Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Hibernate Maddness

Ya, spend the whole day today learning Hibernate. Finally managed to get the simple "Hello World" program to run with Hibernate. I initially decided to setup the "Hello World" program by modifying an existing Ant build file to do my dirty business(mkdir, compile, jar and run) but was driven into maddness thanks to classpath problem. Syit!

Got feedup and decided to use the old way to do things, good ol' compile via console. Bad decision :-( ... The damn Hibernate uses alot of other jar files which need to be added to classpath to get the damn jvm to run the program. Later on had problem with the Hibernate configuration xml files as it's damn picky like hell, complains even when u dun include the damn DOCTYPE tag crap into the xml file.

Was pissed like hell, as I added more and more jar files to the classpath (Got around 30+ jar files). Had enough and decided to spend time writing another ant build file from scratch and included all the damn jar files into classpath with just a few ant statements. Did abit of reading online on Hibernate properties file and finally did managed configure it properly to get the damn "Hello World" program to run! ARGH!

0 b*tchin: