Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Hypocrite Speaks

“I have bigger and better things to do as Foreign Minister like helping with the efforts to counter the effects of the global economy downturn.”

Question for the day... Why even bring up the matter to begin with if u REALLY got BIGGER and BETTER things to do? Care to explain wat are these BIGGER and BETTER things are besides the boost of dunno how many billion of taxpayers money is going to be UTILIZED to boost the economy that was proclaimed won't be affected by the global slowdown?

The political scene in our country have really hit an all time record for comedy ratings. It's really hilarious really, 2 MBs, 2 Speakers, 2 Cabinets... Wat next? Funny crap like how one person prostituted the name Gandhi... Do he even know who Gandhi is to begin with? Gandhi's stance? belief? struggle? sacrifice?

And the fist fight in the state assembly... Wow... So Malaysian, suka ciplak (ciplak Taiwanese) other people (Common, Eye of London => Eye of Malaysia. Spiderman => Cicakboy/Mat Cicak/Watever. Batman => Keluang Man®©™. Cheers => Kopitiam, and the list goes one...). Atleast I admit got abit of originality with the pepper spray stunt...

0 b*tchin: