1. Salmon fish need cold water to live 2. Yemen is Arab country 3. Arab countries have harsh weather and little water 4. Rich tycoon "Shiekh" from Yemen like salmon fishing 5. "Shiekh" want to introduce salmon fishing to his country. 6. "Shiekh" hires the aid of Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi Ewan Mcgregor
At 1st look, just by the title itself, it's easy to jump to the assumption that this movie is about "Salmon Fishing in the Yemen"... Well, it is about tat. But behind the story of another filthy rich "Shiekh" that decides to dump his unlimited moolah into something else beside buying a football club which is to introduce salmon fishing to his country... Lies a rather big fish tail... To believe... To go against the current... To take a leap of faith...
My comments are the tale itself has alot of potential. Especially the analogies hidden within the simple tale of one man effort to spread something he likes to his own people. Sadly, despite the rather great chemistry between Obi Wan and Emily Blunt, the movie's direction is perhaps abit lacking... which is such a pity, cause some scene really sparks some really awesome food for thoughts such as tis:
So what are my recommendation for this movie. Not the best movie, but a solid movie overall... Go catch this fishy tale on fishing!
#PS: I sorta gain a slight insight on why f*ckin filthy rich peoples like to buy football clubs. I mean, they already got the whole $$$ they ever need for their lifetime, so why buy a football club? Well, it's because of faith. They believe they can create a miracle, such as even a football club of the likes of Chelsea (HAHAHA!) can win the European cup kinda miracle.
Do I have wat it takes to be a pilates instructor? Sometimes I feel confident, sometimes I feel so lacking, sometimes I feel so motivated... A complex flux of emotions coursing thru my mind...
My self confidence stems from my almost 2 years of practicing pilates... U do something long, u got some confidence. But lately, having been exposed to other parts of pilates especially exercises which uses props... I'm starting to have doubt. I been doing it for quite sometime, but doing it frequently doesn't mean I'm good at doing it. I fear I lack the level required to even enroll to be an instructor. A good teacher as they say is someone that knows what one is gonna teach, and a little bit more on what one is gonna teach. How can one teach something that I can't do to begin with? And there the soft skill part of being a instructor as well. The ability to "communicate" with clients. Not only instruction to do the exercise, but normal chit-chat with clients to market oneself as an instructor. Do I have these skills within me? I doubt it... Can I give instruction, Yes... Can I chit chat with strangers, as an introvert I dunno...
I realized my lackings to be an instructor but the real question perhaps that torment me is can I overcome this lackings. Someone once said to me "If you want to only start when your ready, then you will never start cause you can never be ready till you start". I'm trying to convince myself to take the 1st step... to start it... Only by starting it can I improve myself... But I fear the fall which looms within this path... Cause if I fall, I would have loss one of the few things which I deeply am passionate about...
"I sit and talk to god And he just laughs at my plans, My head speaks a language, I don't understand"
"I don't wanna die But I ain't keen on living either"
"There's a hole in my soul You can see it in my face It's a real big place Come and hold my hand I wanna contact the living Not sure I understand This role I've been given Not sure I understand"
I learn something new again in today's pilates class... Having taken pilates for almost 2+ years now, I thought I seen it all... Today I learn, one can never seen it all...
Today's class, our instructor decided to abandon our normal reformer class and do some foam roller exercises to correct some of our structural problems. So far, I always heard pilates can fix postural problem, but it seems some problem of our body is not cause by posture but rather by the structure of our body.
What's the difference of postural and structure? I also dunno... But here's my guess... Posture is how me move our body while structure is how our body is currently shaped. Eg: Posture = how we walk, how we stand, how we sit... how we use our current body I think is posture. Structure meanwhile I think is like how men have smaller hips than women's. Anyway, I need probably ask my instructor again on this to clarify this.
Back to main topic, our instructor seeing us doing the leg series of reformer with some odd behaviour on how we extend our knee (Some when extend, knee go out, knee go in, etc), decided to loosen up our lower body muscle with the aid of foam roller. What's a foam roller? Ini kat bawah is the toy:
I read before from somewhere that this foam roller is equivalent to a personal massager. U can do exercises on it that will have the effect of a massage. We done quite alot of massage on this roller, massage our IT band, quad (from 3 angles), hamstring and calf. Massaging using this roller was a PAINFUL experience especially for my quad and IT band. It's said we will feel more pain when rolling on this roller on muscles that we overwork. The effect of this roller is quite amazing, really... For me, I noticed less tension on my quads... My instructor said rolling my quads on this will help me to overcome a common men problem, to sit 90 degrees on the floor with leg straight. I tried it out, and can feel less tension on my quads. As for hamstring and calf, not much pain as the instructor say, we often stretch those muscle in yoga so no problem. However in yoga, we don't stretch our IT band and quad enuff... I think we can use this roller to massage almost "any" part of our body, Hahahaha...
On a side note, I probably over exercise this weekend. Monday yoga, Wednesday pilates, Friday weights, Saturday Pilates and Sunday Pilates + Yoga. Feel really worn out... CB Monday is tml somemore... Sux! I however plan to imitate tis week, muscle burning schedule but Wed no pilates, so maybe I will go for Tues pilates at Puchong. It's really hard to fit weights and running into this schedule... If I do weights, my body will suffer a loss of strength when doing pilates... Add another cardio, I think my body will collapse.
Also another side note, had to meet up with the studio co-ordinator for my pre pilates workshop as she need me to sign some $$$ contract. 1 words 2 words: sibeh chun... Was blindsided for the moment, dunno wtf I sign also... >_<' Maybe tis is the studio strategy, send a leng lui to get ur sign so when horny old perverts like me see the leng lui, cincai sign without seeing/reading contract (eyes to busy seeing other thing). OMG, hope I didn't sign anything besides my workshop thingy...
As I inquire/rnd more and more information on pilates certification (not to mention, signup for workshop on a moment of wimp of a maniac), the doubt in myself grows...
What if I just not gud enuff? Can I actually open my gold mouth to instruct!? Do I have enuff willpower to see tis to the end? Can I can resist "correcting" when teaching a babelicious chick?
It's hard to make a definite decision if I wan to do the course or not... Do I jump in head 1st or wait it out 3 months to built up confidence before sinking my teeth into it? >_<
Anyway, attended my 1st pilates class at the studio where I'll be doing my certification (if I decide to do it)... Quite small studio, is modify from shop lot one. Basic things are there... Washroom, shower room, locker, changing room, pantry... 1st class, 3 students onli (Including me), 2 batang & 1 lubang... The instructor did a 1/2 normal mat + 1/2 fitball in class today. Incase u wondering wtf is a fitball, this below is da fitball:
Do note it's fitball and not fitballs
So, my thoughts after my 1st class here...
Pros: 1. Class ok la. Instruction, cues, correction are there.
Cons: 1. 1 gal student onli, DIIIIIIUUUUUUUUU!!! 2. Abs still got gas in da tank 3. Quite normal class compared to my sifu's class (Lack distinct flavor my think, if tat make any sense. Sorta like a "special" thing in this class tat will make u remember tis class) 4. Parking RM4 for 1 hour+!!! Niaseng WTF!? 5. Very little people feel compared to gym
5 - 1... Hopefully next week some of cons will turn to pros... Mainly I not so like when too little people come workout. Too much also no fun, but 3 people really not so motivating (exception if 2 are f*ckin hot babes)... Since 1st class and 2 are newcomer (including me) so instructor didn't really push yet, next week or following hopefully start cracking the whip..
Harry Potter have the sorting hat to tell which house he belong to, Snow White's wicked step mother have the magic mirror to tell who's the prettiest, Neo had the Oracle to tell him he's NOT the choose one, I had a wunda chair to tell me where my muscle imbalance was...
Went to my 2nd reformer class today... Sadly, onli 2 ppl (including me) today.
So the instructor asked if wanna play other pilates toy today... Seems like can sometimes swap equipment to play one instead of play the reformer everytime. 2 people can play wunda chair or ladder barrel, 4 people can play Cadillac... Tis time, we get to play the Wunda chair...
To be frank, the wunda chair is perhaps the pilates equipment that I' most curious on. Why? Cause I wondering how a damn chair can be used to do pilates exercises. I was thinking maybe something like tis:
Hahaha... Sadly not like the vid exercise one :(
But how does a "real" wunda chair look like u ask? Like tis loh:
Tis toy actually was originally made from a chair by Joseph Pilates (Founder/Inventor of Pilates) and can actually double duty as a pilates equipment and a real chair. Anyway, what so c00l about tis chair? Well, for starters it allows us to do the same exercise done in the reformer. The only difference is it allows you to also find some imbalance that you normally can't see so clearly on a reformer.
What I mean? Well, for instance the leg extend exercise (Extends leg then bring back leg so hip 90 degrees to floor), when I do on reformer, I could do with no problem but when I do on the chair, it seems I have problem with the concentric part of the movement (ie: The bring back leg part). Also the leg pedal which gives spring resistance when you extend you leg for the chair can be separated. This means, instead of pushing one pedal with 2 legs, you're pushing 2 pedals with a leg on each. It's like bench press vs dumbbell press. What da difference you ask? Well, if you do bench, one common problem is one usually compensate strength with their more dominant arm. Say I bench press 40kg but in reality, my right hand is actually doing maybe 22.5kg while my left onli doing 17.5kg (Usually can see by when someone press the bar up, if got imbalance one side will go up first one). But if you do with dumbbell, since your right hand can't help you left hand, both are doing the same weight. So understand the logic here? Since I can't really sync both legs when I do the concentric part of the exercise hence got muscle imbalance.
Also another exercise, dips on the chair reveal another problem for me. My dips was like my leg, can't sync. Then the instructor told us to do child pose on the chair, which he saw from afar my middle back muscle was unbalance. He told me that my left middle back muscle was stronger (Wish I could see how to tell from look which muscle is stronger, bigger bulge maybe?) which result in me having more balance in exercises which uses my right arm. Not this is a rather odd thing since how come middle left muscle stronger but when do right arm exercise more stable, shouldn't it be left arm more balance meh? So, the instructor told me (well, from what I interpret la) the back muscle when used to balance will fire in a cross pattern one. Means if I use right arm, my left lower back will link to my right shoulder to fire one. So my right lower back weaker than my left, so when link to my left shoulder results in my left arm exercise not so stable. Interesting noes? The human anatomy...
Anyway, today class was more interesting than last weeks cause 2 people onli... Common pay for group but get duet class, damn tai mah... Got tis urge to get the wunda chair to play at home but from the price I checked f*ckin expensive sh*t... Probably 3K above... CB, one chair also so expensive... Tiu...
Side note, I went to checkout the other pilates center where I will be doing my prerequisite workshop (Decided to do workshop 1st then do course in November)... At Jalan Batai in Damansara Heights. F*ckin hard to find without GPS. I found Jalan Batai quite easily but couldn't find the studio cause all I see is housing area onli. Tiu, after rounding and rounding in the housing area... tulan de went exit onli saw a few shop lots inside a parking lot area (WTF! The shop lot IS inside the parking lot)... Went in, saw the sign... I think around 20 minutes drive from Midvalley, just use Jalan maarof till see Bukit Damansara then follow the damn sign boards. Parking Rm 1 after 6pm, but traffic dunno how cause need pass Bangsar area... Still undecided if wanna go mat class there to train.
Yikes... I initially wanted to go for certification for pilates but it seems the path to a damn cert is not so straight forward... :(
I was advised to go for the IMP (Intense Mat Plus) certification 1st, but since I pretty much have 0 experience in teaching any fitness/movement, I need to meet some prerequisite for this course. Have to attend 2 workshop to learn some theory thingy, I suspect is to learn biology (human body, muscle, etc) and posture stuff. Another requirement is 30+ hours of pilates class, I probably attended 2 years = 2 x 4 x 12 = 90+ classes. But was advise to perhaps go for some classes at the center as the center instructor are have this cert so can roughly know what to expect (Not to mention, probably to assess my skill cukup makan to get the cert).
Problem is, I already signup for reformer classes in another pilates studio. Plus my fitness first gym membership, I dun think I can afford to signup for this as well. Besides this studio is in Bukit Damansara... :(
So I have to make some decisions... If I want to do this, I must be really committed to see it go thru. Won't be a easy process I predict, traveling up and down to the studio, studying for the workshop/course and $$$ (really need to monk up to save expenses)...
The workshop is on 3-4 August, and the course is on the 21-24 and 27-30 August. Probably need to fork out around 6K... >_< My plan for the moment is probably to take the workshop and do the classes 1st. The certification probably I need to take the next one, which I think is on November. I think I need to build some confidence before going for the big one... As for cost, probably need to stop my current pilates studio after it's finish to fund attending the class there instead...
Damn fag mafan... Even my collegue degree not tis complicated...
But as usual, the 1st step is always the hardest...
A searching on how to spell "Jekyll" for my last blog entry lead me to wiki where it linked to "The Hulk" where it lead to this...
Yea, the ending theme song for the tv series The Incredible Hulk in the 80's. I can still remember this song cause of the sad and lonely feel it conveys... Recall watching this sh*t with my aunty when I was VERY young, I think there was some crossover which feature Thor and the Daredevil with da hulk... Probably scene that I recall most was the death of the hulk where the hulk fell from a aeroplane in the sky and actually died!? The last conversation that banner mutter to a chick was like:
Chick: We could blablabla be together blablabla and free... Banner: I'm free... [karput] [Depressing music starts playing. The whole scene is dark nite with exception of a helicopter light flashing on the fragile body/corpse of Banner, while the camera slowly zooms away]
Sort left an impression on me that scene...
Just skip to 1:44... Quite bad vid but can't find any other in youtube.
Ok, forked up an AMAZING Rm17 to watch this on 3D... AMAZING Mixed bag of emotions on this movie...
Here are my AMAZING thoughts on it. (I do con 1st then pro since most people do the opposite which can be so AMAZING boring)
The Lizard/Dr Connor/Cicakman is too 2D. Lack motivation and conviction (Unless u count want to achieve perfection as one). I would have prefer they stick to the original character bio, where it was more like a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde kind of persona, while would be less original but at least the character will have different angle to flesh. Wouldn't hurt to bring in the Dr Connor's wife and son into the picture as well (but yet again it might confuse the whole plot). And the lizard head just can't accept la... Really look's like lizard with a d*ckhead.
Story flow not smooth. Probably just me, but I feel some transition of scenes abit akward. Especially the scene where Uncle Ben gets offed. Feel's a bit too forced that scene.
Spider suit. The mask's neck part too loose? Looks so not spiderman when he was sitting atop a high building and looking down with a big bulge in the neck.
Parker the genius? Yeah, yeah, they put scene where he could understand the decay formulae and he make the web slinger... But did they make him look like a science genius in school? Nay...
F*ckin injury near final fight scene. I wished they would just allow Spidey to go full strength against the lizard for the epic battle instead of a limping Spidey that leg injury suddenly healed while fighting the lizard. Epic battle = both sides at full strength!
Fight scene way way better than Spiderman 3. Love some scene where lizard and spidey fought crawling up and down. Also Spidey utilizes his web shots and brains more, which is usually how the comic Spidey fights.
Darker story feel. No "Aunt May, is she an angel?" crapz.
Decent acting from Andrew and Emma. Yes! Sorry, Tobey looks too much like Jay Chou, and Kirsten's too fat as MJ...
Spidey makes joke. Ok, this is a hit and miss afair. Some jokes are ok, while other are lame.
Spider suit. Ok, I know I b*tch bout tis being a con, but not all thing are black or white noes? I like how they revamp it to the less bulky built to the more long and slimmer built.
Overall, ok movie... I sorta feel it's similar like Batman begins. A ok reboot, but not AMAZING... The fight scene are great/AMAZING but the movie mainly suffers from the lack of decent/AMAZING villain. If I were to compare, I would say this movie beats Spiderman 1 and 3 but falls short to Spiderman 2 (mainly due to the solid/AMAZING performance of Dr Oct). The Amazing Spiderman 2, will I go see it in a few more year time? Yes... but will I pay for 3D... Nay
Did I AMAZINGly annoyed you with the overusage of AMAZING in this AMAZING review on The AMAZING Spiderman? I sure hope the answer is an AMAZING Yes... LOL
One of my favourite's "Gundam" song... Love the violin and haunting vocals. Give u a feel of sorrow, helplessness, empathy, hopefulness, missing someone and walking away from everything... Or maybe I'm just echoing what I feel inside into this song...
Bewarn: Super emo post from here one, stop reading if u dun wanna risk to be infected by my emo, depressed, nihilistic ranting...
I can't believe I'm actually taking an EL just to blog... But I feel drained, unable to operate as my brain just can't boot up from safe mode (Yet again maybe I can... cause I operate without my brain to begin with).
It's hard, really hard... This rot/disease/decay in my body, mind and soul... The thought of suicide actually flashed across my mind, to take a blind leap of faith from the ledge of a mall into the cold icy earth a couple of days ago... To put an end to this pathetic excuse of what I call meaningless life. But as usual, fear and rational + logic keep me (and most people) at bay. I lost count of how many times this has occur, and frankly speaking am afraid one day, my other self... the maniacal Mr Hype [Insert darth vader laughing here] would suddenly popup at the wrong time and I would jump in head first like I'd done in somethings.
I like to fabricate this fake belief that if I was meant to kick the bucket, I would have been cremated a couple of year back already. Yet, the thought having being spared from dead for a meaning sort of losses it appeal or significance... Maybe I was spare not for something good but perhaps for something bad. Maybe in my previous life, I accumulated ALOT of bad karma... Hence I can't kick the bucket until I suffer enuff to clear this karma debt first. And there's always the belief that even if I die, I can't really escape this meaningless suffering, I would be reborn and suffer all over again (I'm a believer of reincarnation ok).
Most people would probably deem me as either mentally retarded @$$clown with nothing better to think or someone with a really loose screw up there... Personally, I view myself so too... I did this online Rorschach test, and the result was quite surprising...
Sickness Quotient: 69% Hmmm, your "Sickness Quotient" of 69% is a little worriesome.
Interpersonal Insights You never give up and refuse to settle for less than the best. In other words, you're impossible to please and you never shutup. You have delusions of adequacy which are completely unfounded. You couldn't pour tea out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.
Job Performance & Attitude Your work is of so little value they should just put a shredder in place of your Out basket You have little empathy for anyone more successful at work than you, which is pretty much everyone.
Personality Insight Your personal motto is "If you can’t make them think, make them wonder." Trust us- you've succeeded beyond your wildest dreams.
Now that I read this diagnosis, I think quite true cept the Personality Insight thingy which I have no f*ckin idea meaning is wat... So after a google:
"If you can’t make them think, make them wonder." rephrased is "If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullsh*t. which is soooo "me"
Anyway, I think I ranted enuff to get some of this load of my chest/back/heart/etc... So here I am, sitting alone blogging as my onli means to express myself, wondering and b*tchin why my life sux so hard and yet the worst part is perhaps is despite knowing all that, I'm not lifting a finger to change any of that... I'm just here, like a stone... Remaining motionless/lifeless/stuck in this flowing river...
Tis morning, wake up at 5.30am+, then rush to Centro Klang to collect my bib and vest. At around 7am, start my 12K run. Arrive at finish line at 8am+... Decided to skip lucky draw and rush home to bath and prepare for my long journey. Around 9.30am, drove the whole way to Jaya One for my 1st Pilates Reformer class. Reach there at 10.30am... Too early due to no jam in Federal. *Sigh*
Went to the studio, door sign was "Open" but door was locked and no people in reception. So I wait awhile, then 2 gals also appear. They also like me, peek into the glass door see inside got people or not.. Then they press door bell at a side of the door tat I didn't see >_<. Then as I guessed, this class instructor is my 1st Pilates sifu appear from inside the back of the studio to open door. A class is in session it seems. He recognize me (Amazingly, since it been almost 1 year and u have to consider how many other students faces one will need to see)... He gave us a form to fill up and rushed back to his class. I fill the form and look around the receptionist area. Then sienz de seeing things like class schedule, price list, etc... Go sit beside the 2 gals. From slight chat, found out that these 2 gals also like me, 1st timer to this class. Class ended, and my sifu come to give us a crash course on the studio. Where locker, toilet, classroom... blablabla... Also shower, locker and changing room is unisex one... Toilet didn't go, but the changing room is no solid door one, just a curtain style one. The most interesting part of the studio however is open area, where got alot of pilates machine. Got a cadillac, 6 reformers (2 with extension parts to convert into a cadillac), 1 wunda chair, ??? ladder n barrel and alot of small pilates props on a huge cupboard (small fitball, cables, etc). Also got a huge machine, I dunno wat izt at the end of the room... My perception of this studio is quite small but cozy and equipped with alot of pilates equipments... Anyway, another 2 gal arrive and it seems tis session got only 5 students including me (well, got 6 reformers onli after all)... Since 1st class for 3 of us, the instructor give us a 101 on reformer... The adjustment to do before exercise and etc. I onli put into memory the 2 essential things of the reformer, the adjustment for the height and how to load/unload the spring cable. So start 1st class... Didn't do really a lot of exercises as still new to the reformer, so quite a lot of time spent on learning how to use it properly. Quite short, I feel since did not much exercise compared by Pilates class I normally attend. But I'm really have to say the machine really is to a great tool to perfect the exercises. It really make it easier to execute the exercise correctly (Note: Most exercises done on the machine can be done without it on a mat). Hence it really helps the exercise to isolate the part of the body it is meant to focus on. Do I enjoy the class... Of course! And with onli 5 students, the instructor was always walking around examining and correcting us on the spot so we correctly perform the exercise. I think I did most exercise ok, but my sifu told me I was wearing quite baggy clothes, hence it's hard for him to check if my posture is correct especially the spine, hips and etc. Class over, have to clean up the reformer with spray and cloth. Then sifu do his PR thing with the other 2 gals, talk bout the benefits of Pilates, etc...
So after class, I drive the way back to Klang since 2 other monk don't wanna go out lepak. Almost home, I decided to go for yoga class. Today class was "Hip Opener"... At the end of the class, while doing savasana... I actually dozed off... I only recall I heard the 1st bell (instructor will ring the bell 3 times as indicator for student to bring back awareness back into ur body) then the next thing I remember, was I wake up and see everyone already finish doing the bow to sifu. Dun think anyone noticed my sleeping... But the instructor said, hip opening are great for relaxing the body... and advisable to do before sleep as it will help u fall into sleep easier. So not really my fault I fall asleep...
So there u have it... I pushed my limit physically and mentally today. Quite depressing in some sense my Sunday is spend like tis but hey... beats slacking infront of the bloody computer surfing p0rn or etc...
Clocked 1 hour 10 mins... Hahaha, same time as my result 2010 :(
Dunno should feel happy or sad... Sad, cause lousy time, no improvement in 2 years... Happy, cause I managed to still clock tis time despite having a sh*tty knee pain after running for 20 minutes. Dun think tis is a common sore injury or etc, been having tis problem since last year EPIC Penang marathon. After 20 minutes, left knee will feel weak at one area... Then after 40+ minutes, the front knee also will have the gesar feel. Almost trip, when I landed on my left leg, but knee boh lat... Lucky, I managed to land my right leg fast enuff.
I'm quite happy with my 1st 4K time, around 21 minutes... Average 5+ minutes perKM, quite within my goal to achieve 5 min perKM pace. But when the knee suddenly went weak, I know I won't be able to sustain the pace. Change goal to finish in 1 hour minute, but EPIC failure... :(