Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Dear bloggie,

Just an annoying meaningless grunt... Skip unless u feel u wan a heavy dosage of useless philosophical crap I dished up.

I remember a phrase from a philosopher "If you don't own 2/3 of ur life, ur not really alive." Now, this is a pretty simple phrase. What is interesting though, if u really apply the mathematics figures here:

Case Study: 1 week of a typical 9-5 employee

Work hour perday: 8-10 hours, We take average 9 hours
Work day perweek: 5 days

Working time perweek: 9 x 5 = 45 hours
Hours perweek: 24 x 7 = 168 hours

% time work: 45 / 168 x 100 = 26.79% !!!

When I first heard the phrase, I thought most of us are not really alive since work alone take up most of our time already. Seem like at most work consumes 30% of our time. Heck if we account for sleeping time, average 8 hours sleep... 8 x 7 = 56 hours. We sleep more than we work! So why izt for many of us, we feel like we hardly have time after deducting work? We after all have more than 100% - 30% (Work) - 30% (Sleep) = 40%!? That more time than our working hours. So why, do many of us feel so worn out after a day of work, as if there is no other time for anything else besides work?

My initial assumption is my calculation is screwed up cause I calculate a whole week, so I recalc based on a normal working day.

Case study: 1 day of work day

% time spent working: 8 / 24 x 100 = 33%

Only an additional 3% difference. This is a so f*cked up fact, if we include sleeping time, we do actually own more than 2/3 of our life... Hence most of us corporate slave have enuff time to be considered alive...

So, I arrive at the conjecture that it's not really a matter of how many time we have, but rather how many time we utilize for urself. I could have 25 hours a day, but if I live this 25 hours on autopilot mode, then we actually utilizing 0% time for our self. In simple layman terms, time we own is time we live lively. This makes more sense, as for some of us, works does excite us. Hence it should be consider as time we own but choose to utilize to do the work.

Conclusion, my hypothesis on being a 9-5 employee is the thing tat causes us to be "unalive" is flawed and false. Being alive has nothing to do with being a 9-5 corporate slave, it's has more to do with our own choice. Choice of work, choice of what to spend time we own under, choice on being on auto-pilot in life... To be alive or not to be, ultimately comes down to a simple thing, choice.

Do we choose to be alive or not?

2 b*tchin:

LouYea said...

Damn! Now I only realize I'm not alive!

PMan said...

56 / 168 x 100 = 3333.33%