Sunday, July 22, 2012

Roll u tightness...

Dear bloggie,

I learn something new again in today's pilates class... Having taken pilates for almost 2+ years now, I thought I seen it all... Today I learn, one can never seen it all...

Today's class, our instructor decided to abandon our normal reformer class and do some foam roller exercises to correct some of our structural problems. So far, I always heard pilates can fix postural problem, but it seems some problem of our body is not cause by posture but rather by the structure of our body.

What's the difference of postural and structure? I also dunno... But here's my guess... Posture is how me move our body while structure is how our body is currently shaped. Eg: Posture = how we walk, how we stand, how we sit... how we use our current body I think is posture. Structure meanwhile I think is like how men have smaller hips than women's. Anyway, I need probably ask my instructor again on this to clarify this.

Back to main topic, our instructor seeing us doing the leg series of reformer with some odd behaviour on how we extend our knee (Some when extend, knee go out, knee go in, etc), decided to loosen up our lower body muscle with the aid of foam roller. What's a foam roller? Ini kat bawah is the toy:

I read before from somewhere that this foam roller is equivalent to a personal massager. U can do exercises on it that will have the effect of a massage. We done quite alot of massage on this roller, massage our IT band, quad (from 3 angles), hamstring and calf. Massaging using this roller was a PAINFUL experience especially for my quad and IT band. It's said we will feel more pain when rolling on this roller on muscles that we overwork. The effect of this roller is quite amazing, really... For me, I noticed less tension on my quads... My instructor said rolling my quads on this will help me to overcome a common men problem, to sit 90 degrees on the floor with leg straight. I tried it out, and can feel less tension on my quads. As for hamstring and calf, not much pain as the instructor say, we often stretch those muscle in yoga so no problem. However in yoga, we don't stretch our IT band and quad enuff... I think we can use this roller to massage almost "any" part of our body, Hahahaha...

On a side note, I probably over exercise this weekend. Monday yoga, Wednesday pilates, Friday weights, Saturday Pilates and Sunday Pilates + Yoga. Feel really worn out... CB Monday is tml somemore... Sux! I however plan to imitate tis week, muscle burning schedule but Wed no pilates, so maybe I will go for Tues pilates at Puchong. It's really hard to fit weights and running into this schedule... If I do weights, my body will suffer a loss of strength when doing pilates... Add another cardio, I think my body will collapse.

Also another side note, had to meet up with the studio co-ordinator for my pre pilates workshop as she need me to sign some $$$ contract. 1 words 2 words: sibeh chun... Was blindsided for the moment, dunno wtf I sign also... >_<' Maybe tis is the studio strategy, send a leng lui to get ur sign so when horny old perverts like me see the leng lui, cincai sign without seeing/reading contract (eyes to busy seeing other thing). OMG, hope I didn't sign anything besides my workshop thingy...

0 b*tchin: