually a prep class for them to do their exam early next year. Got a nice taste of what to expect if I join their course. My conception of a good instructor is one that utilizes the 3 sense of the students which are see, listen and touch. Verbal(give keyword to activate muscle or etc) and visual(demo exercise) cues are quite commonly use. Today I have a taste of extensive use of touch cue. I struggle at a intermediate basic level class. The instructor had to correct me alot of times to get the alignment correct. Very very picky, won't let me escape with some minor wrong alignments. After class, did the customer relationship thingy, try to give me as much info. on their course. I'm seriously considering their course as a valid option based on their information but will tryout more classes before deciding.
Will continue my hunt for other available brands and get a taste of their flavor. Too long have I been cinca la... Tis 1 time, I will raise from my grave of apathy to do tis one thing...
Dear bloggie,
Got rapped by my "elders" when they discovered I'm spending 5K for pilates instructor course... Not unexpected really... Always talk c0ck to other bout when "money get de, if not spend is do wat with it", but when I spend my dough kena tembak... 5K!!! Wat kinda gym need so much $$$!!!? Tis not aided by the some quite old debts and investments tat still no returns...
Really overspend last month... Tried to do too much things in one month. Pilates class at 2 studios, SG trip and pre requisite pilates instructor course... Really bad timing... *Sigh* Suddenly the whole idea of getting myself certified seems like a folly idea. Chasing a dream? If I fail, it will be like dumping the $$$ into the sea.
I ponder how those that took the certification feel when they forked up that amount to take the chance to chase a dream? No pain, no gain... But life isn't a fairy tale... Not everyone will achieve their dreams... Some people are just destined to fall (like tis monk)... I like to believe that I come to tis junction, this choice, this point in life by fate... Should I take this leap of faith? Why do I already see myself failing the exam before I even taken the course? Yet if I don't do this tis time, I feel like I might not have the chance to do it again.
Some will call me a "loser", cause I'm so afraid of losing that I don't even try... But being burnt so many times for trying to achieve something, I have to say sometimes it's better to have no dream at all then to see your dreams crash and burnt in spectacular fireworks manner...
This year haven't been the best for me, no bonus, no gal, no muscle gain, depressed work environment, broken self principle, injured leg, weakened shoulder, high blood problem... Sort of makes me wonder, what disaster awaits me in this so called bad year for "Doggies" like me. I'm probably at my lowest point in morale this whole year around. I thought I hit rock bottom last year when my idiotic attempts to find a mate ends with me getting road kill in a one way road... Hahaha... Didn't knew that seeing someone you like with someone else is worst.
Already a walking pile of failure, depression and gloom, rarely is there something that makes me feel alive anymore now days and I'm thankful that I have pilates to counter some of the negative thing inside of me. But should I fail, I fear my passion for it would turn into hatred and sadness, hence I might end up going for pilates anymore. Desire = Suffering they say. I really dunno if I can pick myself up again if I fall chasing this dream. Or maybe it's just me... A spineless and low EQ loser...
"Why do we fall sir? So we might learn to pick ourselves up" - Alfred, Batman Begins
Got rapped by my "elders" when they discovered I'm spending 5K for pilates instructor course... Not unexpected really... Always talk c0ck to other bout when "money get de, if not spend is do wat with it", but when I spend my dough kena tembak... 5K!!! Wat kinda gym need so much $$$!!!? Tis not aided by the some quite old debts and investments tat still no returns...
Really overspend last month... Tried to do too much things in one month. Pilates class at 2 studios, SG trip and pre requisite pilates instructor course... Really bad timing... *Sigh* Suddenly the whole idea of getting myself certified seems like a folly idea. Chasing a dream? If I fail, it will be like dumping the $$$ into the sea.
I ponder how those that took the certification feel when they forked up that amount to take the chance to chase a dream? No pain, no gain... But life isn't a fairy tale... Not everyone will achieve their dreams... Some people are just destined to fall (like tis monk)... I like to believe that I come to tis junction, this choice, this point in life by fate... Should I take this leap of faith? Why do I already see myself failing the exam before I even taken the course? Yet if I don't do this tis time, I feel like I might not have the chance to do it again.
Some will call me a "loser", cause I'm so afraid of losing that I don't even try... But being burnt so many times for trying to achieve something, I have to say sometimes it's better to have no dream at all then to see your dreams crash and burnt in spectacular fireworks manner...
This year haven't been the best for me, no bonus, no gal, no muscle gain, depressed work environment, broken self principle, injured leg, weakened shoulder, high blood problem... Sort of makes me wonder, what disaster awaits me in this so called bad year for "Doggies" like me. I'm probably at my lowest point in morale this whole year around. I thought I hit rock bottom last year when my idiotic attempts to find a mate ends with me getting road kill in a one way road... Hahaha... Didn't knew that seeing someone you like with someone else is worst.
Already a walking pile of failure, depression and gloom, rarely is there something that makes me feel alive anymore now days and I'm thankful that I have pilates to counter some of the negative thing inside of me. But should I fail, I fear my passion for it would turn into hatred and sadness, hence I might end up going for pilates anymore. Desire = Suffering they say. I really dunno if I can pick myself up again if I fall chasing this dream. Or maybe it's just me... A spineless and low EQ loser...
"Why do we fall sir? So we might learn to pick ourselves up" - Alfred, Batman Begins
Dear bloggie,
Gonna be quite a "busy" month...
Attended my 1st prerequisite class for pilates instructor course today.
Feel so old when I step into tis class. Why? It been almost YEARS since I last attended any learning class or etc (with exception of IBM's WCM which might I add IBM WCM SUX!). Wat workshop I attended? "Review of the Human anatomy" Funny noes? The IT Nerd learning not about cool computer gadget but the human body? Kinda ironic from my point of view... Yet again life is one big contradiction.
Anyway, quite small workshop with just 4 students (including me) and 1 instructor (+1 chick to demo the exercise). Sadly all gal except me, sorta make me wonder why so little men do pilates. Actually I feel compare to yoga, even less men willing to join pilates. Dunno why, I mean if one were to compare "pilates" to "yoga", the word pilates sounds more "manly" no? So why men willing more to join yoga then pilates is beyond my understanding. If compare exercise wise, I feel pilates is more "strength" in most exercises than yoga. Should be easier for men noes since men is typically strength while women is flexibility?
Cummin back from my stray rant... Yea, I was overwhelm by the information shoved in my mouth (and ears) in this workshop. You can say I have some basic muscle (pec, bicep, tricep, etc) knowledge having done resistance training but today workshop is another whole different level. Bones, Joints, Muscle... The scientific names alone is a handful for an absent minded klutz like me, then the theory of how these elements come together to make a movement... HOLY SH*T!!!! But as the saying "To shut of a pain at wound at a body part, inflict a even greater wound at another body part." Having endured some of the "complicated" workflow at work a few weeks ago, this is nothing much la. At least tis is something that everyone has and won't change after a few months (or weeks).Course Workshop mates: 1 from Philippines and 2 others from Sabah (If I didn't hear wrong la).
The joints and muscles information are explain using the bone, so the 1st thing we learn is the fundamental of the human bones (Actually 2nd thing, since 1st we learn how to view human body from "3D" angles and which is sagittal, transverse & coronal planes -_-' Yea, I know, barely started but sweating already). So we learn the grouping of bones, and the components of those grouping. And then followed by a in depth discussion on the component(or bones) itself. It's location, shape n why so oddly shaped the way it is one?
The bone lecture can say focus more on functional parts like ribcage, shoulder n etc which we used when making movements. I try my best to jot down interesting information that the instructor told (like our rib got 2 "floating" ribs bones (T11 and T12) that are useless where we can break em with no effect except the pain of breaking em) that usually I feel won't be so obviously written in document describing these bones. Very informative I feel the lecture but a bit too much for me to cramp in the short period of time. I hope I am able to capture the format of understanding then slowly relearn those bones in the similar format in the near future. After bones, it's the joints. The joints scientific names are quite funny in the sense it a combination of the bones name where it's located. Like for instance "Glenohumeral" joint is the joint between the glenoid fossa (shoulder socket) and humerus (bone where bicep n tricep is). And if ur wondering, ya I have to refer to my notes and google to write the last scientific fact above.
After all those boney lecture, then we learn on terminology of the movement of bone. Abduction, adduction, pronation, supination, blablabla... is wat... -_-". Next up is if I recall correctly is the muscles terminology. Wat is ago and anta, stabilizier and mobilizer. After that we learn the concept of isotonic, isometric, concentric and essentric.
Then came the most interesting part in my opinion for the whole workshop. Applying everything we learn from the start of the "LONG" lecture in the form of executing a few pilates exercises. I can see clearly now why it's advantageous to know the things from the lecture as the exercise description list out all the muscle involved, stabilizer, mobilizer and bones. From what I understand, we are suppose to focus on stabilizer muscles 1st to get a strong starting form before we use our mobilizer muscles to init the movement. Knowing what muscle is where helps as it's easier for us "consciously" to activate it when we do the exercise to achieve proper form.
Overall I feel I have learn something interesting from this workshop. But I feel I barely could remember 50% (exact info) of what I learnt today, which I think is ok since I think the purpose for this workshop (for me) is to get my hands dirty on human anatomy and as well as grab a rough structure on what I need to learn for the next 1-2 week before taking my course. I feel workshops should not be a conclusive kinda thing, but rather should serve as a guideline instead for us to know roughly what we need to brush up on after the workshop.
Tml, another exciting day. Another different workshop on "Postural Analysis". Heard of it but never seen how it's done before. Will be a very interesting cause I heard we will be touching each other (or ourself) to identify shortcomings in our body structure and posture. Wonder if I get to "touch" a chick tml (for educational purposes, Wahahaha)?
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Gonna be quite a "busy" month...
Attended my 1st prerequisite class for pilates instructor course today.
Feel so old when I step into tis class. Why? It been almost YEARS since I last attended any learning class or etc (with exception of IBM's WCM which might I add IBM WCM SUX!). Wat workshop I attended? "Review of the Human anatomy" Funny noes? The IT Nerd learning not about cool computer gadget but the human body? Kinda ironic from my point of view... Yet again life is one big contradiction.
Anyway, quite small workshop with just 4 students (including me) and 1 instructor (+1 chick to demo the exercise). Sadly all gal except me, sorta make me wonder why so little men do pilates. Actually I feel compare to yoga, even less men willing to join pilates. Dunno why, I mean if one were to compare "pilates" to "yoga", the word pilates sounds more "manly" no? So why men willing more to join yoga then pilates is beyond my understanding. If compare exercise wise, I feel pilates is more "strength" in most exercises than yoga. Should be easier for men noes since men is typically strength while women is flexibility?
Cummin back from my stray rant... Yea, I was overwhelm by the information shoved in my mouth (and ears) in this workshop. You can say I have some basic muscle (pec, bicep, tricep, etc) knowledge having done resistance training but today workshop is another whole different level. Bones, Joints, Muscle... The scientific names alone is a handful for an absent minded klutz like me, then the theory of how these elements come together to make a movement... HOLY SH*T!!!! But as the saying "To shut of a pain at wound at a body part, inflict a even greater wound at another body part." Having endured some of the "complicated" workflow at work a few weeks ago, this is nothing much la. At least tis is something that everyone has and won't change after a few months (or weeks).
The joints and muscles information are explain using the bone, so the 1st thing we learn is the fundamental of the human bones (Actually 2nd thing, since 1st we learn how to view human body from "3D" angles and which is sagittal, transverse & coronal planes -_-' Yea, I know, barely started but sweating already). So we learn the grouping of bones, and the components of those grouping. And then followed by a in depth discussion on the component(or bones) itself. It's location, shape n why so oddly shaped the way it is one?
The bone lecture can say focus more on functional parts like ribcage, shoulder n etc which we used when making movements. I try my best to jot down interesting information that the instructor told (like our rib got 2 "floating" ribs bones (T11 and T12) that are useless where we can break em with no effect except the pain of breaking em) that usually I feel won't be so obviously written in document describing these bones. Very informative I feel the lecture but a bit too much for me to cramp in the short period of time. I hope I am able to capture the format of understanding then slowly relearn those bones in the similar format in the near future. After bones, it's the joints. The joints scientific names are quite funny in the sense it a combination of the bones name where it's located. Like for instance "Glenohumeral" joint is the joint between the glenoid fossa (shoulder socket) and humerus (bone where bicep n tricep is). And if ur wondering, ya I have to refer to my notes and google to write the last scientific fact above.
After all those boney lecture, then we learn on terminology of the movement of bone. Abduction, adduction, pronation, supination, blablabla... is wat... -_-". Next up is if I recall correctly is the muscles terminology. Wat is ago and anta, stabilizier and mobilizer. After that we learn the concept of isotonic, isometric, concentric and essentric.
Then came the most interesting part in my opinion for the whole workshop. Applying everything we learn from the start of the "LONG" lecture in the form of executing a few pilates exercises. I can see clearly now why it's advantageous to know the things from the lecture as the exercise description list out all the muscle involved, stabilizer, mobilizer and bones. From what I understand, we are suppose to focus on stabilizer muscles 1st to get a strong starting form before we use our mobilizer muscles to init the movement. Knowing what muscle is where helps as it's easier for us "consciously" to activate it when we do the exercise to achieve proper form.
Overall I feel I have learn something interesting from this workshop. But I feel I barely could remember 50% (exact info) of what I learnt today, which I think is ok since I think the purpose for this workshop (for me) is to get my hands dirty on human anatomy and as well as grab a rough structure on what I need to learn for the next 1-2 week before taking my course. I feel workshops should not be a conclusive kinda thing, but rather should serve as a guideline instead for us to know roughly what we need to brush up on after the workshop.
Tml, another exciting day. Another different workshop on "Postural Analysis". Heard of it but never seen how it's done before. Will be a very interesting cause I heard we will be touching each other (or ourself) to identify shortcomings in our body structure and posture. Wonder if I get to "touch" a chick tml (for educational purposes, Wahahaha)?
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