Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Dear bloggie,

Damn tiu some client really... Nia seng, call me around 8+pm say wanna key sales got problem. I outside no wifi area how to support ar? Then say very kap one... FUCK LA! Been at Indo 3 f*ckin days, keep saying wanna key sales key sales every f*ckin day there but till finally till I back to Malaysia say Monday onli key. Ok, no problem. Monday de, still not yet key. Tuesday morning till evening takada bayang also. Evening after work hour I go meet other client, out of blue come phone me ask for support. MCH!

Wan pull tis kinda crap also izt too much sms me ask me stand by, so I be somewhere where I can online... Ppl outside at place no wifi, how wanna support u ar? U think I got the Heroes super power to online without a PC or wifi? Somemore say like system got BIG problem can't key sales and I no test system la, blablabla... I login straight, get member info from data entry clerk, straight key, one f*ckin problem also no where in sight... WTF!? Then I ask data entry clerk try key in also, wat lan also takada. Damn tiu these ppl.... Somemore say system dun have tis dun have tat... Niamah, I in Indo no say, now wanna use onli say, how the f*ck I can do for u ar? Think I God ah? *Snap* Nah, ur function...

I can't do the above but I can do tis *Snap* Nah, My middle finger for u, u stupid f*ckin @$$clown..

0 b*tchin: