Here's the story in short:
1. Salmon fish need cold water to live
2. Yemen is Arab country
3. Arab countries have harsh weather and little water
4. Rich tycoon "Shiekh" from Yemen like salmon fishing
5. "Shiekh" want to introduce salmon fishing to his country.
6. "Shiekh" hires the aid of
At 1st look, just by the title itself, it's easy to jump to the assumption that this movie is about "Salmon Fishing in the Yemen"... Well, it is about tat. But behind the story of another filthy rich "Shiekh" that decides to dump his unlimited moolah into something else beside buying a football club which is to introduce salmon fishing to his country... Lies a rather big fish tail... To believe... To go against the current... To take a leap of faith...
My comments are the tale itself has alot of potential. Especially the analogies hidden within the simple tale of one man effort to spread something he likes to his own people. Sadly, despite the rather great chemistry between Obi Wan and Emily Blunt, the movie's direction is perhaps abit lacking... which is such a pity, cause some scene really sparks some really awesome food for thoughts such as tis:
So what are my recommendation for this movie. Not the best movie, but a solid movie overall... Go catch this fishy tale on fishing!
#PS: I sorta gain a slight insight on why f*ckin filthy rich peoples like to buy football clubs. I mean, they already got the whole $$$ they ever need for their lifetime, so why buy a football club? Well, it's because of faith. They believe they can create a miracle, such as even a football club of the likes of Chelsea (HAHAHA!) can win the European cup kinda miracle.
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